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Showing: 1 - 20 of 934 results
  1. CRISPR Plasmids - Parasites

    ... CRISPR Parasites CRISPR Plasmids: Parasites Browse CRISPR Plasmids ...Eukaryotic parasites continue to cause substantial death and disease in the world. Parasites such as Plasmodium...been designed for use in parasites. CRISPR...propelled both reverse and forward genetics of these parasites. Moreover, CRISPR-dCas9 gene regulation has also...also been established for some of these parasites. Together, these tools have enabled precise genetic ...changes, researchers use ssDNA or dsDNA repair templates with homology to the DNA flanking the DSB and ...
  2. Serotype Testing AAV

    ...for serotype testing: AAV1, AAV2, AAV5, AAV8 and AAV9... Viral Service AAV Serotype Testing AAV Viral Service...Service: Serotype Testing AAV These AAV encode fluorescent reporters and can be used to compare the tropism...Inventory . The catalog ID for the 20 µL sized testing sample is denoted with a .T suffix (for example... (for example, AAV1). AAV Vectors for Serotype Testing pAAV-CAG-GFP (Plasmid #37825) Description : Ready-to-use...
  3. University of Florida Serotype Testing Panel for the Eye and Brain

    ...serotype testing panel for the eye and brain.... Viral Service AAV University of Florida Serotype Testing Panel... Viral Service: University of Florida Serotype Testing Panel for the Eye and Brain You may also like: ddPCR, in vitro and (when possible) in vivo testing, and full sequencing of the final viral vector ...injection in mice and macaque. This serotype also demonstrates enhanced transduction of cells in culture for... with improved mGluR6 promoters in rodents and primates. Mol Ther . 2016 Aug;23(8-9):680-9. PMID: 27115727...
  4. Gersbach Lab CRISPR Plasmids

    ...Ousterout DG, Leong KW, Guilak F, Crawford GE, Reddy TE, Gersbach CA. Nat. Methods . 2013 July. PubMed PMID...trans from pSPgRNA, the dCas9-VP64 fusion protein activates the expression of downstream genes. Multiple sgRNAs...
  5. TALENs for Endogenous Zebrafish Genes

    ...TAAAGACTCCTCCACCAGccaaacctgcggccccTGCAGTGTCCAGTAGTGA tes TAL3190 & TAL3191 TTGAGGACCATGACGTGCagctggagactgaagaGAGCAAGAAAGTTGGGAA... Joung, Peterson, and Yeh labs at MGH to target sites within various endogenous zebrafish genes; many ...Gene Name TALENs Full Target Site (5' to 3'; half-sites in CAPS, spacer in lowercase) aak1 TAL3208 & TAL3209...
  6. Deisseroth INTRSECT Collection

    ...GJ, Ramakrishnan C, Kozicz T, Deisseroth K, Thiele TE, McElligott ZA, Holmes A, Heisler LK, Kash TL. 2016...recombinase recognition sequences (e.g. Lox sites, FRT sites) inside of the introns (A,D). The addition..., 2014. INTRSECT INTRSECT (intronic recombinase sites enabling combinatorial targeting) is a synthetic...portion of the ORF that is sandwiched between the sites; the starting direction of these ORF fragments ( How-to guide for the molecular design and testing of novel INTSRECT plasmids for groups interested...targeting genes. Recombinases Addgene ID Plasmid Logic Sites and Mutations 55636 pAAV-EF1a-Cre None 55632 pAAV-Ef1a-mCherry-IRES-Cre... recombinase-dependent Addgene ID Plasmid Logic Sites and Mutations 55641 pAAV-Ef1a-fDIO EYFP Flp 55640...
  7. Plasmids 101: Using Transposons in the Lab

    Blog Post target sites. Created in   Class II TEs: DNA transposons Class II TEs are also ...of transposition: Class I TEs, also called retrotransposons, and Class II TEs, also called DNA transposons.... Class I Transposable elements (TEs): Retrotransposons  Class I TEs are also known as retrotransposons...the TE while also increasing the size of their host’s genome.   There are two types of Class 1 TEs: those...DNA sequences or target sites. Integration of most transposable elements (TEs) results in the duplication...into new target sites. This is similar to how retroviruses, like HIV, replicate. Class I TEs do not encode...encode a transposase enzyme.  Class I TEs are considered replicative since every time they jump they make...
  8. #Deckthelab Contest Winners 2017

    Blog Post
    ...everyone who participated in our annual #Deckthelab contest. The bar was set very high from last year’s impressive...chocolate for the lab. Here are some of our 2017 contest winners:   Chicagoland's Community Biology ...Stanford University was so moved by our deck the lab contest that she spent a year hoarding used tip boxes for...lab supply tree and set a challenge for her lab mates to create the best-recycled lab supply ornament ...blast decorating and creating memories with their labmates! Are you inspired by our 2017 #Deckthelab Be sure to enter our 2018 #Deckthelab contest when the next holiday season rolls around! ...
  9. #DeckTheLab with Tinsel and Test Tubes, Fa La La La La La La La La

