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Showing: 1 - 5 of 5 results
  1. Fluorescent Protein Guide: Subcellular Localization

    ...mCherry-GFP-LC3 Autophagosome LC3 mCherry, GFP Anne Brunet 40827 mCherry-hLC3B-pcDNA3.1 Autophagosome LC3 mCherry...Mizushima 21074 ptfLC3 Autophagosome LC3 EGFP Tamotsu Yoshimori 21073 pEGFP-LC3 Autophagosome LC3 EGFP Tamotsu... 11546 EGFP-LC3 Autophagosome LC3 EGFP Karla Kirkegaard 61205 pCMB-AUTr Autophagosome LC3(ATG8) mCherry...Tamotsu Yoshimori 24920 pEGFP-LC3 (human) Autophagosome LC3 EGFP Toren Finkel 14435 mRFP-Clc Clathrin-coated...
  2. Fluorescent Protein Guide: Biosensors

    ...fluorescent-tagged LC3. Autophagy. 2007;3(5):452-60. Tamotsu Yoshimori Autophagy Expresses pHluorin-mKate2-hLC3 (PK-...autophagic flux by pH-sensitive fluorescence (pMRX-IP-GFP-LC3-RFP) An Autophagic Flux Probe that Releases an Internal...Autophagy Autophagosome maturation reporter (pmRFP-LC3) Dissection of the autophagosome maturation process...Protein-Tagged Human LC3 for the Monitoring of Mammalian Autophagy. PLoS One. 2014 Oct 23;9(10):e110600. Isei Tanida...PK-hLC3) for monitoring autophagy A Super-Ecliptic, pHluorin-mKate2, Tandem Fluorescent Protein-Tagged ...
Showing: 1 - 5 of 5 results