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Showing: 381 - 400 of 775 results
  1. Technique: Probe Phage Genomes for Host Binding Proteins

    Blog Post
    Sept. 29, 2016, 2:30 p.m. cloned into E. coli and subsequent proteins screened for cell-binding abilities (6). This can be accomplished... repair sheared ends with T4 DNA polymerase (to create blunt ends) and ligate into a bluntly digested for functional genomic and metagenomic screening." Applied and environmental microbiology 74.5 ...Protein-Protein Interactions Use CRISPR For Genome-Wide Screens Resources on Visit Our Microbiology...
  2. Mycoplasma Contamination: Where Does It Come From and How to Prevent It

    Blog Post
    Oct. 8, 2020, 1:15 p.m.
    ...individuals wherever the cell cultures are kept will increase the risk of contamination. Mycoplasmas can spread...even though the viability of cryopreserved cells decreases with every subculture. Equipment Fumigate the... not be stored in a single incubator since it increases the risk of cross-contamination. CO2 incubators...Elimination is a very time-consuming process and increases the risk of secondary contamination to other healthy...
  3. A History of Genome Engineering in Popular Culture

    Blog Post
    Feb. 25, 2020, 2:15 p.m.
    ...The premise of the novel involves Dr. Moreau who creates human-animal hybrids. This book is published 30...character revolts against class divide that is created by genetics.    Zinc finger nucleases Zinc finger... it can read many base pairs simultaneously to increase specificity. This modular approach made ZFNs travels. The movie sees the USS Enterprise crew fight against a genetically engineered superhuman...
  4. Antibodies 101: Validation

    Blog Post
    March 24, 2022, 1:15 p.m.
    ...IWGAV five proposed antibody validation pillars. Created with     Orthogonal Strategies...knock-down expression of your target or CRISPR/Cas9 to create mutations that essentially eliminate expression...opposite of the Genetic strategy and looks for increased antibody signal in samples that have had the target... target protein expression experimentally increased. The simplest version would be to use cells that do...
  5. Antibodies 101: Designing Your First Flow Panel

    Blog Post
    May 28, 2024, 1:45 p.m.
    ...more photons are absorbed and then emitted, which creates a relatively stronger — or brighter — signal.   ...brightness levels on your smartphone or computer screen), and you should be able to properly label many...included—the live/dead stain. This stain is in fact not created through the actual APC-Cy7 fluorophore but displays...absorbed and emitted by matter, and how this process creates visible colors. Next, you learned about how fluorophores...
  6. With an Eye Towards the Future, We Look Back at the March for Science

    Blog Post
    Oct. 24, 2017, 1:54 p.m.
    ...public. Find out more at Walnut Creek, CA, USA 37.9101°N 122.0652°W – Steph Hays When...microbial interactions, and science education. Photo cred Alina Chan. Seattle, Washington, USA 47.6062°N 122.3321...others come out who feel the same.  I was also incredibly impressed with how well organized the march was...was, as well as the friendly atmosphere that was created by the many thousands of science professionals ...
  7. Which Fluorescence Microscopy Techniques is Best for Me?

    Blog Post
    Oct. 10, 2017, 1:57 p.m.
    ...Parallelized Confocal Microscopy (Spinning Disk) increases the speed at which a confocal image can be acquired...utilizes a configuration of two or more objectives to create a thin sheet of excitation light that propagates...molecules on and off. This can provide a 2-10 fold increase in resolution, down to 10s of nanometers. Thick...samples due to its fast temporal resolution and decreased phototoxicity. Lightsheet designs that allow for...
  8. CRISPR 101 eBook...en español

    Blog Post
    Jan. 18, 2024, 2:15 p.m.
    ...the world to help increase global access to materials in our repository. This incredible gift will allow...a los materiales de nuestro repositorio. Este increíble regalo permitirá que más personas accedan a recursos...
  9. #Deckthelab Contest Winners 2017

    Blog Post
    Jan. 31, 2018, 2:44 p.m.
    ...year’s impressive entries, but our community of creative scientists delivered some spectacular photos tree and set a challenge for her lab mates to create the best-recycled lab supply ornament ever! & We hope everyone had a blast decorating and creating memories with their labmates! Are you inspired...
  10. New Educational Resource: The Addgene Videos Page

