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Showing: 201 - 220 of 826 results
  1. Bringing Sustainable Practices to the Lab: Easy Action Items

    Blog Post
    April 22, 2019, 12:26 p.m.
    ...You wouldn’t leave your oven on all day to save time making dinner at night, so why leave your lab equipment...Addgene blog Learn about recycling initiatives for the lab Subscribe to the Addgene blog Learn about other...difference? Individual changes to our behavior can lead to cultural shifts that can have bigger impacts....even one less run a week makes a big difference. Clean out freezers so you can make room and don’t have...
  2. MassBioEd Career Exploration Day at Addgene

    Blog Post
    Nov. 13, 2015, 3:30 p.m.
    ...High School visited our labs in Cambridge, MA to learn about the wide variety of science careers that Addgenies...that it’s never too early to start networking! Learning about careers at Addgene Afterwards, the students...: “Kory was awesome!”. The students also got to learn about intellectual property from our Tech paths, Michelle Healy said “You are always learning and that means it is possible to switch your field...Additional Resources Visit the MassBioEd Website Learn more about Dennis-Yarmouth Regional High School ... Blog Posts Get Career Advice from Our Bloggers Learn How to Improve Your Networking Skills  ...
  3. Advice on Career Paths and the Green Card Process for International Researchers and Entrepreneurs

    Blog Post
    Dec. 20, 2017, 2:33 p.m.
    ...nonimmigrants). The foreign worker must possess at least a bachelor's degree or its equivalent and state ...books, journals online and/or in print. Having a lead role or critical role at a prestigious institution...successes in the performing arts- not relevant at all. Please do not include the fact that you are a you must show that your company employs at least 3 full-time people engaged in researcher activities...from the point of view of experts in your field. Please remember, this is not a job reference letter. This...awards, presentations, in .pdf format.  Last but not least, NETWORK! Networking is extremely important for development, finance, and operations. To learn more, visit Casseus Law: ...
  4. The CRISPR Software Matchmaker: A New Tool for Choosing the Best CRISPR Software for Your Needs

    Blog Post
    Nov. 3, 2015, 3:30 p.m.
    ...perhaps there is a clear winner, is there something that we can invest our time into learning and extract the...timers: You need to learn the language and what the parameters represent. The best learn-by-doing tool is...for improvement and a year later it became quite clear that others thought the same. Since January 2013...microhomology aware”. Trends: Fewer tools are being released with advanced functionality, it seems these kinds...blogger Cameron MacPherson! Cameron R. MacPherson is Lead Data Scientist for the Milieu Intérieur project,..."DNA targeting specificity of RNA-guided Cas9 nucleases." Nature biotechnology 31.9 (2013): 827-832. PubMed...
  5. Multicolor Animals: Using Fluorescent Proteins to Understand Single Cell Behavior

    Blog Post
    March 5, 2019, 1:08 p.m.
    ...fluorescence. In Brainbow 2.1, GFP is tagged with a nuclear localization sequence, allowing it to localize ...mouse generates cells that randomly express either nuclear GFP, membrane CFP, cytoplasmic YFP, or cytoplasmic...Cre undergoes exactly one recombination event, leading to each copy of the transgene expressing either... tags instead of XFP to optimize it for tissue clearing, a method that makes tissues, such as the brain...visible. Chemical tags are more resistant to tissue clearing methods and can be labeled by synthetic Read an introduction to live cell imaging Learn more about the origin of the Brainbow system Visit...Browse Addgene’s fluorescent protein collection Learn about fluorescent tools for in vivo imaging ...
  6. Hot Biosensors 2022: Year-End Roundup

    Blog Post
    Dec. 6, 2022, 2:15 p.m.
    ...Loren Looger’s lab, Kaspar Podgorski and colleagues have now released iGluSnFR3 (Aggarwal et al. 2022). This... oxytocin, Daisuke Ino and Hiroshi Hibino and colleagues devised a “Modular fluorescence unit fused with...voltage sensor The François St-Pierre lab and colleagues have developed a new genetically-encoded In a new preprint, Jared Toettcher and colleagues describe pYtags, a modular system for monitoring...dynamic range. With this in mind, Ed Boyden and colleagues set out to engineer a potassium ion biosensor... signal/noise ratio. Here, Takeharu Nagai and colleagues present an improved genetically encoded temperature...
  7. Transferable Skills Guide: Time Management

    Blog Post
    Dec. 5, 2017, 1:52 p.m.
    ...this gap by both highlighting that researchers do learn MANY transferable skills while working in the lab...have the best time management skills, but I’ve learned a lot since my days as an undergrad working with... variety of projects. I was therefore forced to learn a variety of ways to manage my time. As a busy researcher...distractions: Probably the easiest way to do this is to leave your phone in your bag on “Do Not Disturb” during... recommend the book, “Bored and Brilliant” for learning more fantastic reasons to remove yourself have any other time management suggestions, please be sure to note them in the comments! Additional...Get Advice on Building a Grad Student Community Learn about Careers in Science Communication Resources...
  8. Scientist Networking: What is an Informational Interview?

