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  1. Hot Plasmids and Viral Preps - January 2021

    Blog Post
    ...YFP). The team identified a new YFP variant, mGold. mGold was found to be up to 5-fold more photostable...Blue-light inducible Cre for use in bacteria CRISPR-Casɸ mGold, a new yellow fluorescent protein New CRISPR plasmids...2020, mGold, the most photostable yellow fluorescent protein... HeLa cells expressed a fusion of keratin with mGold (top) and mVenus (bottom). Cells were imaged every...and is the most photostable YFP to date. As such, mGold is expected to contribute to experiments that require...
  2. Fluorescent Protein Guide: Subcellular Localization

    ...158008 pCMV-mGold-Tubulin-C-18 Microtubules alpha-tubulin mGold Francois St-Pierre 158009 pCMV-mGold-Actin-...pCMV-mGold-Calnexin-N-14 Endoplasmic Reticulum Calnexin mGold Francois St-Pierre 158002 pCMV-mGold-Rab4a-C...ABCb10 GFP Orian Shirihai 158003 pCMV-mGold-CAF1-C-10 Nucleus CAF-1 mGold Francois St-Pierre 27705 CAV1-mCherry... acGFP1 Gia Voeltz 158007 pCMV-mGold-Mito-N-7 Mitochondria Cox8A mGold Francois St-Pierre 49151 mito-BFP...oxBFP Erik Snapp 158005 pCMV-mGold-MannII-N-10 Golgi apparatus MannII mGold Francois St-Pierre 85050 pmScarlet-i_Giantin_C1...DsRed Richard Pagano 158006 pCMV-mGold-Lysosome-N-20 Lysosome Lamp1 mGold Francois St-Pierre 98882 Lamp1...158000 pCaggs-NLS-PAmCherry1-GSS-EGFP Nucleus NLS mGold Francois St-Pierre 14893 pEBFP2-Nuc Nucleus NLS ...
Showing: 1 - 3 of 3 results