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Showing: 1 - 20 of 46 results
  1. Empty Backbones - Choosing Your Perfect Plasmid Backbone

    ... expression URA3 Yeast pXP518 - Yeast expression vector pPS808 - Yeast expression ...) TRP1 Yeast pXP216 - Yeast expression vector (PGK1 promoter, 2μ) pXP316 - Yeast expression...LEU2 Yeast pXP122 - Yeast expression vector (PGK1 promoter, CEN/ARS) pXP222 - Yeast expression...Set of yeast expression vectors with various markers, promoters, etc pRS420 - Yeast expression...more Gateway vectors) HIS3 Yeast pXP220 - Yeast expression vector (PGK1 promoter...purification or localization experiments Yeast GAL4, PGK, ADH1, ADE2, TRP1 Gateway destination ... lab collection for more) pLexA and pACT2.2 - Yeast 2-hybrid plasmids Fly UAS, MT Targeted...
  2. Synthetic Biology - Yeast

    ... Plasmid Collections Synthetic Biology Yeast Synthetic Biology: Yeast SynBio Resources...collection of synthetic biology plasmids for use in yeast. Yeast Plasmids Search the table by keyword or sort...plasmids for use in yeast. Plasmid...
  3. Microbiology Resources

    ... and yeast expression vectors : FX cloning System - Geertsma and Dutzler Labs EasyClone 2.0 Yeast Toolkit...transcription units in the oleaginous yeast Y. lipolytica - Rossignol Lab Yeast Gateway kit : 285 vectors for ...and biosafety regulations. Looking for E. coli or yeast plasmids? Addgene has a wide variety of tools for...-gene constructs for S. cerevisiae - Dueber Lab Yeast Prototrophy : Restoration of prototrophy in common...depositor protocols and gRNA design software. Addgene yeast CRISPR resources Bacterial CRISPR Resources The ...Link opens in a new window) National Collection of Yeast Cultures (NCYC) (Link opens in a new window) NIH...
  4. CRISPR Plasmids - Yeast

    ... CRISPR Yeast CRISPR Plasmids: Yeast Browse CRISPR Plasmids By Function...have been designed for use in yeast. CRISPR... Mammalian Bacteria Drosophila Plant C. elegans Yeast Zebrafish Xenopus CRISPR Resources CRISPR Guide ...following CRISPR plasmids have been designed for use in yeast. Cut Fully functional CRISPR/Cas enzymes will introduce...
  5. Fluorescent Protein Guide: Empty Backbones

    ...PA-GFP-KanR - Yeast Expression pFA6a-PA-GFP-kanMX6 - Yeast Expression pFA6a-link-yEPAGFP-CaUra3 - Yeast Expression...Zebrafish/Xenopus/C.elegans/Sea urchin pKT0128 - Yeast Expression EGFP-pBAD - Bacterial Expression mEGFP... Mammalian Expression pFA6a-link-yoClover-Kan - Yeast Expression dClover2 505 515 Dimer (A206K) dClover2...Expression mVenus C1 - Mammalian Expression pKT0090 - Yeast Expression mVenus-pBAD - Bacterial Expression moxVenus...Expression mGold 515 530 68 5.9 Monomer pJL-mGold - Yeast Expression pCaggs-mGold - Mammalian Expression mCitrine...Mammalian Expression pFA6a-link-tdTomato-SpHis5 - Yeast Expression tdTomato-N1 - Mammalian Expression tdTomato-C1...Mammalian Expression pFA6a-link-yomRuby2-SpHis5 - Yeast Expression mRuby2-N1 - Mammalian Expression mRuby2...
  6. Ginkgo Bioworks COVID-19 Collection

    ...expression and/or purification Yeast expression: SARS-CoV-2 genes in yeast expression vectors with various... table below for SARS-CoV-2 genes in bacterial, yeast, or mammalian expression vectors with various N-...envelope, or nsp3) Expression type (e.g. bacterial, yeast, or mammalian) Tags (e.g. 6xHis, Flag, StrepII, ...
  7. CRISPR Plasmids - Repress Gene Expression

