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Showing: 1 - 12 of 12 results
  1. CRISPR Guide

    ... been modified for genome engineering . Prior to CRISPR, genome engineering approaches like zinc finger...rapidly become the most popular genome engineering approach. Engineered CRISPR systems contain two components...Cas-mediated genome engineering. 2013. Wang H, Yang H, Shivalila CS, Dawlaty MM, Cheng AW, Zhang F, Jaenisch...Activation or Repression Epigenetics Multiplex Genome Engineering Genome-wide Screening What are pooled libraries...mutation within the targeted gene. However, the strength of the knockout phenotype for a given mutant cell...generation of high fidelity enzymes have been engineered using cell-based selection approaches. (termed left & right homology arms .) The length of each homology arm is dependent on the size of...
  2. Optogenetics Guide

    ...of optogenetics integrates optics and genetic engineering to measure and manipulate cells (frequently dots). When exposed to light of the correct wavelength, the pore opens, cations flow into the cell (...channels or pumps that absorb light at specific wavelengths. Upon activation by light, these channels and...occurring microbial opsins that respond to different wavelengths of light, like blue or yellow light. These various...proton efflux. Researchers have used genetic engineering to improve these natural opsins - by inducing...the neuron. NpHR Variants. Variants have been engineered with enhancements such as: Human codon light. Mac Variants. Mac variants have been engineered to include enhancements such as: Improved photocurrent...
  3. Chemogenetics Guide

    ...References Introduction Chemogenetics refers to the engineering of protein receptors to respond to are unresponsive to native ligands and are engineered to respond to small molecules that do not affect...esigner D rugs (DREADDs), like RASSLs, are based on engineered G-protein coupled receptors, but unlike RASSLs...Ligands Muscarinic-receptor based DREADDs were engineered to respond to nM concentrations of clozapine ... M odules (PSAMs, pronounced SAMs). PSAMs are engineered α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) domains...clinically approved drug, the PSAM domain was engineered to respond specifically to the anti-smoking drug...through viral injection or use of genetically engineered mouse models. For viral injection, Adeno-associated...
  4. Molecular Biology Reference

    ...Expression Plasmids Gene Knock-down Plasmids Genome Engineering Plasmids Reporter Plasmids Viral Plasmids E. ...and other genetic elements using specifically engineered plasmids, commonly referred to as vectors, which...promoter (e.g., a liver-specific promoter). The strength of the promoter is also important for controlling...that can drive expression of short RNAs. Genome Engineering Plasmids - Used to target and edit genomes. Genome...Strain Vendor(s) Genotype BL21 Invitrogen; New England BioLabs E. coli B F dcm ompT hsdS(rB mB) gal ccdB...traDelta36 proAB lacIqZDeltaM15] NEB Stable New England Biolabs F' proA+B+ lacIq ∆(lacZ)M15 zzf::Tn10 ( of newly synthesized DNA strands of varying lengths whose last nucleotide is labeled. Once all the ...
  5. Antibody Guide

    ...emit a specific wavelength of light after excitation by light of a specific wavelength. While more expensive...monovalent nature. Darpins - Darpins are genetically engineered small proteins derived from ankyrin repeat proteins... constant region. Minibodies - Minibodies are engineered antibody fragments consisting of two scFvs bound... in a range of colors activated by different wavelengths, allowing for easy differentiation between multiple...recognizes and binds to the protein of interest. Signal strength is determined by how many antibodies bind the ... break DNA up into fragments of 300-1000 bps in length. Note: This sonication process may need to be optimized...
  6. Adeno-associated virus (AAV) Guide

    ...concatemers, are spliced together, and the full-length transgene can then be expressed. This method allows...homologous recombination and expression of the full-length transgene at very low efficiency (<1% of wild type...therapy: Designer gene delivery vectors: molecular engineering and evolution of adeno-associated viral vectors...vectors: a quantitative comparison. Duan D, Yue Y, Engelhardt JF. Mol Ther. 2001 Oct;4(4):383-91. PubMed . ...
  7. Science Guides

    ...Chemogenetics is a technique that uses genetically engineered receptors to selectively control and investigate...system in bacteria, have been modified for genome engineering. Find essential background information on CRISPR...Optogenetics Optogenetics integrates optics and genetic engineering to measure and manipulate cells (frequently neurons...
  8. Cloning

    ...Cloning Resources Empty Backbone Guide Genome Engineering Guide Restriction Enzyme Gateway TOPO Gibson ... its multiple cloning site . Due to their short length, it is also easy to add restriction sites to any...custom ordered DNA oligos of 60-80 base pairs in length, with 30-40 base pairs of homology to the ends ...
  9. Retrovirus Guide

    ...Questions (FAQ) about γ-Retroviral Plasmids How do engineered γ-retroviruses differ from lentiviruses? There...There are a few important differences between engineered γ-retroviruses and lentiviruses. First, these viruses...
  10. Lentiviral Guide

    ...use the HIV protein tat in order to produce full length virus from the transfer vector during the viral...This deletion abolishes transcription of the full-length virus after it has incorporated into a host cell...
  11. Educational Resources

    ...molecular biology techniques. Topics include: Genome Engineering Fluorescent Proteins CRISPR Viral Vectors Plasmid...
  12. Promoters

    ...into a protein. RNA polymerase II transcribes messenger RNA (mRNA) which is the RNA responsible for providing...
Showing: 1 - 12 of 12 results