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Showing: 421 - 440 of 775 results
  1. CRISPR Challenges: Standardization and Homology Directed Repair

    Blog Post
    Feb. 14, 2018, 2:36 p.m.
    ...single-strand DNA incorporation (ssDI). "Easi-CRISPR for creating knock-in and conditional knockout mouse models...Protoc. 13(1) (2018):195-215. PubMed PMID: 29266098 Creating knock-in mouse models with CRISPR has been challenging...efficiency. Easi-CRISPR uses a long ssDNA template to increase efficiency of insertion and gene replacement. ...
  2. In Vivo Biotinylation of Bacterial Fusion Proteins

    Blog Post
    Jan. 25, 2018, 2:09 p.m.
    ...we found that adding a TEV linker dramatically increased accessibility of the AviTag and HisTag, which ...fusion protein in bacteria. Our initial attempt to create a plasmid based on the biotin ligase BirA backbone... inserting BirA into a pMal plasmid (NEB) thus creating the pMal-T-Avi-His/BirA plasmid now available ...
  3. Plasmids 101: TOPO Cloning

    Blog Post
    Oct. 27, 2016, 2:30 p.m.
    ...cassette allowing a researcher to perform blue-white screening after transformation - self joining of the vector...break down the steps needed for TOPO cloning: 1. Create Your PCR Product: Design standard primers (no need...unpaired 3’ ends in your PCR product. If you need to decrease error rate, please use one of these methods to...
  4. Single-cell tracking of lineage and identity with CellTag

    Blog Post
    May 9, 2019, 1:15 p.m.
    ...individual cells. Each cell is labeled with 3-4 tags to increase the diversity of the CellTag library. The fixed...detected over a 10-week period. Their expression decreased over time but they were not silenced.    Find ...retroviral overexpression cocktail yielded a three-fold increase of fully reprogrammed cells based on single-cell...
  5. Bright Monomeric Fluorescent Proteins: mNeonGreen, mTFP1, and mWasabi

    Blog Post
    April 25, 2019, 3:01 p.m.
    ...University of Alberta and University of Oregon created mTFP1 by transforming E. coli with a gene library...tetramer-breaking mutations. The library was then screened through successive rounds of mutagenesis for the...filter. This combination results in a 2.6-fold increase in signal relative to mCerulean imaged with a ...
  6. Antibodies 101: Avoiding the Mouse on Mouse Mess in IHC

    Blog Post
    Sept. 21, 2023, 1:15 p.m.
    ...primary antibody and endogenous IgGs in the tissue. Created with Strategies for avoiding...Some labs have found that you can significantly decrease background staining by mixing your primary add your primary and secondary antibodies. Created with Proper tissue processing...
  7. Addgene Begins Distribution of Recombinant Antibodies

    Blog Post
    March 28, 2022, 4:30 p.m.
    ...collection of antibodies available at launch were created by James Trimmer, PhD, of the University of California...commitment to supporting your research, Addgene is creating an array of educational materials to accompany...more useful to everyone over time. Through our incredible community, including your support, we have enabled...
  8. RUBY-Red Siliques

    Blog Post
    March 1, 2022, 2:15 p.m. select against CRISPR positive plants, but screening these can be challenging and requires specialized...Willoughby   Using RUBY as a selection marker The creators of RUBY highlight its use in crop plants positive selection of transformed plants to decrease the routine usage of antibiotics which may contribute...
  9. Don’t Wait To Launch Your Health Science Startup

    Blog Post
    Aug. 25, 2015, 2:30 p.m.
    ...would rather fund excellent people with mediocre ideas than mediocre people with excellent ideas. I am lucky... your potential as an entrepreneur, not your credentials. If you have an idea, don’t wait.  Go for it....
  10. Improving Transduction Efficiency with Exosome AAVs

