SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 2
Also known as
Sox-2, lcc, ysb
Mus musculus
Entrez ID
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ID | Plasmid | Gene/Insert | PI |
13367 | pMXs-Sox2 | SRY-box containing gene 2 (Mus musculus) | Yamanaka |
13459 | pCAG-HA-Sox2-IP | Sox2 (Mus musculus) | Yamanaka |
13462 | pCAG-Sox2-IRES-Neo | Sox2 (Mus musculus) | Yamanaka |
15919 | pMXs-Sox2-IP | SRY-box containing gene 2 (Mus musculus) | Yamanaka |
15953 | pLOVE-Sox2 | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 2 (Mus musculus) | Ramalho-Santos |
19765 | pLV-tetO-Sox2 | Sox2 (Mus musculus) | Hochedlinger |
19767 | pAd-Sox2 | Sox2 (Mus musculus) | Hochedlinger |
19771 | pCX-OKS-2A | Oct3/4-2A-Klf4-2A-Sox2 (Mus musculus) | Yamanaka |
20321 | TetO-FUW-OSKM | Oct-4 (Mus musculus) | Jaenisch |
20325 | FUW-SOKM | Sox2-P2A-Oct4-T2A-Klf4-E2A-cMyc (Mus musculus) | Jaenisch |
20326 | TetO-FUW-sox2 | sox2 (Mus musculus) | Jaenisch |
20327 | FUW-SOK | Sox2-F2A-Oct4-T2A-Klf4 (Mus musculus) | Jaenisch |
20328 | FUW-OSKM | Oct4-P2A-Sox2-T2A-Klf4-E2A-cMyc (Mus musculus) | Jaenisch |
20908 | PB-TET-mSox2 | Sox2 (Mus musculus) | Nagy |
20959 | PB-TET-MKOS | cMyc, KLF4, Oct4, Sox2 (Mus musculus) | Nagy |
28213 | pEB-C5 | Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, c-Myc, Lin28 (Mus musculus) | Cheng |
59019 | ACTIN-SOX2-PGK Cre | Sox2 (Mus musculus) | Oliver |
63895 | Luc-Sox2-3'UTR | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 2 (Mus musculus) | He |
80480 | PB-TAC-OKMS | OKMS (Mus musculus) | Woltjen |
80481 | PB-TAC-OSKM | OSKM (Mus musculus) | Woltjen |
80482 | PB-TAC-OK+9MS | OK+9MS (Mus musculus) | Woltjen |
80484 | PB-TAC-MKOS | MKOS (Mus musculus) | Woltjen |
80485 | PB-TAC-EB-C5 | lin-28 homolog A (C. elegans) (Mus musculus) | Woltjen |
86557 | pREPROII-attB | Oct4 (Mus musculus), cMyc (Mus musculus), Sox2 (Mus musculus), Kruppel-like factor 4 (Mus musculus) | Kuehn |
110280 | Lenti-TetON-Sox2 | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 2 (Mus musculus) | Oliver |
118825 | pMX-eSOX2NRR | eSOX2NRR (Mus musculus) | Jauch |
118826 | pMX-eSOX2AHK | eSox2AHK (Mus musculus) | Jauch |
135617 | pscAAV-Sox2-mStr | P2A-mStrawberry flanked by Sox2 homology arms (Mus musculus) | He |
135618 | pAAV-Sox2-CreERT2 | P2A-CreERT2 flanked by Sox2 homology arms (Mus musculus) | He |
136541 | pHAGE2-TetOminiCMV-OSKM | Oct4-P2A-Sox2-T2A-Klf4-E2A-cMyc (Mus musculus) | Schöler |
136551 | pHAGE2-TetOminiCMV-SKM | Sox2-T2A-Klf4-E2A-cMyc (Mus musculus) | Schöler |
136552 | pHAGE2-TetOminiCMV-OSK | Oct4-P2A-Sox2-T2A-Klf4 (Mus musculus) | Schöler |
136553 | pHAGE2-TetOminiCMV-KSM | Klf4-IRES-Sox2-E2A-cMyc (Mus musculus) | Schöler |
