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Showing: 1 - 20 of 31 results
  1. Neurodegeneration Plasmid Collection

    ... DCTN1 CMV ALS Trina Schroer 51221 CMV-CC2 DCTN1 CMV ALS Trina Schroer 51412 CMV-p150 DCTN1 CMV ALS Trina...hATMS1981A ATM His, Flag CMV Ataxia telangiectasia Michael Kastan 32813 CMV-hEAAT1 SLC1A3 CMV Episodic ataxia ...moPrP(3F4) D177N PRNP CMV Dementia Susan Lindquist 1321 cytosolic moPrP (3F4) PRNP CMV Dementia Susan Lindquist...FLAG-hPLIC-2 UBQLN2 Flag CMV ALS Peter Howley 8662 p4456 FLAG-hPLIC-2 NTF UBQLN2 Flag CMV ALS Peter Howley 10880...DNMT1 GFP CMV Hereditary sensory neuropathy type IE Tyler Jacks 12166 pSicoR Dnmt1 DNMT1 GFP CMV Hereditary...PINK1 Myc CMV Parkinson's Mark Cookson 13315 pcDNA-DEST53 PINK1 N-GFP PINK1 GFP CMV Parkinson's Mark Cookson...C-GFP PINK1 GFP CMV Parkinson's Mark Cookson 13318 pLenti6-DEST PINK1-V5 G309D PINK1 V5 CMV Parkinson's Mark...
  2. Kazuhiro Oka Lentiviral Vectors

    ...from the CMV promoter pAdx-CMV-YFP 73348 Express YFP with an NLS from the CMV promoter pAdx-CMV-dsRed 73349...pCDH-CMV-Nluc-P2A-copGFp-T2A-Puro 73037 Expresses Nluc and copGFP from the CMV promoter pCDH-CMV-Nluc ...Xgal/IPTG plate pAdx-CMV-copGFP 73346 Expresses copGFP from the CMV promoter pAdx-CMV-tdTomato 73347 Expresses...dsRed from the CMV promoter pAdx-CMV-iCre-p2A-copGFP 73350 Expresses iCre and EGFP from the CMV promoter pAdx-CMV-iCre-P2A-tdTomato...promoter pCDH-CMV-mCherry-T2A-Puro 72264 Express mCherry and puromycin resistance gene from the CMV promoter...promoter pCDH-CMV 72265 Express gene of interest from the CMV promoter pCDH-EF1 72266 Express gene of interest...contains the Chicken-beta actin promoter with CMV enhancer. pAdx-CMV-LacZ is uniquely suited to simplify the...
  3. Cre-lox system

    ...pLOX-CW-CRE Cre CMV Lentiviral Trono 12265 pHR-CMV-nlsCRE Cre CMV Lentiviral Trono 12493 p259 pCMV-CRE-M (BglII...27493 pBT140 Cre CMV Mammalian Luo 27546 pLM-CMV-R-Cre Cre and mCherry coexpression CMV Lentiviral Sadelain...Lentiviral Oka 73350 pAdx-CMV-iCre-P2A-copGFP iCre and GFP CMV Adenoviral Oka 73351 pAdx-CMV-iCre-P2A-tdTomato...System PI 8394 p209 pCMV-cre-K Cre-K CMV Mammalian Green 8395 p210 pCMV-CREM CREM CMV Mammalian Green 8401...CREM CMV Mammalian Green 12494 p260 pCMV-CRE-M-AR(wt) CREM fused to AR ligand binding domain CMV Mammalian...split-Cre CMV Mammalian Hirrlinger 106370 pCMV-Tag2B-NCreERT2 N-terminal split-Cre-ERT2 CMV Mammalian ...probasin Mammalian Green 8406 p252 pPr-CREM/CMV-STOP-luc CREM and CMV-STOP-luc cassette probasin Mammalian Green...
  4. Luciferase Plasmids