    Blog Post
    March 14, 2019, 1:54 p.m.
    ...microvesicles (approx. 40 - 150 nm diameter) that are secreted from the cellular membrane into the culture medium...AAVs (Schiller et al., 2018). Exosomal vesicles secreted from producer cells also contain cellular new ways of improving gene delivery. They increase the efficiency of transduction, broaden the use...
  11. Virtual Science Conference Coming Up? Three Addgenies Share Their Experience

    Blog Post
    June 30, 2020, 1:15 p.m. keep the audience engaged through a computer screen. For the Reproducibility for Everyone Workshop, of the poster,” he says.Viewing a poster on a screen is challenging, requiring you to zoom in to different...canceled may be disappointing, but there are many creative ways to adapt and take advantage of the new conference...
  12. Four Factors that Differentiate the Stem Cell Field

    Blog Post
    Sept. 28, 2016, 2:35 p.m.
    ... the stem cell community – a community largely created due to Yamanaka’s seminal work. It didn't take... during his keynote address, appeared almost incredulous that the field has exploded so quickly, citing...explained that it took 50 people nearly 2 years to create the first stem cell line that could be used in ...
  13. Plasmids 101: Mammalian Vectors

    Blog Post
    March 25, 2014, 3:15 p.m.
    ..., described below, are typically employed when creating stable cell lines and are not used for general...Stable transfection A stable transfection is used to create a population of cells that have fully and successfully...culture media until 24-48 h post transfection when creating stable cell lines. Looking for Mammalian Expression...
  14. Plasmids 101: Sequence and Ligation Independent Cloning (SLIC)

    Blog Post
    Sept. 26, 2024, 1:15 p.m.
    ... vector and insert are (separately) digested to create 10–12 base “chewed back” overhangs, they can be...bacteria, which will efficiently repair the plasmid. Created with   SLIC also opened up a...transformed into bacteria, which repair the plasmid. Created with How does SLIC compare to...
  15. GPCRs: How Do They Work and How Do We Study Them?

    Blog Post
    Feb. 11, 2021, 2:15 p.m.
    ...and their GPCR binding partner, Bryan Roth’s lab created an open source resource called PRESTO-TANGO (parallel...parallel receptorome expression and screening via transcriptional output - TANGO) (Kroeze et al., 2015...are ideal candidates for use in chemogenetics. To create chemogenetics receptors, GPCRs were first mutated...
  16. 15 Years of Addgene: The Top 15 Plasmids

    Blog Post
    Jan. 8, 2019, 1:54 p.m.
    ...sequence (pSpCas9(BB)). The 2A-GFP allows for screening of transfected cells. Find pSpCas9(BB)-2A-GFP ...virus, making it ideal for CRISPR pooled library screening experiments. Find lentiCRISPR v2.(If you’ve, a pair of annealed oligos can be cloned to create a chimeric guide RNA. Find pX330-U6-Chimeric_BB-CBh-hSpCas9...
  17. Developing a cold tolerant E. coli using specialized chaperones

    Blog Post
    Jan. 28, 2020, 2:35 p.m.
    ...under cold temperatures, and frigid conditions decrease the potential for microbial contamination. Additionally...Acclimatisation To resolve this impasse, our team decided to create a hybrid system where we could incorporate cold-tolerance...The event also featured a seminar on “Tools to increase scientific reproducibility” by Benoit Giquel, ...
  18. Behind the scenes: Addgene’s new search engine and more

    Blog Post
    Dec. 12, 2019, 2:22 p.m.
    ...well-characterized. During this time, we’ve also created a variety of educational resources in an effort...understanding of Addgene’s customer’s needs. Categories We created a categorization of our information in order to...for promoter and serotype, among others. We also created a normalization mechanism to “collapse” variations...
  19. Addgene’s Viral Service - Why Virus? Why Now?

    Blog Post
    March 23, 2017, 2:30 p.m.
    ...production. Finally, we are blessed to have an incredibly supportive Board of Directors at Addgene. Our...leadership of Addgene’s co-founder, Melina Fan, we created a new team to push this project forward. The to the Addgenies who went the extra mile to create this new service. We knew the scientists were waiting...
Showing: 421 - 440 of 775 results