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Showing: 1 - 18 of 18 results
  1. Fluorescent Proteins 101: GFP Fusion Proteins - Making the Right Connection

    Blog Post
    April 9, 2019, 1:13 p.m.
    ...the limitations is the size of GFP: ~240 amino acids or about 28 kDa. GFP and its homologues have a beta-barrel...and shape matters The green fluorescent protein (GFP) from Aequorea victoria and its variants are genetically...interference is known as steric hindrance. For instance, GFP may occlude catalytic sites or obstruct binding modifications. Despite these potential issues, GFP has been used successfully in countless fusion proteins... an inert light emitting module, any tendency of GFP to homodimerize should be avoided because it will...the linker sequence short In the early days of GFP applications, many were concerned with steric hindrance...fluorescent proteins derived from Aequorea victoria GFP sticks out and can be considered a linker (figure...
  2. SunTag and Fluorescent Imaging

    Blog Post
    March 28, 2017, 2:30 p.m. observed some GFP aggregation, which they reduced by using superfolder GFP (sfGFP) with the small solubility...scaffold fully occupied with GFP has a molecular weight of 1,400 kDa vs 24 kDa for GFP alone. Although traditional...nomenclature throughout the rest of this blog post, GFP refers to sfGFP-GB1.   Tanenbaum et al. examined the power... copies of the short epitope GCN4. GCN4 recruits GFP fused to the cognate scFV antibody, which is expressed...physiology. Having seen that mitochondrial tracker GFP-mitoNEET can impair mitochondrial function, they ...they examined the effects of mitoNEET-SunTag-GFP. As expected, they obtained bright images of mitochondria... al. modified the GCN4 sequence to increase its alpha-helical structure and stability, creating v4 SunTag...
  3. Split Fluorescent Proteins for Studying Protein-Protein Interactions

    Blog Post
    May 3, 2022, 1:15 p.m.
    ...Chang-Deng Hu Green sfGFP Split super-folder GFP, our most-requested GFP(1-10) and GFP(11) Versatile protein...Commun. 2016 Bo Huang spGFP Split superpositive GFP Split-superpositive GFP reassembly is a fast, efficient...base FP (for example, EBFP2(1-10) can be used with GFP(11)). Some of the articles linked below only provide...Blue EBFP2 EBFP2(1-10) and Capri(1-10) for use with GFP(11) Multiplexed labeling of cellular proteins with... Kamiyama Cerulean Cerulean(1-10) for use with GFP(11) Multiplexed labeling of cellular proteins with... high-throughput screen for molecules affecting alpha-synuclein oligomerisation. Eastwood T, Baker K, ...background signal (especially for some older split-GFP constructs or certain cell environments). Also consider...
  4. Fluorescent Proteins 101: When GFP lets you down

    Blog Post
    Aug. 23, 2018, 12:05 p.m.
    ...S65T) in the original jellyfish GFP (AvGFP) to create enhanced GFP (EGFP), a variant with improved brightness... There are numerous GFP variants. Here I use the name ‘GFP’, which refers to mEGFP. This variant was made...examined on a case-by-case basis. GFP is sensitive to acid The chromophore of GFP can exist in a protonated and...its acid tolerance is maintained in cells.   GFP is big GFP is a 28 kDa protein that resembles a cylinder...2013; Hilaire et al., 2017). GFP can only be used for tagging proteins GFP fusion proteins are made by ... a fusion with GFP allows for detection of genomic locations (Chen et al., 2013). GFP fluorescence overlaps... al., 2018). GFP is not tolerated in my fusion It is standard practice to attach the GFP to the N- or ...
  5. New Norepinephrine Indicators: nLightG and nLightR

    Blog Post
    Dec. 12, 2023, 2:15 p.m.
    ...., 2023. nLight nLight sensors are based on alpha-1a adrenergic receptor; nLightG contains circularly...circularly permuted green fluorescent protein (GFP), and nLightR uses a red fluorescent protein, mApple. Kagiampaki...blocked by alpha2-AR antagonist, nLight sensors are not. Instead, they are blocked by alpha1-AR antagonist...antagonist. This is important because alpha2-AR can provide inhibitory feedback in response to norepinephrine...multiplexing in experiments, including ones that study alpha2-AR. Selectivity Norepinephrine and dopamine are...
  6. Understanding GPCR Signaling Using TRUPATH

    Blog Post
    Dec. 14, 2020, 2:15 p.m.
    ...complex consists of a trimer of three subunits: alpha, beta, and gamma (Gα, Gβ, and Gγ), collectively ...transfer 2, or BRET2. With binding of the drug, the alpha and beta subunits dissociate resulting in decreased... acceptor GFP2-Gγ chimeras, and two untagged Gβ constructs. For the Gγ constructs, the GFP2 tag is fused... Gα-Rluc8 and Gγ-GFP2 will be in close association, resulting in a high level of GFP2 emission. Following...interest, a Gα-Rluc8 plasmid, and the appropriate Gγ-GFP2 and Gβ constructs. Cells are then treated with the...complex will disassociate, resulting in a decreased GFP2 emission. The activation state can be measured by... by a BRET2 ratio, which is the ratio of GFP2 emission to RLuc8 emission (see figure). What can TRUPATH...
  7. Hot Plasmids: Summer 2024

    Blog Post
    Aug. 27, 2024, 1:15 p.m.
    ...bundle; SAH: 60-nm single alpha helix) and target capture module (SpyTag-GFP nanobody) assembled on beads...In MagIC-cryo-EM, target proteins (expressed as a GFP fusion in this proof-of-concept study) are captured...SpyTag-SpyCatcher linkers and spacer proteins ending with a GFP nanobody (Figure 1). This enrichment streamlines ...beads. C: Micrograph of H1.8-GFP nucleosomes collected with MagIC-cryo-EM. Nucleosome-like particles identified...) 3D model of the obtained structure of the H1.8-GFP-bound nucleosome. Images adapted from Arimura et ...
  8. Plasmids 101: The Promoter Region – Let's Go!

