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Showing: 101 - 120 of 225 results
  1. What's New in CRISPR - May 2019

    Blog Post
    ...albicans E. coli genome-wide inhibition library To expand the tools available for genome-wide studies in ...
  2. Let There Be LITE Plasmids

    Blog Post
    ...Konermann said. “Transcriptional activators are easy to expand or combine with different effectors. I’d encourage...
  3. Science as Art

    Blog Post has been my passion for a while - a tool to expand perception, which is ironically what science is...
  4. An Addgene Summer Internship

    Blog Post
    ...within a lovable community that has allowed me to expand my knowledge more than ever before. Before joining...
Showing: 101 - 120 of 225 results