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Showing: 1 - 5 of 5 results
  1. Fluorescent Protein Guide: Subcellular Localization

    ...mTurquoise2 Dorus Gadella 98816 3xnls-mScarlet-I Nucleus 3xNLS mScarlet-I Dorus Gadella 98876 4xmts-mNeonGreen...mTurquoise2 Dorus Gadella 98818 4xmts-mScarlet-I Mitochondria 4xmts mScarlet-I Dorus Gadella 19031 pABCb10-GFP...* Michael Davidson 98831 mScarlet-I-LaminB Nuclear Envelope LaminB mScarlet-I Dorus Gadella 98830 mTurquoise2...Gadella 98821 Lck-mScarlet-I Plasma Membrane Lck N-terminal lipidation signal mScarlet-I Dorus Gadella 50057...mTurquoise2 Dorus Gadella 98827 Lamp1-mScarlet-I Lysosomes Lamp1 mScarlet-I Dorus Gadella 55073 mCherry-Lysosomes...LifeAct mScarlet-H Dorus Gadella 85056 pLifeAct_mScarlet-i_N1 Actin Filaments LifeAct mScarlet-I Dorus ... Gadella 85053 pmScarlet-i_H2A_C1 Nucleus H2A mScarlet-I Dorus Gadella 85052 pmScarlet-H_H2A_C1 Nucleus...
  2. Fluorescent Protein Guide: Empty Backbones

    ...Mammalian Expression pCS2+mScarlet-C Cloning Vector - Mammalian Expression mScarlet-I 569 593 57 5.4 36 min...Expression mScarlet-I3 568 592 68 4.2 2 min Monomer pmScarlet-I3_C1 - Mammalian Expression mScarlet3 569 592...Monomer pmScarlet3_C1 - Mammalian Expression mScarlet 569 594 71 5.3 2.9 hr Monomer pmScarlet_C1 - Mammalian...Maturation Structure Plasmids mScarlet-H 551 592 15 4.8 4.4 hr Monomer pmScarlet-H_C1 - Mammalian Expression...Michael Davidson Collection Blog: Which FP Should I Use? Blog: How to Choose a FP For Multi-Color Imaging...min Monomer pmScarlet-i_C1 - Mammalian Expression mStrawberry 574 596 26 4.5 50 min Monomer mStrawberry-N1...
  3. Deisseroth INTRSECT Collection

    ...Fon-bREACHes-EYFP Flp AND NOT Cre 137158 pAAV-nEF-ChRmine-mScarlet None 137159 pAAV-nEF-Con/Fon-ChRmine-oScarlet ...Zalocusky KA, Bernstein H, Swanson H, Perry C, Diester I, Boyce FM, Bass CE, Neve R, Huang ZJ, Deisseroth K...Regulation. Neuron 101(1):45-59. PMID:30554781 Lazaridis I, Tzortzi O, Weglage M, Märtin A, Xuan Y, Parent M,...
  4. Luciferase Plasmids

    ...fusion for expression in plants, co-expressed with mScarlet-I for ratiometric imaging David Nelson 141301 pRATIO1267...increased usefulness in in vivo applications. LuxSit-i : An artificial luciferase desined de novo using deep-learning... in vivo . DULIP ( DU al L uminescence-based C o- I mmunoprecipitation) plasmids : Luminescence-based ...
  5. Neurodegeneration Plasmid Collection

    ...pScarlet-Kif5a KIF5A mScarlet CMV ALS Beverly Koller 118745 pCAG-Scarlet-Kif5a KIF5A mScarlet CAG ALS Beverly...Arrowsmith 184825 pSN837 KIF5A mScarlet CMV ALS Kyoko Chiba 184826 pSN838 KIF5A mScarlet CMV ALS Kyoko Chiba 184827...184827 pSN526 KIF5A mScarlet Strep polH ALS Kyoko Chiba 184832 pSN840 KIF5A mScarlet Strep polH ALS Kyoko...Spinocerebellar ataxia James Trimmer 190693 pSN879 KIF5A mScarlet CMV ALS Shinsuke Niwa 190803 FUGW-APPwt-T2A-mCherry...CMV, P10 Huntington's Cheryl Arrowsmith 112205 pBS-I-Sce1-eno2:Tau-IRES-egfp MAPT GFP, eno2 eno2 Parkinson's...Spinocerebellar Ataxia Richard Youle 176464 pVPS13D-I-EGFP VPS13D GFP CMV Spinocerebellar Ataxia Richard...
Showing: 1 - 5 of 5 results