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Showing: 1 - 20 of 35 results
  1. Protocol - How to Create a Bacterial Glycerol Stock

    ...for creating a glycerol stock, including additional tips for long-term storage.... Protocols Creating Bacterial...Glycerol Stocks for Long-term Storage of Plasmids Creating Bacterial Glycerol Stocks for Long-term your plasmid DNA at -20°C, many labs also create bacterial glycerol stocks of their plasmids. This... Watch the protocol video below to learn how to create bacterial glycerol stocks. Procedure Follow the...overnight culture to 500 μL of 50% glycerol in a 2 mL screw top tube or cryovial and gently mix. Notes: Make...
  2. Protocol - pLKO.1 – TRC Cloning Vector

    ...transforming into bacteria D. Screening for Inserts D.1 Recommended materials D.2 Screening for inserts E. Producing...greater yield of DNA. Back to Top D. Screening for Inserts You may screen for plasmids that were successfully...prevailing guidelines when the pLKO.1 vector was created. Additional design rules can be found at the Broad...prevailing guidelines when the pLKO.1 vector was created. For alternative options, please refer to the enzyme...long-wavelength UV light. Short wavelength UV light will increase the chance of damaging the DNA. Purify the DNA...R0101S NcoI NEB #R0193S Agarose Sigma #A9539 D.2 Screening for Inserts Day 1: 1. Inoculate 5 colonies from...that gives you the optimal viral production. d. Create a master mix of FuGENE® 6 transfection reagent ...
  3. Gibson Assembly Protocol

    ...about what DNA segments you will need to join to create your final plasmid. Adjacent segments should have...the figures). These identical sequences can be created via PCR with primers that contain a 5′ end that...split an antibiotic resistance gene to effectively create an extra part, one part has half of the antibiotic...unique function for the reaction: T5 Exonuclease - creates single-strand DNA 3’ overhangs by chewing back ...complementary DNA fragments, removing any nicks and creating a contiguous DNA fragment. Pro-Tip Add Extreme...make your own. Transform bacteria with the DNA and screen for the correct plasmid product by restriction ...reaction. However, some labs have observed a sharp decrease in success rate when assembling more than five...
  4. Using a Light Microscope Protocol

    ...differences create contrast , which allows you to distinguish objects within the sample. You can increase contrast...resolution (the ability to distinguish between two discrete objects). Figure 1 depicts an image of a compound...Diagram of a compound light microscope with labels. Created with Base Light Source Condenser...objective is in position over your sample. As you increase magnification, you will notice that the objectives...will likely need to re-adjust lighting and focus. Increase the power of the light source by opening the bring the sample into focus. Pro-Tip As you increase your magnification, remember that the objectives...
  5. Ligation Independent Cloning

    ...polymerase/exonuclease functions, T4 DNA polymerase can create overhangs of varying length (typically 10-12 bp...distance from their recognition sequence. This can create multiple distinct overhangs with a single enzyme...concentrations in subsequent reactions. Step 3: Create Vector Overhangs Treat the linearized vector with...may be accomplished by gel purification . Step 5: Create Insert Overhangs Treat your purified PCR product...first base removed by the restriction digest to create the free 5' end of the cut vector (shown in blue...across multiple concentrations of insert, thereby increasing your chances of success. Set up a vector only...
  6. What is Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

    ...single copy of DNA (the template), a researcher can create thousands of identical copies using a simple set...oligo primers. This molecular biology technique creates several micrograms of target DNA from just a few...: If you are doing multiple PCRs, save time by creating a “master mix,” which minimizes the number of ...FAQ Tips If your target DNA sequence is GC-rich, increase the time of the denaturing. Your 5’ and 3’ primers... If you are getting non-specific PCR products, increase the annealing temperature step-wise by 1-2°C. ...DNA mutagenesis. A higher cation concentration increases the error rate of the DNA polymerase. Deoxynucleoside...
  7. Protocol - How to Inoculate a Bacterial Culture

    Protocol to increase the density of the culture. Normally cultures shake at 150 - 250 rpm, increase this to...Streaking and Isolating Bacteria on an LB Agar Plate Creating Bacterial Glycerol Stocks for Long-term Storage...Autoclave and allow to cool to room temperature. Now screw on the top of the bottle and store the LB at room... storage of the bacteria, you can proceed with Creating a Glycerol Stock . You can now isolate your plasmid...
  8. Video Library

