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Showing: 381 - 400 of 1014 results
  1. Rabies and Neuronal Tracing

    Blog Post
    ...We started with learning the head is connected to the neck. Shortly after, we learned about organs and...connectivity? One of the early lessons many of us learned in biology is that the body’s architecture and ...terminals (Lafon 2005). Therefore, once RABV is released from an infected cell, it is only taken up by ...genome). Nascent G protein-coated RABV is then released from the starter cell and transmits retrogradely...mediated by other viral proteins), but the newly released RABV cannot infect any subsequent cells due to...
  2. Simple CRISPR-based Epigenetic Editing: dCas9-directed DNA Demethylation

    Blog Post
    ...many of these studies report correlations without clearly testing whether a certain methylation state causes... recognized by distinct proteins and result in unclear transcriptional consequences (Sprujit 2013). Enzymatic... or throughout the genome – could be affected, leading to unpredicted gene expression changes (Sapozhnikov...simpler approach - dCas9 blocks DNMT1 methylation, leaving the target CpG unmethylated. Adapted from Sapozhnikov...Sapozhnikov and Szyf 2021.   Let me leave you with a few practical considerations: Design your unmethylated CpG to behave naturally in the nuclear environment. One good system to balance these needs...
  3. Twenty Years of Addgene Sharing: CRISPR

    Blog Post
    ...CRISPR plasmids containing a nuclease into three functional groups: nucleases, modulators, and chimeric ...chimeric effectors. Nucleases generate a classic double-stranded break, while modulators regulate transcription...function, from 2014 to 2023. As you can see, nucleases, the original CRISPR tool, remain the most popular...educational resources help scientists navigate that learning curve. As of 2023, our CRISPR guide has been viewed...around the impact of science, but our data makes it clear that it’s also a story of community, cooperation...
  4. Drew Endy Introduces the Biobrick Public Agreement Plasmid Collection

    Blog Post
    ...the future of the bioeconomy it's less clear, but the way I'd leave it is mostly to the imagination. The...collaboration this way: "Addgene is one of the leaders in distributing plasmids amongst the academic community...Addgene: And the BIL gates collection? Endy: The Boolean Integrase Logic (BIL) gates collection of parts...basic logical functions, which we know and love. Boolean is in reference to George Boole who in 1854 was...incredible hidden story here. The parts we are releasing simply plug into this existing economic activity...
  5. The Effect of COVID-19 on Liu Lab Plasmid Requests From Addgene Data

    Blog Post his laboratory. Learn more here. Additional resources on the Addgene blog Learn more about plasmid...across regions, with Europe most impacted and China least impacted. The inferred weekend effect is, in range is, they could be the most impacted or least impacted. These results highlight the instability...candidate at MIT. His research uses applied machine learning and statistical methods for fundamental scientific...interested in using selection, evolution, and machine learning to solve difficult problems in chemistry and chemical...
  6. CRISPR 101: Making a Knock-In Cell Line

    Blog Post
    ...our CRISPR Featured Topic Page Learn about Non-Homologous End Joining Learn about Base Editing Read 3 Tips...sequences Cas9 likely goes through multiple rounds of cleavage at the target site until either the PAM site or...arrested too long. Prolonged cell cycle arrest can lead to apoptosis in as little as 10 hours, so read up...Cas break for HR is to fuse an HR protein to the nuclease. Early HR factors fused to Cas9 have been shown... screening strategies for your experiment. Also learn about Addgene’s knock-in plasmids for reagents to...
  7. Negotiating Work and Life: How to Find the Joy

    Blog Post
    ...personal time. Someone else can clean your house, pick up your dry cleaning, cook your dinner and deliver...fixer-upper house you have always admired or volunteer to lead a charitable cause.  While I can’t make it “all ...and tactics that have worked for my friends, my colleagues and me. To that end, here are my personal 10 ...happen. Be realistic and: Your co-workers will learn to work within these bounds You can work later (...much more confident about their safety when they leave home which happens very, very fast! I will never...
  8. Overcoming the AAV Size Limitation for CRISPR Delivery

    Blog Post
    ...While this approach has been proven feasible, it leaves little room for additional regulatory elements....aureus Cas9 (SaCas9, 1053 amino acids) displayed cleavage activity in mammalian cells. SaCas9 produced indels... indels at a similar efficiency to SpCas9, leading the group to focus their efforts on SaCas9 characterization...Kemp ML, Bao G (2015) Trans-spliced Cas9 allows cleavage of HBB and CCR5 genes in human cells using compact... (2010) The CRISPR/Cas bacterial immune system cleaves bacteriophage and plasmid DNA. Nature 468:67–71....2020.03.023 Additional Resources on the Addgene Blog Learn more about Cas9 Variants and the Expanded CRISPR...
  9. Addgene at SfN23!

    Blog Post
    ...Jo, Brook, and Angela are co-leading "Making a Greater Impact Using Clear and Accessible Scientific Writing...12 pm - 2 pm. If you want to learn about, and practice, principles of clear, accessible writing through...about, attending sessions, visiting posters, and leading a professional development workshop. Specifically...
  10. Podcast: A Malawian Professor's Path to Biotech Research

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    ...Additional Addgene Podcasts Learn How You Can Contribute to the Addgene Blog Learn about Addgene Plasmid Donations...that will help accelerate his research. Listen to learn more about Dr. Kwapata’s current work and and Seeding Labs for connecting us with him. Learn more about our recent collaboration with Seeding... the Addgene Podcast.     Additional Resources Learn about Seeding Lab's Work with Lilongwe Univeristy...
  11. Tips for Working in Industry & Success in Management: Interview with Crystal Shih

