Quick Guide to All Things Lentivirus
Blog Post
March 21, 2017, 2:30 p.m.
...and the promoter of the 5’LTR has been deleted to reduce its activity. A CMV or an EF1α promoter has been...the control of two different promoters. Both the single and dual promoter transfer vectors can be used...containing the rev response element (RRE), an internal promoter, and the desired gene (transfer vector plasmid...entry site (IRES) and expressed under the same promoter. Alternatively, your gene and the marker can be...cell cycle, a transfer vector with an inducible promoter (see below) should be used.
Inducible lentiviral...Tet-response element (TRE) is placed upstream of the promoter in your transfer vector. In the absence of tetracycline...