    Blog Post
    July 1, 2014, 3:42 p.m.
    ...Scientists enjoy learning new things. Building new relationships is all about learning new things from ...scientists-in-training rarely get the opportunity to learn about the myriad of diverse, nonacademic careers...worth!) with academic scientists who can’t help us learn about the nonacademic sphere where most of us will...really, always). Informational Interviews are for learning and for expanding your web of connections. A mistake... are always setting up your next opportunity to learn. Additional Reading More "Career Advice for Scientists...
  9. Delivery Methods for Generating iPSCs

    Blog Post
    April 17, 2018, 1:37 p.m.
    ...effect reprogramming rates and such a number maybe misleading. Integrating iPSC delivery methods Overall, integrating...incomplete silencing of reprogramming transgenes, which leads to incomplete reprogramming. Additionally, lingering...suppressor genes and/or oncogenes, potentially leading to the presentation of a cancer-like phenotype ...regulating transgene expression. Check out Sano et al to learn how microRNAs can be used to regulate Sendai virus... don’t integrate or replicate. Their small size leads to higher transfection efficiencies and they tend...completely removed.  Replicating oriP/Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen-1 (EBNA1) based episomes: These plasmids...all applications of iPSCs, but there should be at least one method that can help you with your research ...
  10. Six Spooky Science Stories and Halloween at Addgene

    Blog Post
    Oct. 31, 2019, 1:06 p.m. costumes, and spooky science stories. Yes, please! At Addgene, we love finding ways to incorporate...their behavior. These ants become “zombies” and leave their foraging trail. They climb upwards until they... The ants bites down and locks their jaws into a leaf, and dies as its muscles atrophy. After the ant’...ant’s body. The fruiting bodies then rupture and release spores onto the forest below for the next worms develop in the digestive tract and release eggs in the bird feces, which get eaten by another...water. There, the worm emerges to find a mate, leaving the insect dead or dying in the water. It’s thought...
  11. 2023 and 2024: Reflections and Looking Ahead

    Blog Post
    Jan. 23, 2024, 2:15 p.m.
    ...targeting integrins, will be released early this year.  In September, we released the fourth edition of our...the recent release of the Spanish version of our CRISPR 101 eBook and the upcoming release of the available in South Korea.  In addition, we released the MORF collection, a comprehensive transcription... our export license application service, we’re pleased to announce that we are now able to ship rabies...
  12. Celebrating Outstanding CRISPR/Cas9 Achievements at the Dr. Paul Janssen Award Dinner

    Blog Post
    Sept. 15, 2014, 6:05 p.m.
    ...their research leading up to the discovery of the mechanism of dual-RNA-guided DNA cleavage in adaptive ...crRNA could be combined into one RNA to direct cleavage the result was a simpler 1 protein - 1 RNA system...cells but this can’t be used in people until we learn more about safety and more about the how to use biology can be and how much we have yet to learn. As Dr. Mello said, “Cells have been in the information...sophisticated”.     New to CRISPR/Cas9 Technology? Learn More: Addgene's CRISPR/Cas9 Guide History of CRISPR...
  13. Bringing Sustainable Practices to the Lab: Recycling

    Blog Post
    Feb. 14, 2019, 2:35 p.m.
    ...England Biolabs and Labconscious. I was eager to learn about practices I could bring both to Addgene, and...impact as scientists. Many scientists are already leading the cultural change toward responsibility in our...polystyrene will likely end up in a landfill, but at least we can reduce the rate at which that happens and... it offsets the cost of regular waste services. Learn about how to start a glove recycling program at ...on culture. Encourage your workplace to become a leader in sustainability. Sign up for blog posts and...companies, and universities to be sustainability leaders. Take initiative to bring ideas to your workplace...
  14. Embracing Serendipity: A Crucial Element in the PhD Journey

