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Showing: 1 - 6 of 6 results
  1. Quick Guide to Near-Infrared Fluorescent Proteins

    Blog Post
    Oct. 5, 2021, 1:15 p.m.
    ... of the N- and C-termini. Latest miRFPnanos9 do not yield to (m)iRFPs in cellular and molecular brightness...brightness than previously reported widely used dimeric iRFPs (Table 1). In general, the monomeric state of a ...Enhanced miRFPs are monomeric and bright Recent series of enhanced monomeric NIR FPs named miRFPs (monomeric...Therefore, we recommend using miRFPs and their enhanced versions named emiRFPs in your applications.  There...set of spectrally distinct (e)miRFPs available. The numbers in (e)miRFP names correspond to the maxima...multicolor NIR imaging.  Small miRFPnano A separate class of NIR FPs, named miRFPnanos, were derived from cyanobacteriochrome...advantages are their small size (17 kDa for miRFPnanos, 35 kDa for miRFPs, and 27 kDa for EGFP) and a possibility...
  2. In Living Color: The Skinny on In Vivo Imaging Tools

    Blog Post
    March 27, 2014, 5:14 p.m.
    ...that near-infrared range, and that’s exactly what iRFPs achieved. Those proteins allowed a signal-to-background...phytochome-derived proteins, iRFP670, iRFP682, iRFP702, iRFP713 and iRFP720, is that they absorb and emit...near-infrared fluorescent proteins (FPs), called PAiRFP1 and PAiRFP2, to the in vivo imaging toolbox, which increase...application of near-infrared fluorescent proteins, iRFP670 and iRFP720, as photoacoustic contrast agents for two-color...
  3. 28 Hot Plasmid Technologies from 2015

    Blog Post
    Dec. 23, 2015, 3:30 p.m.
    ...Pre-constructed Entry vectors containing Cas9, EGFP, mCherry, iRFP, tdTomato, luciferase, LacZ, puromycin or CreERT2...vector expressing a separate reporter gene (EGFP, iRFP, IFP1.4, puromycin, neomycin or luciferase) to create...
  4. Hot Biosensors 2022: Year-End Roundup

    Blog Post
    Dec. 6, 2022, 2:15 p.m.
    ...small monomeric NIR fluorescent proteins (miRFP670nano and miRFP720) and the Ca2+-sensing domain from Twitch...
  5. Hot Plasmids - February 2022

    Blog Post
    Feb. 22, 2022, 2:15 p.m.
    ...anti-FLAG frankebodies includes mEGFP, mRuby2, iRFP713, SNAP-tag, and HaloTag fusions, while the anti-...
Showing: 1 - 6 of 6 results