    ...Technologies from 2015 blog post. RNA Biology CMV-LUC2CP/intron/ARE, CMV-LUC2CP/ARE : A splicing reporter that...luciferase Eric Campeau 21474 pLenti CMV V5-LUC Blast (w567-1) Firefly CMV Lentiviral expression of firefly...Nano-lantern CMV Mammalian expression of Nano-lantern Takeharu Nagai 87121 pcDNA-RLuc8 Renilla CMV Mammalian...Renilla CMV Mammalian expression of humanized renilla luciferase Witold Filipowicz 100984 pGL4.18 CMV-Luc ...William Hahn, David Root 105533 pAAV.CMV.Luc.IRES.EGFP.SV40 Firefly CMV AAV expression of firefly luciferase...firefly luciferase Mark Kay 105532 pAAV.CMV.ffLuciferase.SV40 Firefly CMV AAV expression of firefly luciferase...Venus-firefly luciferase Roland Friedel 170575 pCMV-FLuc Firefly CMV Retroviral expression of firefly luciferase...
  5. Adenovirus Plasmids

    ...Vogelstein 16403 pShuttle-CMV Shuttle For production of viruses containing transgene under CMV promoter Vogelstein... pAdTrack-CMV Shuttle For production of GFP-trackable viruses containing transgene under CMV promoter ...pShuttle-CMV plasmid with Gateway cassette; See article for additional plasmids Zhang 50957 RedTrackCMV Shuttle...mRFP-trackable viruses containing transgene under CMV Bamburg 50958 ShuttleNSE Shuttle For production of...mouse cofilin promoter (MCP) Bamburg 62621 pShuttle-CMV-F2A-T2A-Venus Shuttle For production of viruses with...
  6. Lentivirus Plasmids

    ...coexpression. Trono 17619 EF.CMV.RFP 2nd EF-1 alpha promoter for transgene and CMV drives expression of RFP... expression variants. Jacks 19319 pLJM1-EGFP 3rd CMV-driven EGFP fusion; can be used for cDNA expression...pLL3.7 3rd Expresses shRNA under mouse U6 promoter; CMV-EGFP reporter cassette is included to monitor expression... added; Expresses shRNA under mouse U6 promoter; CMV-EGFP reporter cassette is included to monitor expression...plasmid 17618 for GFP plasmid. Cheng 17452 pLenti CMV Puro DEST 3rd Gateway destination plasmid with constitutive...for more variations. Campeau 39481 pLenti-puro 3rd CMV driven expression of cDNA. Puro selection. Shih 25737...puromycin Sabatini 25895 pLX301 3rd Gateway plasmid for CMV driven expression of cDNA. See article for alternative...
  7. Empty Backbones - Choosing Your Perfect Plasmid Backbone

    ...information. pAdTrack-CMV - Shuttle vector for transgene expression under a CMV ...Promoters Representative Empty Backbones Mammalian CMV, SV40, EF1a, CAG pSG5L Flag HA - Transient ...Tet-inducible lentiviral shRNA expression pLenti CMV Neo DEST - Lentiviral Gateway destination...Retroviral shRNA expression pLenti CMV Puro DEST - Lentiviral Gateway destination...Tet-inducible lentiviral shRNA expression pLenti CMV Hygro DEST - Lentiviral Gateway destination...vector for gene expression pLenti CMV/TO Hygro - Lentiviral Gateway destination...destination for shRNA expression pLenti CMV/TO Zeo DEST - Tet-inducible lentiviral...
  8. Retrovirus Plasmids

    ...and env Verma 35614 pBS-CMV-gagpol Packaging MoMLV gag and pol Salmon 8454 pCMV-VSV-G Envelope Envelope... Puro resistance. Hahn 63704 pRetroX GFP T2A Cre CMV/MSV Tetracycline inducible expression of GFP T2A ...Cre fusion in mammalian cells Foijer 47916 pRXTN CMV/MSV pRXTN is a modified version of pRX-tight Puro...containing retroviral plasmid Vignali 27995 TtRMPVIR CMV/MSV Tet-regulated expression of shRNA; expresses ...additional plasmids in this toolkit. Lowe 64865 pLncEXP CMV/MSV lncRNA expression plasmid Sun 60683 pLXIN-Luc...
  9. Tetracycline Inducible Expression