    ... Mammalian Bacteria Drosophila Plant C. elegans Yeast Zebrafish Xenopus CRISPR Resources CRISPR Guide ...expression in mammalian systems, bacteria, plants, and yeast. Mammalian Plasmid Gene/Insert Promoter Selectable...Insert Promoter Selectable Marker PI Publication Yeast Plasmid Gene/Insert Promoter Selectable Marker PI...
  8. CRISPR Plasmids - Activate Gene Expression

    ... Mammalian Bacteria Drosophila Plant C. elegans Yeast Zebrafish Xenopus CRISPR Resources CRISPR Guide ...mammalian systems, bacteria, Drosophila, plants, and yeast. Mammalian Plasmid Gene/Insert Promoter Selectable...elegans Plasmid Gene/Insert Promoter PI Publication Yeast Plasmid Gene/Insert Promoter Selectable Marker PI...
  9. CRISPR Plasmids - Single-Strand Break (Nick)

    ... Mammalian Bacteria Drosophila Plant C. elegans Yeast Zebrafish Xenopus CRISPR Resources CRISPR Guide ...mammalian systems, bacteria, Drosophila, plants, and yeast. Mammalian Plasmid Gene/Insert Promoter Selectable...Insert Promoter Selectable Marker PI Publication Yeast ID Plasmid Description Gene/Insert Promoter Selectable...
  10. CRISPR Plasmids - Purify Genomic Loci

    ... Mammalian Bacteria Drosophila Plant C. elegans Yeast Zebrafish Xenopus CRISPR Resources CRISPR Guide ... expression in mammalian systems, bacteria, and yeast. Mammalian Plasmid Gene/Insert Promoter Selectable...Insert Promoter Selectable Marker PI Publication Yeast Plasmid Gene/Insert Promoter Selectable Marker PI...
  11. CRISPR Plasmids - Empty gRNA Vectors

    ...Basta Kim pMZ283 52224 Yeast CspCI none S. pyogenes URA4 Zaratiegui pJZC588 62315 Yeast none S. pyogenes URA3...gRNA_handle_RPR1t 62966 Yeast HindIII none S. pyogenes Puro Lu pML104 67638 Yeast BclI-SwaI yes, cut S. ...Wyrick pML107 67639 Yeast BclI-SwaI yes, cut S. pyogenes LEU2 Wyrick pT040 67640 Yeast BclI-SwaI none S....Jackson pMZ376 74213 Yeast rrk1 yes, cut S. pyogenes KanMX Zaratiegui pMZ377 74214 Yeast rrk1 yes, cut S. ... Mammalian Bacteria Drosophila Plant C. elegans Yeast Zebrafish Xenopus CRISPR Resources CRISPR Guide ...Mammalian, Lentiviral, AAV, Bacteria, Drosophila, Yeast, Plant, Xenopus, Worm, or Other. Whether the plasmid... S. pyogenes Yang pRPR1_gRNA_handle_RPR1t 49014 Yeast HindIII none S. pyogenes LEU2 Lu pDestTol2CG2-U6...
  12. CRISPR Plasmids - Double-Strand Break (Cut)

    ... Mammalian Bacteria Drosophila Plant C. elegans Yeast Zebrafish Xenopus CRISPR Resources CRISPR Guide, bacteria, Drosophila, plants, C. elegans, yeast, zebrafish, and Xenopus. Mammalian Plasmid Gene/...Insert Promoter Selectable Marker PI Publication Yeast Plasmid Gene/Insert Promoter Selectable Marker PI...
  13. CRISPR Plasmids - Base Edit

    ... Mammalian Bacteria Drosophila Plant C. elegans Yeast Zebrafish Xenopus CRISPR Resources CRISPR Guide ...expression in mammalian systems, bacteria, plants, yeast, and zebrafish. Mammalian Plasmid Gene/Insert Promoter...Insert Promoter Selectable Marker PI Publication Yeast Plasmid Gene/Insert Promoter Selectable Marker PI...
  14. Qi Lab CRISPR Page

