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  1. Protocol - pLKO.1 – TRC Cloning Vector

    ... any nucleotide, R is a purine (A,G), and Y is a pyrimidine (C,U). G-C content should be 36-52%. Sense....3 Protocol for lentiviral infection and selection G. Safety H. References H.1 Published articles H.2 Web...Packaging plasmid for producing viral particles. pMD2.G Envelope plasmid for producing viral particles. Note...Material Vendor and catalog # psPAX2 Addgene #12260 pMD2.G Addgene #12259 HEK-293T cells GenHunter: #Q401 FuGENE...plasmid 750 ng psPAX2 packaging plasmid 250 ng pMD2.G envelope plasmid to 20 μl serum-free OPTI-MEM TIP:.... Incubate for 20-30 minutes at room temperature. g. Retrieve HEK-293T cells from incubator. The cells...positive control for the puromycin selection. Days 4+: g. Change to fresh puromycin-containing media as needed...
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