    Blog Post
    ...on protein therapeutics at Novartis - listen to learn more about Crystal’s exciting career path, to gain...Crystal developed her management skills - training, learning from peers, and being receptive to those who that Crystal works on at Novartis, how she's learned to prioritize projects, and how she sets metrics...thanks to our guest, Crystal Shih. Crystal Shih leads project and scientific teams at the Novartis Institutes...resources in our Mentoring for Scientists Series Learn about Turning Your PhD into a Career with Joanne...
  12. Adeno-associated Viruses (AAVs) for Genome Editing

    Blog Post
    ...with and without targeted nucleases). AAV genome editing without a nuclease Although the mechanism of...While the biology behind this AAV effect remains unclear, it is likely not a coincidence that the AAV genome...cells. AAV genome editing combined with targeted nucleases In an effort to combine the respective advantages...introduction of a double strand break by using a targeted nuclease. Asuri et al, for example, used zinc fingers to... and David V. Schaffer. "Combining engineered nucleases with adeno-associated viral vectors for therapeutic...
  13. Antibodies 101: Single Chain Fragment Variables (scFvs)

    Blog Post
    ...., 2012, Bates and Power., 2019): rapid blood clearance, which is useful for imaging applications; better...small size (Bates and Power., 2019). Their rapid clearance from blood can be a drawback for therapeutic applications...of the CAR facilitates signal transduction and release of cytotoxic granules from the T cell. When a CAR...5883 .  Leavy O (2016) The birth of monoclonal antibodies. Nat...anti-HA scFv-based probe for fluorescent imaging. Learn more about antibodies  Read about another reagent...antibodies, the Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank Learn more about the SunTag system which uses an scFv ...
  14. 10 Steps to a Perfect Science Talk

    Blog Post
    ...controls, or mixing clear solutions—public speaking is skill that any scientist can learn.  Any time you give...audience something to think about, argue with, or learn from. Some of the best talks I have seen by early...and how the slides complement the spoken message. Learn from their level of explanation in presenting data... science picture. Scientists especially like to learn new things, so rehash common knowledge as little...asked. Reflect on the questions and come up with clear and concise answers. This preparation will help ...
  15. Evolution of Lab Techniques

    Blog Post
    ...Daniel Nathans. "Specific cleavage of simian virus 40 DNA by restriction endonuclease of Hemophilus influenzae... and cars become more technologically advanced leaving earlier versions obsolete, the techniques we their modern equivalents and see what we can learn from their evolution. Southern blotting and quantitative...detection. This increased sequencing speed ultimately leading to what are generally considered first generation...PMCID: PMC4411503. Resources on the Addgene Blog Learn More about Restriction Cloning Get Tips on Analyzing...
  16. How to Negotiate a Successful Lab Start Up Budget

    Blog Post was contributed by Damien Wilpitz founder and lead consutant at Experiment Designs Consulting, Inc....usually turn into “win-lose” negotiations. This leads to poor outcomes; not enough funds to get started...reduced. Negotiating is easier when both parties are clear on the goals and the resources. Instead of creating...started a company around his own research. He was clear on his science, and found a solution. However extreme...creating and negotiating budgets and invite you to leave a comment below Happy Sciencing, Damien   Damien...Resources Find other career posts on the Addgene Blog! Learn more about Experimental Designs Consulting at their...
  17. Evolution of Brainbow: Using Cre-lox for Multicolor Labeling of Neurons

    Blog Post
    ...a given section of brain by at least an order of magnitude. It is clear that further refinements of the...inversion of the construct. Sanes and Lichtman used pronuclear injection to insert these Brainbow constructs...effect of multiple, independent recombination events leads to a rainbow of colors. With three copies of the...observed in a given area. In 2013, Dawen Cai, et al. released a refinement of the Brainbow technology, Brainbow...These constructs are stably maintained through at least six generations. In addition to the neuronal pThy1...
  18. Newly Updated AAV Data Hub!

    Blog Post
    [email protected] to learn more. A great submission includes: Images that clearly show viral spread and...reports presented by the submitting scientists, learn more about the AAV Data Hub, and hear the incredible...cellular tropism* (min. 300 dpi, PNG format) At least two replicates of your experiment* Functional data...serotype An abstract that summarizes your experiment clearly and concisely* *required for a DOI. Reports that...
  19. Plasmid Grant to Aid Cervical Cancer Screening in Ghana

    Blog Post
    ...Blog Learn How We Raised Money for Rare Disease at the Superhero 5k Find New Cancer Resources Learn About...wrote in her application, “Cervical Cancer is the leading cause of cancer related morbidity and death among...researchers who need them the most. Check back here to learn more about future awardees and their inspiring research...Resources on Check out our Cancer Pages Learn about Global Plasmid Distribution ...
  20. CRISPR Methods for Bacteria: Genome Engineering, CRISPRa, CRISPRi, Base Editing, and More

    Blog Post
    ...E. coli and other bacterial species. Read on to learn about the tools available for bacteria and some ... and the wild-type sequence persists, Cas9 will cleave the gene of interest, inducing a lethal DSB. adapted for eukaryotes in that Cas9-mediated cleavage induces HDR to directly modify a given gene. CRISPR-tranposons...tightly controlled, Tet responsive promoters to avoid leaky activation of the system. Mobile CRISPRi for Gram-negative...VA, Marraffini LA (2014) Exploiting CRISPR-Cas nucleases to produce sequence-specific antimicrobials. Nat...antimicrobials using efficiently delivered RNA-guided nucleases. Nat Biotechnol 32:1141–1145 . Blog Check out our CRISPR Featured Topic Page Learn more about Cpf1 Find out about CRISPR Multiplexing...
Showing: 381 - 400 of 1014 results