136555 | pHAGE2-TetOminiCMV-OSM | Oct4-P2A-Sox2-E2A-cMyc (Mus musculus) | Schöler |
136576 | pHAGE2-TetOminiCMV-OS | Oct4-P2A-Sox2 (Mus musculus) | Schöler |
136577 | pHAGE2-TetOminiCMV-SK | Sox2-T2A-Klf4 (Mus musculus) | Schöler |
136578 | pHAGE2-TetOminiCMV-SM | Sox2-E2A-cMyc (Mus musculus) | Schöler |
136612 | pHAGE2-TetOminiCMV-Sox2 | Sox2 (Mus musculus) | Schöler |
136617 | pHAGE2-TetOminiCMV-KS | Klf4-IRES-Sox2 (Mus musculus) | Schöler |
175552 | pNQL004-SOX2-FKBPV-HA2-P2A-mCherry targeting construct | SOX2 (Mus musculus) | de Wit |
182046 | pCAG-FLAG-IRES-blasticidin-Sox2 WT | Sox2 (Mus musculus) | Jang |
182047 | pCAG-FLAG-IRES-blasticidin-Sox2 S248A | Sox2 (Mus musculus) | Jang |
182048 | pCAG-FLAG-IRES-blasticidin-Sox2 T258A | Sox2 (Mus musculus) | Jang |
182049 | pCAG-FLAG-IRES-blasticidin-Sox2 S248A/T258A | Sox2 (Mus musculus) | Jang |
193298 | pCXLE-Oct4-p2a-Klf4-IRES-Sox2-17 | Oct4-p2a-Klf4-IRES-Sox2-17 (Mus musculus) | Schöler |
193299 | pHAGE2-TetOminiCMV-Klf4-IRES-Sox2-17 | Klf4-IRES-Sox2-17 (Mus musculus) | Schöler |
193345 | pHAGE2-TetOminiCMV-Oct4-p2a-Sox2-17-t2a-Klf4 | Oct4-p2a-Sox2-17-t2a-Klf4 (Mus musculus) | Schöler |
193346 | pHAGE2-TetOminiCMV-Oct4-p2a-Sox2-17-t2a-Klf4-e2a-cMyc | Oct4-p2a-Sox2-17-t2a-Klf4-e2a-cMyc (Mus musculus) | Schöler |
193347 | pHAGE2-TetOminiCMV-Oct4-p2a-Sox2AV-t2a-Klf4-e2a-Myc | Oct4-p2a-Sox2AV-t2a-Klf4-e2a-cMyc (Mus musculus) | Schöler |
193348 | pHAGE2-TetOminiCMV-Sox2-17-t2a-Klf4 | Sox2-17-t2a-Klf4 (Mus musculus) | Schöler |
193349 | pHAGE2-TetOminiCMV-Sox2-17-t2a-Klf4-e2a-Myc | Sox2-17-t2a-Klf4-e2a-cMyc (Mus musculus) | Schöler |
193353 | pMXs-Sox2-17 | Sox2-17 (Mus musculus) | Schöler |
193354 | pMXs-Sox2AV | Sox2AV (Mus musculus) | Schöler |
198058 | Ai-LV (CS-TRE-mOKS-PRE-Ubc-rtTA-I2G) | mOct4, mKlf4, mSox2 (Mus musculus) | Nakauchi |
200195 | Halo-S2S13DBD | Halo-S2S13DBD (Mus musculus) | Teves |
200196 | Halo-S13S2DBD | Halo-S13S2DBD (Mus musculus) | Teves |
206369 | pHAGE2-TetO-mSox2C17 | Sox2-C17 chimera (Mus musculus) | Jauch |
206374 | pHAGE2-TetO-GFP-mSox2 | Sox2 (Mus musculus) | Jauch |
206376 | pLVTHM-mSox2-3xflag | Sox2 (Mus musculus) | Jauch |
210016 | pCXLE-Sox2-17-T2A-Klf4-E2A-Myc | Sox2-17-t2a-Klf4-e2a-cMyc (Mus musculus) | Schöler |
210017 | pCXLE-Sox2AV-T2A-Klf4-E2A-Myc | Sox2AV-t2a-Klf4-e2a-cMyc (Mus musculus) | Schöler |
210018 | pCXLE-Sox2-T2A-Klf4-E2A-Myc | Sox2-17-t2a-Klf4-e2a-cMyc (Mus musculus) | Schöler |
210019 | pHAGE2-TetOminiCMV-Oct4-P2A-Klf4-IRES-Sox2 | Oct4-p2a-Klf4-IRES-Sox2 (Mus musculus) | Schöler |
210020 | pHAGE2-TetOminiCMV-Oct4-P2A-Klf4-IRES-Sox2-17 | Oct4-p2a-Klf4-IRES-Sox2-17 (Mus musculus) | Schöler |