    Blog Post
    April 3, 2014, 8:05 p.m.
    ...mammalian expression from human elongation factor 1 alpha Constitutive  Tends to give consistent expression...Vectors Read about Reporter Gene like Luciferase and GFP Resources on Find Plasmids for Your...
  9. New and Upcoming Viral Vectors - May 2020

    Blog Post
    May 28, 2020, 1:15 p.m.
    ...respectively of a GFP dependent Cre. The two segments come together in the presence of GFP to form a functional... activation to cells expressing both Cre and GFP. The GFP dependent FLPo, Flp-DOG (75469), is also available...-2 proteins ChR2 for targeted expression DREADDs GFP dependent Cre and FLPo And more!  New new serotypes, as well as a new Cre dependent GFP control plasmid for expression in forebrain GABA-...Karl Deisseroth 83895 AAVrg pAAV-hDlx-Flex-GFP-Fishell_6 Gordon Fishell   Optogenetics Optogenetics...transgenic reporter lines that supply a variety of GFP expression patterns, thus allowing you to further...AAV2 pAAV-Ef1a-fDIO mCherry 83900 AAVrg pAAV-mDlx-GFP-Fishell-1 Biosensors Plasmid Serotype Name ...
  10. 28 Hot Plasmid Technologies from 2015

    Blog Post
    Dec. 23, 2015, 3:30 p.m.
    ...both the GFP and the RFP proteins in the nucleus. During the first round of translation, the GFP proteins...-Sec61 beta BFP-KDEL Rtn4a-GFP (tubular ER) Microtubules mCherry-alpha-tubulin Early Endosome ...Compartment mCherry-Rab5 BFP-Rab5 GFP-Rab5B Vacuolar & Budding Compartment GFP-Rab4B Mitochondria mito-BFP...GTPase in division) GFP-Mff (outer membrane protein) Late Endosome mCherry-Rab7A GFP-Rab7A     ...protein Knock-off, is made up of three components: a GFP protein that binds to the coding region of a reporter...reporter mRNA via a PP7 coat protein (NLS-PCP-GFP) a RFP protein that binds to the 3’ UTR of the reporter...these dCas9s with one of three fluorescent proteins (GFP, BFP and mCherry), the authors were able to visualize...
  11. CRISPR 101: Epigenetics and Editing the Epigenome

    Blog Post
    June 24, 2020, 5:45 p.m.
    ...Methyltransferase 3 Alpha (DNMT3A) Vlatka Zoldoš’ lab has deposited pdCas9-DNMT3A-EGFP and pdCas9-DNMT3A-PuroR...methylation in mammalian cells. Co-expression markers EGFP and PuroR enable sorting and selection of transduced...Goodell's lab has deposited pcDNA3.1-dCas9-MQ1(Q147L)-EGFP, a fusion of dCas9 to a small DNA methyltransferase...epigenome-editing tools. pLV hUbC-dCas9-MQ1(Q147L)-EGFP is also available for lentiviral transduction. Lysine-specific...
  12. Plasmid Tools for Microbiome Studies

    Blog Post
    June 27, 2019, 12:25 p.m.
    ...selectable marker and a desired genetic payload (ex: GFP). Thus, cells can be both sorted using FACS and isolated...allows translation of the reporter gene resulting in GFP signal. With the addition of standards, the assay... plasmids could also be transformed into Alphaproteobacteira, Betaproteobacteria, and Gammaproteobacteria...
  13. Scientists Map the SARS-CoV-2-Human Interaction Network

    Blog Post
    April 9, 2020, 1:15 p.m.
    ...the viral protease, Nsp5. Our set also includes a GFP construct as a control. For easier portability, all...selection. Expression is driven by a fairly strong EF1alpha promoter. We have verified expression of correctly-sized...
  14. Plasmids 101: Repressible Promoters

    Blog Post
    Dec. 20, 2022, 2:15 p.m.
    ...Church lab uses this system to control expression of GFP.)  To turn this inducible system into a repressible...expression system for sphingomonads and other Alphaproteobacteria. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2013 Nov;79(21):...
  15. Adenoviral Delivery of CRISPR/Cas9 Aims to Expand Genome Editing to Primary Cells

    Blog Post
    Dec. 10, 2020, 1 p.m.
    ... pAdSh.PGK.Cas9, pAdSh.U6.gRNAS1, and pAdSh.U6.gRNAGFP. Gonçalves says that advantages of AdVs include...Sickle Cells Disease, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency (most widely used so RNA constructs, pAdSh.U6.gRNAS1 and pAdSh.U6.gRNAGFP, and also Adeno Cas9 and Adeno EA. Or if you're...
Showing: 1 - 18 of 18 results