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  1. Fluorescent Protein Guide: Subcellular Localization

    ...158008 pCMV-mGold-Tubulin-C-18 Microtubules alpha-tubulin mGold Francois St-Pierre 158009 pCMV-mGold-Actin-...pCMV-mGold-Calnexin-N-14 Endoplasmic Reticulum Calnexin mGold Francois St-Pierre 158002 pCMV-mGold-Rab4a-C...ABCb10 GFP Orian Shirihai 158003 pCMV-mGold-CAF1-C-10 Nucleus CAF-1 mGold Francois St-Pierre 27705 CAV1-mCherry... acGFP1 Gia Voeltz 158007 pCMV-mGold-Mito-N-7 Mitochondria Cox8A mGold Francois St-Pierre 49151 mito-BFP...oxBFP Erik Snapp 158005 pCMV-mGold-MannII-N-10 Golgi apparatus MannII mGold Francois St-Pierre 85050 pmScarlet-i_Giantin_C1...DsRed Richard Pagano 158006 pCMV-mGold-Lysosome-N-20 Lysosome Lamp1 mGold Francois St-Pierre 98882 Lamp1...158000 pCaggs-NLS-PAmCherry1-GSS-EGFP Nucleus NLS mGold Francois St-Pierre 14893 pEBFP2-Nuc Nucleus NLS ...
Showing: 1 - 2 of 2 results