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  1. Optogenetics Guide

    ..., Chrimson, ChrimsonR, Chronos Inhibitory (Hyperpolarizing) ChR Variants. Alternatively, ChR variants ...chloride channels, these variants result in the hyperpolarization of neurons. Examples of anion channel variants...NpHR (from Natronomonas pharaoni ), causes hyperpolarization (inhibition) of the cell when triggered with... a light-activated outward proton pump that hyperpolarizes (inhibits) the cell when triggered by green-yellow...
  2. CRISPR Guide

    ...spectrum of single-nucleotide variants (somatic hypermutation) in a wider editing window, and are thus well...Cas13b, target RNA rather than DNA. Fusing a hyperactive adenosine deaminase that acts on RNA, ADAR2(E488Q...
Showing: 1 - 2 of 2 results