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Golden GATEway cloning--a combinatorial approach to generate fusion and recombination constructs.

Kirchmaier S, Lust K, Wittbrodt J
PLoS One. 2013 Oct 7;8(10):e76117. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0076117. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
49280pGGEV_+1_LinkerGolden Gate entry vector at position 1,small linker insert, plus 5' ATG
49281pGGEV_-1_LinkerGolden Gate entry vector at position 1, small linker insert, no 5' ATG
49282pGGEV_2_LinkerGolden Gate entry vector at position 2, small linker insert
49283pGGEV_3_LinkerGolden Gate entry vector at position 3, small linker insert
49284pGGEV_4_LinkerGolden Gate entry vector at position 4, small linker insert
49285pGGEV_5_LinkerGolden Gate entry vector at position 5, small linker insert
49286pGGEV_6_LinkerGolden Gate entry vector at position 6, small linker insert
49287pGGEV_7_LinkerGolden Gate entry vector at position 7, small linker insert
49288pGGEV_2'_LinkerGolden Gate entry vector at position 2, small linker insert, final entry vector for the assembly
49289pGGEV_3'_LinkerGolden Gate entry vector at position 3, small linker insert, final entry vector for the assembly
49290pGGEV_4'_LinkerGolden Gate entry vector at position 4, small linker insert, final entry vector for the assembly
49291pGGEV_5'_LinkerGolden Gate entry vector at position 5, small linker insert, final entry vector for the assembly
49292pGGEV_6'_LinkerGolden Gate entry vector at position 6, small linker insert, final entry vector for the assembly
49293pGGEV_7'_LinkerGolden Gate entry vector at position 7, small linker insert, final entry vector for the assembly
49294pGGEV_8'_LinkerGolden Gate entry vector at position 8, small linker insert, final entry vector for the assembly
49295pGGEV_+1_XcmI-LacZGolden Gate entry vector at position 1, plus 5' ATG, LacZ
49296pGGEV_-1_XcmI-LacZGolden Gate entry vector at position 1, no 5' ATG, LacZ
49297pGGEV_2_XcmI-LacZGolden Gate entry vector at position 2, LacZ
49298pGGEV_3_XcmI-LacZGolden Gate entry vector at position 3, LacZ
49299pGGEV_4_XcmI-LacZGolden Gate entry vector at position 4, LacZ
49300pGGEV_5_XcmI-LacZGolden Gate entry vector at position 5, LacZ
49301pGGEV_6_XcmI-LacZGolden Gate entry vector at position 6, LacZ
49302pGGEV_7_XcmI-LacZGolden Gate entry vector at position 7, LacZ
49303pGGEV_2'_XcmI-LacZGolden Gate entry vector at position 2, LacZ, final entry vector for the assembly
49304pGGEV_3'_XcmI-LacZGolden Gate entry vector at position 3, LacZ, final entry vector for the assembly
49305pGGEV_4'_XcmI-LacZGolden Gate entry vector at position 4, LacZ, final entry vector for the assembly
49306pGGEV_5'_XcmI-LacZGolden Gate entry vector at position 5, LacZ, final entry vector for the assembly
49307pGGEV_6'_XcmI-LacZGolden Gate entry vector at position 6, LacZ, final entry vector for the assembly
49308pGGEV_7'_XcmI-LacZGolden Gate entry vector at position 7, LacZ, final entry vector for the assembly
49309pGGEV_8'_XcmI-LacZGolden Gate entry vector at position 8, LacZ, final entry vector for the assembly
49310pGGEV_-1_FRT_+1_OA-Golden Gate entry vector: Position 1, FRT site
49311pGGEV_3_FRT_+1_OA-Golden Gate entry vector: Position 3, FRT site
49312pGGEV_2_+nls-eGFP-HA-_+1_BK+Golden Gate entry vector: Position 2, HA tagged nls-EGFP with start and stop codon
49313pGGEV_4'_+nls-mCherry-Flag-_+1_BK+Golden Gate entry vector: Position 4', Flag tagged nls-mCherry with start and stop codon
49314pGGW_SM_BglIISubcloning vector for Golden Gate-based site-directed mutagenesis; BglII and KpnI to release the insert
49315pGGW_SM_BamHISubcloning vector for Golden Gate-based site-directed mutagenesis; BamHI and KpnI to release the insert
49316p3E_GGWDest-Destination vector for Golden Gate assembly; 3' entry vector for Gateway cloning
49317p3E_GGWDest+Destination vector for Golden Gate assembly; 3' entry vector for Gateway cloning
49318p5E_GGWDest-Destination vector for Golden Gate assembly; 5' entry vector for Gateway cloning
49319p5E_GGWDest+Destination vector for Golden Gate assembly; 5' entry vector for Gateway cloning
49320pME_GGWDest-Destination vector for Golden Gate assembly; middle entry vector for Gateway cloning
49321pME_GGWDest+Destination vector for Golden Gate assembly; middle entry vector for Gateway cloning
49322pGGDestSC-ATGDestination vector for Golden Gate assembly; Few restriction sites for subcloning.
49323pGGDestSC+ATGDestination vector for Golden Gate assembly; Few restriction sites for subcloning.

Antibodies from Article