    ... and fos 3'UTR tTA Off Mayford 38056 pXCX.CMV.tTA Adenoviral; CMV promoter; see article for neuronal-specific...promoter (Pbi); Pbi contains a TRE between two minimal CMV and is silent in absence of binding of tTA or rtTA...Plasmid Description Element On or off PI 26429 pLenti CMV rtTA3 Blast (w756-1) Lentiviral reverse tetracycline-controlled...tetracycline-controlled transactivator 3 (rtTA3) expression vector, CMV promoter, and Blasticidin; can be used to make cell...generation rtTA On Campeau 25434 pMA2640 Retroviral; CMV-driven; linked via IRES to EGFP-Blasticidin fusion...
  10. Control AAV Preps

    ...105531 pAAV.CMV.LacZ.bGH CMV LacZ Constitutive 1, 5, 8, 9 Wilson 105532 pAAV.CMV.ffLuciferase.SV40 CMV ffLuciferase...Constitutive PHPeB Gradinaru 105530 pAAV.CMV.PI.EGFP.WPRE.bGH CMV EGFP Constitutive 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, rh10... 8, 9, rg*, PHP.eB Wilson 105548 pENN.AAV.CMVs.TurboRFP.WPRE.RBG CMV TurboRFP Constitutive 1, 5, 8 Wilson...CAP-B22 MaCPNS1 MaCPNS2 AAV9-X1.1 Promoter CAG CaMKIIa CMV Dlx EF1a/nEF GFAP and variants Synapsin TBG Other...
  11. Recombinases AAV Preps

    ...CamKII none 1, 5, 9, rg* Wilson CMV Promoter 105537 pENN.AAV.CMVs.Pl.Cre.rBG CMV none 1, 2, 6.2, 8, 9, rh10...rh10 Wilson 105545 pAAV.CMV.HI.eGFP-Cre.WPRE.SV40 CMV eGFP 1, 2, 5, 8, 9 Wilson EF1a Promoter 55632 pAAV-Ef1a-mCherry-IRES-Cre...
  12. Chemogenetics Plasmids

    ...FRT-HA-hM3D(Gq) hM3D (Gq) CMV No Roth 45548 pcDNA5/FRT-HA-hM4D(Gi) hM4D (Gi) CMV No Roth 45549 pcDNA5/FRT-HA-rM3D...) CAG mCherry Yes Sternson 52525 CMV:: HA-hM4Dnrxn hM4Dnrxn (Gi) CMV No Sternson 52523 CAG:: mCherry-2a-hM4Dnrxn...FRT-HA-rM3D(Gs) rM3D (Gs) CMV No Roth 70717 AAV-mOXT-hM3Dq-mCherry-WPRE hM3D (Gq) Mouse Oxycotin mCherry...
  13. TALEN Expression Vectors

    ...same). All expression vectors listed below have the CMV promoter for mammalian cell expression and a T7 promoter...
  14. Lentiviral Prep Service

    ...17446 pLenti CMV GFP Hygro (656-4) GFP Hygromycin 3rd gen lentiviral eGFP expression vector, CMV promoter,...
  15. Zhang Lab CRISPR Page

    ...Available plasmids are described below: 61591 : PX601; CMV-driven SaCas9; U6-driven sgRNA 61593 : PX602; TBG-driven...TBG-driven SaCas9; U6-driven sgRNA 61592 : PX600; CMV-driven SaCas9 60957 : PX551; Truncated MeCP2 promoter-driven...driven by either the ubiquitous cytomegalovirus (CMV, PX601 [#61591] ) or liver-specific tyroxine binding...
  16. CRISPR References and Information

    ...packaging plasmids: pVSVg , psPAX2 ; positive control: CMV-EGFP PDF 2.3 MB Zhang GeCKO pooled library amplification...packaging plasmids: pVSVg , psPAX2 positive control: CMV-EGFP Kits are also available (mouse or human libraries...
  17. SARS-CoV-2 Pseudotyped Virus

    ...luciferase. pCMV-FLuc - Retroviral reporter vector expressing firefly luciferase. pHAGE-CMV-Luc2-IRES-ZsGreen-W...
  18. Qi Lab CRISPR Page

    ... the genome. The pgRNA_humanized also contains a CMV-puro-t2A-mCherry expression cassette, useful for ...
  19. Mammalian RNAi Tools

    ...pLL3.7 Expresses shRNA under the mouse U6 promoter; A CMV-EGFP reporter cassette is included in the vector ...
Showing: 1 - 20 of 31 results