    ...collection of Addgene's video content, including how-to screen captures, lab procedure protocols, and career advice...standard laboratory procedures. How-To Videos Screencapture walk-throughs to help guide you through Addgene's... Description Related Page Making LB Agar Plates Create plates to culture bacteria in the lab Pouring LB...with CRISPR Protocol Over-Agar Antibiotic Plating Create plates to culture bacteria in the lab and tricks to reduce transformation time and increase efficiency Bacterial Transformation Protocol Inoculating...
  9. CRISPR Library Amplification

    ...dramatically increases the chances of individual plasmids being lost from the pool and/or increasing the skewness...plasmids in a single sample. They are often used for screening, barcoding, or other high throughput multiplexed...pipettes Ice slurry (Ice bucket with ice and water to create slurry) 100 mL LB At Addgene we use premixed LB...Immediately purify them! Commercial Maxipreps rely on incremental, ordered cell lysis. E. coli cells are subject...spreading less bacteria on a given plate (example: by increasing the total number of bioassay plates used). Scaling...
  10. Isolating a Monoclonal Cell Population by Limiting Dilution

    ...well in sparse/individual cultures due to lack of secreted growth factors, so not every cell type will be...cell growth, such as using culture medium with increased serum concentrations, may be optimal for different...monoclonal lines have been sufficiently expanded, screen the lines for transgene expression and/or other...phenotypes. For example, perform Western blotting to screen for lines with the highest or lowest transgene ... vectors and genome-wide libraries for CRISPR screening. Sanjana NE, Shalem O, Zhang F. Nature Methods...
  11. AAV ddPCR Titration

    ...concentration of positive droplets decreases by a factor of ~2. To increase the accuracy of the titer, take...the 96-well plate sealer by gently touching the screen. Prepare the Serial Dilution Place a 48-well dilution...the plate sealer is not at temperature, touch the screen on the plate sealer to allow it to get to temperature...therefore the concentration obtained by ddPCR should decrease by a factor of 2 across the dilutions. In the ...
  12. Lentivirus ddPCR Titration

    ...the 96-well plate sealer by gently touching the screen. Preparation of the Master Mix Place a ddPCR plate...the plate sealer is not at temperature, touch the screen on the plate sealer to allow it to get to temperature... concentration of RRE positive droplets should decrease by a factor of 2 across the dilutions. RPP30 copies...below, the concentration of RRE positive droplets increases by a factor of ~2 as you progress from the higher...stays relatively even across samples (green). To increase the accuracy of the titer, calculate an average...
  13. Plasmid Cloning by PCR (with Protocols)

    ...temperatures, but you may need to increase your primer length and increase the Tm if you are trying to clone...Bacterial Transformation Summary PCR based cloning is incredibly versatile and allows for nearly any piece of ... 2 ligations for each plasmid you are trying to create, with varying ratios of recipient plasmid to insert...
  14. Protocol - How to Streak a Plate

    ...of the plate, as shown in the diagram above, to create streak #1. Pro-Tips Hold your tooth pick at an ...bacteria over a second section of the plate, to create streak #2. Using a third sterile pipette tip, toothpick...bacteria over the last section of the plate, to create streak #3. Incubate plate with newly plated bacteria...
  15. Weighing Reagents Protocol

    ...using weighing paper, fold it in half first to create a crease and then place it unfolded onto the balance... sure you’re weighing all reagents precisely to create the solution you expect. Understanding how to obtain...
  16. Colony Formation Titering Assay

    ...likelihood of multiple integration events decreases as the dilution increases. Calculate the transduction units... remove cells and debris. Lentiviral titer can decrease during cycles of freeze-thaw. If you are freezing...
  17. Protocol - Bacterial Transformation

    ...Scientists have made many genetic modifications to create bacterial strains that can be more easily transformed... specific treatments have been discovered that increase the transformation efficiency and make bacteria...
  18. Protocol - How to Run an Agarose Gel

    Protocol contains a high percentage of glycerol that increases the density of your DNA sample causing it settle...better resolution of bands? A few simple ways to increase the resolution (crispness) of your DNA bands include...
Showing: 1 - 20 of 35 results