    Blog Post
    June 16, 2017, 2 p.m.
    ...complement our written protocol materials, we have also created video protocols.  These feature step-by-step instructions...below: How-to videos Our How-To videos feature screen-capture footage to help you navigate Addgene’s ...the Addgene Blog 5 Science Rap Videos and Their Creator: Tom McFadden SciComm with the Experts at Science...
  11. Activate Addgene's "Find Plasmids" Badge on Pubmed Abstracts

    Blog Post
    May 12, 2017, 12:58 p.m.
    ...understand the features of the plasmids, how they were created, and how to use them in experiments. Best practices...magical Addgene badge appear? First you’ll need to create an account on PubMed. Once you have an account,...populate your “PubMed filter list” to the left of your screen. That’s it! Next time you log-in to your PubMed...
  12. Countdown to Halloween @Addgene

    Blog Post
    Oct. 29, 2014, 5:26 p.m. has been hot this year and how do you creatively turn it into an outfit?), and of course there...bragging rights for the next 12 months. Your team’s creativity, cleverness, and crafting skills have 2012. The Office Team was back up to their creative hijinks last year. They showed us their dedication...
  13. Podcast: Interview with Addgene's Founders

    Blog Post
    April 13, 2018, 12:51 p.m.
    ...a modern e-commerce company and establishing credibility Chapter 5 - Realizing that Addgene would be successful...plasmid distribution!) Chapter 8 - Opportunities to create repositories with other materials Chapter 9 - The...Addgene, Kenneth was an investment banking analyst at Credit Suisse’s Technology Group in Palo Alto, CA.  Benjie...
  14. Make a Splash: Notions of Scientific Impact Are Evolving

    Blog Post
    Dec. 5, 2014, 2:54 p.m.
    ...publication. Accessibility is surely also behind the increase in citations for older publications. (As an interesting...most cited. And, as scientific discourse has increasingly moved online, surely times have changed. impact looks like and what it’s made of. Increasingly, journal publications alone aren’t enough. Scientists...
  15. Making Career Development an Integral Part of the Science Training System

    Blog Post
    Feb. 25, 2021, 2:15 p.m.
    ...take this initiative to the next level with the creation of the The Professional Development Hub (pd| change. This effort is already resulting in concrete actions and outcomes. For example, pd|hub assembled...collections of evidence-based practices. These concrete programs and practices to promote PhD professional...
  16. How Exercise Purges Stress and Keeps Depression at Bay

    Blog Post
    Nov. 25, 2014, 4:02 p.m.
    ... to stress altogether. Their muscles showed an increase in inflammatory cytokines as a result of those...turns out that activation of the PGC-1a1 pathway increases skeletal muscle expression of kynurenine aminotransferases... proteins and metabolites that are dynamically secreted by muscle during exercise to meet the brain’s ...
  17. Download Addgene’s Science Career Guide, Plus 8 Career Tips from Addgenies

    Blog Post
    Feb. 26, 2019, 1:40 p.m.
    ... in order to do the thing you love, you have to create opportunities. If you find yourself asking, "Why...position exist yet?", you are in the early stages of creating an opportunity. That's how Addgene was founded...That's how my position and my team at Addgene was created.”- Eric Perkins, Director of Science Product Management...
  18. Let There Be LITE Plasmids

    Blog Post
    Nov. 21, 2013, 3:56 p.m.
    ...optogenetic controls, gene expression levels reliably increased in vitro by a factor of 10 to 20. A flexible and...different effectors. I’d encourage people to get creative with them for their own uses.” Konermann said ...found here.) So tell us, readers, how will you get creative with LITE? Reference: Silvana Konermann et al...
  19. What's New in CRISPR - December 2019

    Blog Post
    Dec. 17, 2019, 2:37 p.m.
    ... developed SECURE cytosine base editors, which decrease the rate of off-target genome edits compared to...adenine and cytosine editor). Target-ACE exhibits increased editing efficiency of a target site compared to...advantages like reduced off-target activity and decreased immune response to Cas9. Recently, Baisong Lu’...
  20. Stepping into a Virtual Internship: My Experience at Addgene

    Blog Post
    Aug. 13, 2020, 1:21 p.m.
    ...longer allowing myself to just simply exist without creating a storm. Given all the options out there, I was...the company. One of the things I wanted to do was create content that was unique but also brand friendly... a new design program, Canva, and I was able to create cute and on-brand templates for these posts. ...
Showing: 381 - 400 of 775 results