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Showing: 1 - 20 of 54 results
  1. Multicolor Animals: Using Fluorescent Proteins to Understand Single Cell Behavior

    Blog Post
    ...Brainbow. Brainbow 1.0 used the fluorophores RFP (red), YFP (yellow), and membrane-tethered CFP (cyan). Brainbow...switches from the default GFP (green) to RFP, CFP, or YFP fluorescence. In Brainbow 2.1, GFP is tagged with...localize to a different area of the cell than CFP and YFP. The most recent derivation of Brainbow, Brainbow...incorporate a truncated, non-fluorescent form of YFP as the default state of the transgene such that recombination...recombination is necessary to excise the non-fluorescent YFP and activate fluorescence of the downstream OFP, ...can be detected by immunostaining of the truncated YFP. In Thy1-Brainbow mice, some neurons expressed as...called Zebrabow-GateDest containing an RFP, CFP, and YFP downstream of a ubiquitous promoter. Zebrabow is ...
  2. Opto-Nanobodies: Using Light to Manipulate Cell Signaling and Protein Purification

    Blog Post
    ...favorite protein (YFP). You have two options:  Option #1: Affinity tag purification You tag YFP and use an affinity...binding YFP to the column, you wash several times to remove non-specific proteins, and then elute YFP.  Option...the lights, OptoNBs bind YFP and non-specific proteins flow through. To elute YFP, you turn on the blue ... (OptoNBs) purification You skip adding a tag to YFP and instead use OptoNBs. You fill a column with OptoNB...
  3. Hot Plasmids - January 2023

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    ...and Petsko labs recently engineered hyperfolder YFP (hfYFP), a FP well-suited for the demands of advanced...Anti-GFP [N86/8R] ready-to-use antibody Hyperfolder YFP CRISPR-Csm: A novel RNA targeting system by: Susanna... PMID: 30667360; PMCID: PMC6377228. Hyperfolder YFP- a chemically stable tool for microscopy by: Susanna...Fig. 2 Campbell et al, Nature Methods   Find YFP plasmids here!   Campbell, B.C., et al. Chemically...microscopy experiment, consider hfYFP and LSSmGFP.     Fig. 4: hfYFP retains folding and fluorescence...resolution, electron, and expansion microscopy. hfYFP is not only brilliantly bright, but it also withstands...conditions better than most FPs. The group also tested hfYFP in expansion microscopy as well as correlative light...
  4. Hot Plasmids and Viral Preps - January 2021

    Blog Post
    ...variants of Yellow Fluorescent Protein (YFP). The team identified a new YFP variant, mGold. mGold was found to... as bright to mVenus, the parent YFP, and is the most photostable YFP to date. As such, mGold is expected...
  5. Evolution of Brainbow: Using Cre-lox for Multicolor Labeling of Neurons

    Blog Post
    ... contains three fluorescent proteins: RFP (red), YFP (yellow) and M-CFP (membrane tethered cyan). Without...expressed. Cre can mediate one of two deletions to allow YFP or M-CFP expression; these deletions are defined ...construct can express one of four colors (n-GFP, RFP, YFP or M-CFP.) The construct contains two tandem invertible...the promoter. The STOP cassette includes a mutant YFP that does not fluoresce, but can be detected via ...
  6. Tips for Using FRET in Your Experiments

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    ... mCerulean/Amber, mCerulean/SYFP2A, mTurquoise/mVenus and others. CFP-YFP is still one of the best and...significant overlap in their spectra. The pair CFP-YFP was the first to be used to study protein-protein...popular pair, CFP has five-fold less brightness than YFP. The stoichiometry of donor:acceptor is difficult...His tag SYFP2 Yellow Mammalian Express a gene of interest fused to the C-terminus of SYFP2 Clover ...
  7. Choosing Your Fluorescent Proteins for Multi-Color Imaging

    Blog Post
    ...nm. For example, CFP (ex 430 nm / em 474 nm) and YFP (ex 514 nm / em 527 nm) can be imaged together but...multicolor imaging include ones designed for CFP, YFP, and RFP or the Sedat Quad filter set, designed for...
  8. Which Fluorescent Protein Should I Use?

    Blog Post
    ...variants blue FP (BFP), cyan FP (CFP), and yellow FP (YFP) were derived. For a breakdown of GFP, it's variants...CFP) excites the fluorescence of another FP (e.g. YFP). FRET only occurs when the distance between the ...
  9. Church Lab CRISPR Plasmids

    ... 48661 SK-YFP-SPNM-B Bacterial SP and NM repression YFP reporter: protospacer B 48662 SK-YFP-ST1-B Bacterial...ST1 repression YFP reporter: protospacer B 48663 SK-YFP-TD-B Bacterial TD repression YFP reporter: protospacer...protospacer B 48664 SK-YFP-NM-A Bacterial NM repression YFP reporter: protospacer A 48665 SK-YFP-ST1-A Bacterial...ST1 repression YFP reporter: protospacer A 48666 SK-YFP-TD-A Bacterial TD repression YFP reporter: protospacer...
  10. Bright Monomeric Fluorescent Proteins: mNeonGreen, mTFP1, and mWasabi

    Blog Post
    ...times brighter than the most commonly used GFPs and YFPs. Its excitation maxima is at 506 nm and its emission...from the tetrameric yellow fluorescent protein (LanYFP) from the marine invertebrate Branchiostoma lanceolatum...Institute developed mNeonGreen via 21 substitutions to LanYFP and the addition of the enhanced GFP (EGFP)-type...
  11. Neurodegeneration Plasmid Collection

    ...pRS416Gal TDP43 WT YFP TARDBP YFP GAL1 ALS Aaron Gitler 27448 pRS416 Gal G294A YFP TARDBP YFP GAL1 ALS Aaron...pRS416 Gal M337V YFP TARDBP YFP GAL1 ALS Aaron Gitler 27450 pRS416 Gal Q331K YFP TARDBP YFP GAL1 ALS Aaron...pRS303 Gal TDP-43 YFP TARDBP YFP GAL ALS Aaron Gitler 27470 pDONR TDP43 WT YFP TARDBP YFP ALS Aaron Gitler...Gitler 29592 426Gal-FUS-YFP FUS YFP GAL1 ALS Aaron Gitler 29593 416Gal-FUS-YFP FUS YFP GAL1 ALS Aaron Gitler...29594 416GPD-FUS-YFP FUS YFP GPD ALS Aaron Gitler 29595 416Gal-SV40NLS-FUS-YFP FUS YFP, SV40 NLS GAL1 ALS...426Gal-FUS-1-170aa-YFP FUS YFP GAL1 ALS Aaron Gitler 29597 426Gal-FUS-1-270aa-YFP FUS YFP GAL1 ALS Aaron ...426Gal-FUS-1-373aa-YFP FUS YFP GAL1 ALS Aaron Gitler 29599 426Gal-FUS-1-413aa-YFP FUS YFP GAL1 ALS Aaron ...
Showing: 1 - 20 of 54 results