    ...targeting endogenous CXCR4 gene 46920 pTDH3-dCas9 Yeast CEN/ARS vector (Leu2) that contains dCas9 fused ...controlled by TDH3 promoter 46921 pTDH3-dCas9-Mxi1 Yeast CEN/ARS vector (Leu2) that contains dCas9 fused ...integrated into HEK293 genome 46922 pSNR52-sgTEF1 Yeast CEN/ARS vector (Ura3) that contains sgRNA controlled...targeting endogenous TEF1 promoter 46923 pSNR52-sgTET Yeast CEN/ARS vector (Ura3) that contains sgRNA controlled...
  15. Church Lab CRISPR Plasmids

    ... gRNA_DNMT3b A gRNA to DNMT3b Yeast System: Table 2 To function in yeast cells, we designed Cas9 protein...codon-optimized Cas9 for expression in S. cerevisiae (budding yeast) from the TEF1 promoter 43804 p415-GalL-Cas9-CYC1t...codon-optimized Cas9 for expression in S. cerevisiae (budding yeast) from the GalL promoter 43803 p426-SNR52p-gRNA.CAN1...expression plasmid for use in S. cerevisiae (budding yeast) from the SNR52 promoter Orthogonal CRISPR/Cas9 ...
  16. CRISPR Plasmids - dCas9-FokI

    ... Mammalian Bacteria Drosophila Plant C. elegans Yeast Zebrafish Xenopus CRISPR Resources CRISPR Guide ... ID Plasmid Gene/Insert Promoter PI Publication Yeast ID Plasmid Gene/Insert Promoter PI Publication Do...
  17. CRISPR Pooled gRNA Libraries

    ...3rd 6-25 11,108 Borodina Yeast Transporter Libraries 153101-153106 Knockout Yeast Borodina N/A 1 Varies ...Lander 3rd 10 188,509 Yeast Inducible CRISPRi Library – Ampl133 161829 Inhibition Yeast Tavazoie N/A 6-12 ... Mammalian Bacteria Drosophila Plant C. elegans Yeast Zebrafish Xenopus CRISPR Resources CRISPR Guide ...Inhibition Base Editing Species Human Mouse Fly Yeast T. gondii E. coli S. pneumoniae M. tuberculosis ... CRISPRi v1 – barcodes 181005 161769 Inhibition Yeast Ingolia NA ~6 44,580 KSHV Tiling Library 180272 ...
  18. Cre-lox system

    ...optimized for yeast Gal1 Yeast Sandmeyer 26853 pBF3060 Cre codon optimized for yeast Gal1 Yeast Sandmeyer ...mutant TEF2 Yeast Piper 60931 pPL5608_TEF1*-Cre_TRP1 Cre expressed at low levels mutant TEF1 Yeast Piper 60932...mutant TEF1 Yeast Piper 60933 pPL5628_TEF1*-Cre_MET15 Cre expressed at low levels mutant TEF3 Yeast Piper 61391...TDH3 Yeast van Leeuwen 64770 pSS146 Cre fused to the human Estrogen Binding Domain (EBD) Tdh4 Yeast van...-EBD Cre-EBD - Estradiol-dependent control Gal1 Yeast Gartenberg 50797 pUAS-Cre Cre UAS/Hsp70 Mammalian...recombinase CAG AAV Bruchas 78398 pNXRVa-HACre Cre CMV Yeast Tomita 82587 pME-ERT2-Cre-ERT2 Tamoxifen-inducible...
  19. CRISPR References and Information

    ... support for bacteria ( E. coli, B. subtilis ), yeast ( S. cerevisiae ), worm ( C. elegans ), fruit fly...genomes are human (hg19 & hg38), mouse (mm10), and yeast (strain w303). CRISPR MultiTargeter Can be used ...rice, sorghum, silkworm, and budding and fission yeast. Target Finder (Feng Zhang lab) Identifies gRNA ...Arabidopsis, zebrafish, C. elegans , mouse, human, rat, yeast, frog, Brachypodium distachyon, Oryza sativa, Oryzias...
  20. Synthetic Biology - Overview

    ...Browse Plasmids by Model Organism Bacterial Plant Yeast Mammalian Worm Fungal Algal Featured SynBio Deposits...Phagemids Balazsi Lab Negative Autoregulation and Yeast-Mammalian Circuit Transfer C. Collins Lab Quorum...
Showing: 1 - 20 of 46 results