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Showing: 1 - 20 of 48 results
  1. Fluorescent Protein Guide: Biosensors

    ...437-43. Tobias Dick Hydrogen Peroxide (H 2 O 2 ) HyPer biosensor to measure changes in intracellular hydrogen...hydrogen peroxide concentration Belousov Lab HyPer Plasmids Vsevolod Belousov Hydrogen Peroxide (H 2 O...Peroxide (H 2 O 2 ) Hydrogen peroxide biosensor HyPer7 Caveolae respond to acute oxidative stress through...H 2 O 2 ) Expresses hydrogen peroxide biosensor HyPer2 in plant cells Photosynthesis-dependent H 2 O 2...
  2. Plasmids 101: Using Transposons in the Lab

    Blog Post DNA, called a transposon, that’s a bit hyperactive and likes to jump around from one location in... at rates similar to retroviral vectors. The hyperactive version of the SB transposase, SB100X, is ~100...transcription start sites, CpG islands, and DNaseI hypersensitivity sites. Like Sleeping Beauty, piggyBac has ...human cells similar to retroviral vectors. The hyperactive PB transposase (hyPB) is ~10-fold more active...transcription start sites, CpG islands, and DNaseI hypersensitivity sites. Tol2 is only active in vertebrates ...
  3. Why Add Sucrose? Improved Yields for Adeno-associated Virus Preparation

    Blog Post
    ...treated with sucrose or other osmolytes to induce hypertonicity display enhanced monoclonal antibody production...Shen, 2011). To our knowledge the effect of hyperosmolarity on AAV production yields had yet to be examined... and antibody production under conditions of hyperosmotic stress." Advances in animal cell biology and...18597326. 5. Shen, Chun Fang, and Amine Kamen. "Hyperosmotic pressure on HEK 293 cells during the growth ...
  4. Hot Plasmids - January 2023

    Blog Post
    ...constructs Anti-GFP [N86/8R] ready-to-use antibody Hyperfolder YFP CRISPR-Csm: A novel RNA targeting system...eLife.43322. PMID: 30667360; PMCID: PMC6377228. Hyperfolder YFP- a chemically stable tool for microscopy ... The Liu and Petsko labs recently engineered hyperfolder YFP (hfYFP), a FP well-suited for the demands...
  5. CRISPR Plasmids - Base Edit

    ...spectrum of single-nucleotide variants (somatic hypermutation) in a wider editing window, and are thus well...
  6. mTOR Pathway

    ...mutations in negative regulators of mTORC1. The hyperactivation of mTORC1 in cancer promotes the conditions...
  7. Sleeping Beauty Awakens for Genome Engineering

    Blog Post
    ...lab screened many SB tranposase variants for hyperactivity in mammalian cells. Their efforts resulted in...Mates L, et al. Molecular evolution of a novel hyperactive Sleeping Beauty transposase enables robust stable...
  8. Resume Writing for Non-academic Science Careers

    Blog Post
    ...Community Relations Director for Curiosity Collider (hyperlink , which she co-founded...and the Outreach Manager for Science Borealis (hyperlink    ...
  9. Human Germline Editing Using CRISPR

    Blog Post
    ...autosomal dominant mutation in MYBPC3 that leads to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. An adult male with a heterozygous...applicable in many situations. In the case of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and other genetic disorders, ...
  10. Hot Plasmids and Viral Preps - January 2021

    Blog Post
    .... Hypercompact genome editor CRISPR-Casɸ By Melina Fan The ...toolbox with their discovery of CRISPR-Casɸ, a hypercompact genome editor from the Biggiephage clade of ...
  11. CRISPR Guide

    ...spectrum of single-nucleotide variants (somatic hypermutation) in a wider editing window, and are thus well...Cas13b, target RNA rather than DNA. Fusing a hyperactive adenosine deaminase that acts on RNA, ADAR2(E488Q...
Showing: 1 - 20 of 48 results