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Showing: 1 - 6 of 6 results
  1. Lentiviral Guide

    ...reasons, transfer plasmids are all replication incompetent and may contain an additional deletion in the...usually encodes for VSV-G Safety Safe. Replication incompetent: Uses 3 separate plasmids encoding various HIV...HIV genes. Safer. Replication incompetent and always SIN: Uses 4 plasmids instead of 3 and eliminates ...: The potential for generation of replication-competent lentivirus The potential for oncogenesis The potential... potential for generation of replication-competent lentivirus is addressed by the design of the vectors...Import Is Mediated by a Central DNA Flap. Zennou V, Petit C, Guetard D, Nerhbass U, Montagnier L, Charneau...
  2. Adenovirus Guide

    ...the viral vector renders the virus replication incompetent. E3 is involved in evading host immunity and ...either 293 or 911). To avoid creating replication competent virus, you should not serially propagate your ... of recombination events creating replication-competent virus increases with each round of amplification...amplification. What is RCA? RCA stands for r eplication c ompetent a denovirus. This may occur when a crossover event...; Its deletion renders the virus replication incompetent E3 Non-essential gene involved in immune evasion...
  3. CRISPR Guide

    ...has been used for dynamic tracking of repetitive and non-repetitive genomic loci, as well as chromosome ...given region. For example, chromosome-specific repetitive loci can be efficiently visualized in living ... targeted sequences in close proximity. A non-repetitive genomic locus can also be labeled by co-delivering... of diverse bacteria with Mobile-CRISPRi. 2019. Peters JM, Koo BM, Patino R, Heussler GE, Hearne CC, Qu...Hawkins JS, Lu CHS, Silvis MR, Harden MM, Osadnik H, Peters JE, Engel JN, Dutton RJ, Grossman AD, Gross CA,...screening in yeast. 2018. Casini A, Olivieri M, Petris G, Montagna C, Reginato G, Maule G, Lorenzin F,...Topkar VV, Nguyen NT, Zheng Z, Gonzales AP, Li Z, Peterson RT, Yeh JR, Aryee MJ, Joung JK. Nature . 523(7561...
  4. Retrovirus Guide

    ...lentivirus guide. Are γ-retroviruses replication incompetent? Yes, as with lentiviruses, the genes required...
  5. Cloning

    ... has difficulty assembling DNA fragments with repetitive sequences and DNA that ends in sequences that...
Showing: 1 - 6 of 6 results