    Blog Post
    April 25, 2024, 1:15 p.m.
    ...exploration. Here, we delve into the importance of leaving room for serendipity during your PhD studies and...often happen when we allow ourselves moments of release and mental freedom. Practical approaches Engaging...not just a stroke of luck; it's a mindset that can lead to unexpected discoveries and innovative solutions...discoveries. So, on your academic journey, remember to leave a little space for the unexpected — it might just...Academia: Stories and Strategies for PhDs Making the Leap to Industry." He successfully transitioned to industry...Experimenting with New Careers While in Grad School How to Lead a Great Meeting Form Your Own Peer Mentoring Group...
  15. SunTag and Fluorescent Imaging

    Blog Post
    March 28, 2017, 2:30 p.m.
    ... sites in a promoter lead to higher transcriptional activation. Multiple nuclear localization signals ...a higher signal-to-noise ratio with a lower photobleaching rate. Given the power of SunTag, they attempted... ratio Less chance of phototoxicity Reduced photobleaching Simplified, long-term single-molecule tracking...SunTag plasmids have coveted “blue flames,” it’s clear that the system is broadly applicable across many...eBook Avoid Fluorescent Protein Oligomerization Learn about Small Molecule Fluorphores Resources on
  16. The Blue Flame Award: Celebrating Addgene's Most Requested Depositors

    Blog Post
    Nov. 14, 2016, 3:30 p.m.
    ...Flame Awards. What's in a flame?     We’re always pleased when scientists around the world choose to share... serves to congratulate researchers who have at least one plasmid deposited at Addgene that has been distributed...Sainsbury Laboratory in Norwich, UK: “We’re very pleased to distribute our plasmids via Addgene. Given the... us hours of work responding to requests from colleagues.” In addition to helping labs save time, we’re... plasmids and have not yet received your award, please contact [email protected] to claim your Blue Flame...deposit. Begin yours here. It has been my genuine pleasure to send these small tokens of thanks for the incredible...
  17. Addgene at the ASM Microbe 2016 Conference

    Blog Post
    July 7, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
    ...serve them better. Here’s a little bit of what we learned. Check Out Our Microbiology Page! The start of ...improving lives worldwide and the presentation made it clear how important it is for us to improve our education and outreach ourselves, we can a learn a lot from these ASM pros and hope to leverage their...was also a great place to catch up with former colleagues! I ran into past ASM President Tim Donohue (see...their materials! Resources on the Addgene Blog Learn How You Can Use Addgene's Microbiology Pages Read...CRISPR Methods for Bacterial Genome Engineering Learn how to Network at Scientific Conferences Resources...
  18. CRISPR 101: Cytosine and Adenine Base Editors

    Blog Post
    Feb. 13, 2025, 2:15 p.m.
    ...2017). Gam binds the free ends of DSBs, which may lead to cell death rather than NHEJ repair, thus removing...they are expressed well. The Liu lab modified the nuclear localization signals and codon usage BE4 to create...also made an adenine base editor with improved nuclear localization and expression. This base editor was... There are also RNA base editors, which you can learn more about in this blog post: CRISPR 101: RNA, 2018 BE4max, ArcBe4max, ABEmax   Improved nuclear localization and expression Gaudelli et al., ...editing of A•T to G•C in genomic DNA without DNA cleavage. Nature, 551(7681), 464–471. in genomic DNA without double-stranded DNA cleavage. Nature, 533(7603), 420–424.
  19. Natural or synthetic? How Addgene’s dataset reveals trends in biological innovation

    Blog Post
    Nov. 8, 2018, 3:47 p.m.
    ...of scientists from MIT tapped into this data to learn about trends in synthetic biology and DNA synthesis...database. Through a series of simulations and machine learning, they created a classifier that predicts whether...gene and a synthetic version of that gene was a clear predictor of whether the gene is synthetic or natural...applications in monitoring the accidental or intentional release of engineered organisms. “Is [the organism] engineered...Nielsen, Alec AK, and Christopher A. Voigt. "Deep learning to predict the lab-of-origin of engineered DNA...Addgene blog Read blog posts about synthetic biology Learn more about codon usage biases Resources on
  20. Scientific Peer-review: Providing Critical and Kind Feedback and Advocating for Open Science

    Blog Post
    Aug. 8, 2019, 1:19 p.m.
    ...of your colleagues. The young scientists that are reading your peer-review comments will learn from them...delivering constructive critique can help your colleagues at the receiving end, if not for this specific...repositories will ensure that the results of your colleague’s hard work will be maintained and made available...comment differently if I would be speaking to a colleague in the office next door. So be kind, helpful, ...writing a review article Resources on Learn about depositing plasmids pre-publication Find molecular...
Showing: 201 - 220 of 826 results