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Showing: 1 - 12 of 12 results
  1. Quick Guide to Near-Infrared Fluorescent Proteins

    Blog Post
    ... of the N- and C-termini. Latest miRFPnanos9 do not yield to (m)iRFPs in cellular and molecular brightness...brightness than previously reported widely used dimeric iRFPs (Table 1). In general, the monomeric state of a ...Enhanced miRFPs are monomeric and bright Recent series of enhanced monomeric NIR FPs named miRFPs (monomeric...Therefore, we recommend using miRFPs and their enhanced versions named emiRFPs in your applications.  There...set of spectrally distinct (e)miRFPs available. The numbers in (e)miRFP names correspond to the maxima...multicolor NIR imaging.  Small miRFPnano A separate class of NIR FPs, named miRFPnanos, were derived from cyanobacteriochrome...advantages are their small size (17 kDa for miRFPnanos, 35 kDa for miRFPs, and 27 kDa for EGFP) and a possibility...
  2. Fluorescent Protein Guide: In Vivo Imaging

    ...pmiRFP709-N1 iRFP (aka iRFP713) 690/713 6.2 piRFP iRFP720 702/720 5.8 piRFP720-N1 iSplit 690/713 5.3 pPAS-...BphPs). Spectrally distinct permanently fluorescent iRFP variants have been shown to have high effective ...single or multicolor imaging. Photo-activatable iRFPs can be ‘turned on’ by non-phototoxic far-red animals. Further development of the original iRFP has resulted in a split fluorescence complementation... piRFP682-N1 iRFP702 673/702 7.6 piRFP702-N1 miRFP703 673/703 8 pmiRFP703-N1 miRFP709 683/709 4 pmiRFP709...Find Plasmids iRFP670 643/670 12.7 piRFP670-N1 miRFP670 642/670 12 pmiRFP670-N1 iRFP682 663/682 10.2 piRFP682...Brightness Find Plasmids PAiRFP1 690/717 (after photoactivation) 3.2 pPAiRFP1-N1 PAiRFP2 692/719 (after photoactivation...
  3. In Living Color: The Skinny on In Vivo Imaging Tools

    Blog Post
    ...that near-infrared range, and that’s exactly what iRFPs achieved. Those proteins allowed a signal-to-background...phytochome-derived proteins, iRFP670, iRFP682, iRFP702, iRFP713 and iRFP720, is that they absorb and emit...near-infrared fluorescent proteins (FPs), called PAiRFP1 and PAiRFP2, to the in vivo imaging toolbox, which increase...application of near-infrared fluorescent proteins, iRFP670 and iRFP720, as photoacoustic contrast agents for two-color...
  4. Fluorescent Protein Guide: Empty Backbones

    ...Expression iRFP (aka iRFP713) 690 713 6 4.5 2.8 hr Dimer piRFP - Mammalian Expression pBAD/His-B-iRFP - Bacterial...Plasmids - Enhanced colors, including PSmOrange, iRFP Gradia Lab Mammalian Plasmids - Includes tagging...Plasmids miRFP670 642 670 12 4.5 Monomer pmiRFP670-N1 - Mammalian Expression pBAD/His-miRFP670 - Bacterial...Expression iRFP670 643 670 13 4 ~5 hr Dimer piRFP670-N1 - Mammalian Expression pBAD/HisB-iRFP670 - Bacterial...Expression iRFP682 663 682 10 4.5 ~5hr Dimer piRFP682-N1 - Mammalian Expression pBAD/HisB-iRFP682 - Bacterial...Expression miRFP703 673 703 8 4.5 Monomer pmiRFP703-N1 - Mammalian Expression pBAD/His-miRFP703 - Bacterial...Expression iRFP702 673 702 8 4.5 ~5hr Dimer piRFP702-N1 - Mammalian Expression pBAD/HisB-iRFP702 - Bacterial...
  5. 28 Hot Plasmid Technologies from 2015

    Blog Post
    ...Pre-constructed Entry vectors containing Cas9, EGFP, mCherry, iRFP, tdTomato, luciferase, LacZ, puromycin or CreERT2...vector expressing a separate reporter gene (EGFP, iRFP, IFP1.4, puromycin, neomycin or luciferase) to create...
  6. Hot Plasmids - February 2022

    Blog Post
    ...anti-FLAG frankebodies includes mEGFP, mRuby2, iRFP713, SNAP-tag, and HaloTag fusions, while the anti-...
  7. Fluorescent Protein Guide: Subcellular Localization

    ...Filaments LifeAct miRFP703 Vladislav Verkhusha 79994 pEB3-miRFP703 Microtubules EB3 miRFP703 Vladislav Verkhusha...GFP Pantelis Tsoulfas 80000 pMito-miRFP703 Mitochondria COX8A miRFP703 Vladislav Verkhusha 36208 pmTurquoise2... mCherry Robert Benezra 80001 pH2B-miRFP703 Chromatin H2B miRFP703 Vladislav Verkhusha 17650 GFP-HP1gamma...Verkhusha 79990 pKeratin-miRFP703 Intermediate Filaments (epithelial) Keratin miRFP703 Vladislav Verkhusha ...Verkhusha 79991 pmiRFP703-Tubulin Microtubules alpha-tubulin miRFP703 Vladislav Verkhusha 79993 pLifeAct-miRFP703...Verkhusha 79996 pVimentin-miRFP703 Intermediate Filaments (vimentin) Vimentin miRFP703 Vladislav Verkhusha ...Vladislav Verkhusha 79999 pZyxin-miRFP703 Focal Adhesions Zyxin miRFP703 Vladislav Verkhusha 55023 mCherry-Cx43...
  8. Cre-lox system

    ...and Cre CAG Mammalian Zhang 68477 pTRE:iRFP670-EFS:Cre-2A-GFP iRFP670, Cre, and GFP TRE Mammalian Jacks...Cre None Zebrafish Stankunas 82696 pCRE-iRFP670 Cre and iRFP670 PGK Mammalian Mullen 84032 pHD066 mCherry-Cre...CAG Mammalian Stringer 68448 TOPO rtTA3-2A-Cre iRFP670, Cre, and GFP EFS Lentiviral Jacks 68468 Cas9-2A-Cre...
  9. Luciferase Plasmids

    ...104587 pHIV-iRFP720-E2A-Luc Firefly EF1α Lentiviral expression of firefly luciferase and iRFP720 from a bicistronic...
  10. Neurodegeneration Plasmid Collection

    ...Lazarou 119693 pBMN iRFP670-OPTN(D474N) OPTN iRFP670 ALS Michael Lazarou 119694 pBMN iRFP670-OPTN(F178A/D474N...Clifford Brangwynne 122441 pHR-FUSN-miRFP670-Cry2WT FUS Cry2WT, miRFP670 SFFV ALS Clifford Brangwynne 122668...D474N) OPTN iRFP670 ALS Michael Lazarou 120163 mCh-KIF5A*-strep KIF5A mCherry, Streptavidin CMV ALS Juan...
Showing: 1 - 12 of 12 results