    Blog Post
    ...annual Deck The Lab holiday decorating contest! Our #DeckTheLab contest is a time for scientists worldwide...the details:   Contest 1: Deck the Lab - Classic Edition This edition of the contest is our traditional...December 23, 2020 Contest 2: Deck the Lab - Home Edition This edition of the contest should showcase a...for either contest on Twitter or Instagram by December 31, 2021. Let us know which contest you are entering...celebrate! And if you want to see how Addgene celebrates and decorates, follow us on Twitter and Instagram as... show off their decorating skills. To join the contest, simply embellish and adorn your lab space or your.... Have fun! Here’s an example from last year’s contest:   🎶Walking in a Winter Wonderlab🎶 We decided...
  10. 2018 #DeckTheLab Contest Winners

    Blog Post
    .... We asked all of the Addgenies to pick their favorites out of the bunch and here’s what ended up on top...stopped working on our reports/lab stuff for a few minutes to create this lovely winter scene out of stuff... of our entrants had fun decorating with their labmates! ...
  11. Deep Dive: Statistical Tests (Comparisons)

    Blog Post
    ...non-parametric test may be the way to go, which we will discuss more in another blog. T-tests T-tests compare...classic parametric tests and one of the simplest statistical tests available. Tailed t-tests If you are solely...ANOVA tests are essentially t-tests with room for more variables and groups. ANOVAs can test three or more...within a test, depends on the input data ‘following the rules’ of that test. All statistical tests have assumptions...distribution profiles.   Parametric tests  Statistical tests fall into two general categories: parametric... blog we will be discussing parametric tests. Parametric tests are suitable for data sets that “play by...need to be met for a parametric test are as follows:   Parametric test assumptions: Distribution – Normal...
  12. Antibodies 101: Buffers, Storage, and Conjugates

    Blog Post
    ...considerations, and give just the lightest of nods towards conjugates.  Storage   Once you get your exciting...antimicrobial.  Conjugates And HRP brings us handily to the final topic of this post, the conjugates, or signaling...questions is “yes,” then I would suggest either testing the antibody efficacy through a standard curve,...buffers, can bind to amine groups present in some conjugates, blocking the conjugation reaction. Many commercial...much every other assay you can do. Most non-HRP conjugates are fluorophores, which work not by reacting ...
  13. Savvy Advocates Needed to Navigate a Scientific Enterprise in Flux

    Blog Post
    ...of the Federal Labor Standards Act (FLSA) which mandates that all workers across the country either be ...specifically chosen to better define productive routes for advocacy efforts and help participants develop...Fisher Scientific Developing effective science advocates is an important way to push the balance from challenge... advocates...
  14. Comparing Cas9 to NgAgo: Can the Argonautes Best CRISPR?

    Blog Post
    ...learn more! Background: Argonaute and NgAgo In eukaryotes, Argonaute proteins play an important role in... RNA. Argonaute proteins are also present in prokaryotes, and some of these proteins protect against invading...structure can affect editing efficiency. Gao et al. tested if NgAgo preferred certain guide sequences - using...
  15. What's the Best Way to Elute and Store Your Plasmid DNA?

    Blog Post
    ...protocols that recommend eluting in water, Tris-EDTA (TE), just Tris buffer, or some other variations. Does...experiments you can use your plasmid.  DNA elution choices: TE, Tris buffer, or water Figure 2: Tris-EDTA,...choose could affect your downstream experiment. TE (10 mM Tris-HCl,1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0) buffer is the ...In the situation where you need to use plasmid in TE for any enzymatic reaction, an effective possibility...adenine or guanine) from the DNA. These apurinic sites if in double stranded DNA are repaired by base excision...time. Tris buffer controls the pH, while the EDTA chelates any divalent cations like Mg2+, preventing the...
  16. Cre-lox system

    ...recognizes 34 bp loxP sites, and the orientation and location of the loxP sites determines how the genetic...region of DNA between the loxP sites is reversed. Deletion: If the sites face in the same direction, the...If the sites are on separate DNA molecules, a translocation event is generated at the loxP sites. For a... that recognize specific mutant loxP sites, VloxP and SloxP sites respectively. Split Cre: Cre recombinase...injection into fertilized zygotes Mammalian Sauer 21270 pBigT Cre activates gene of interest by removing... 38042 pAAV-CA-FLEX Cre activates gene of interest, using 4 mutated lox sites AAV Uchida Cre Reporters...expression. Flp recombinase recognizes FRT sites. Flp binding to these sites can result in excision, inversion ...
  17. Plasmids for Stem Cell Research

    ...acetyllysine reader BRD3R promotes human nuclear reprogramming and regulates mitosis. Nat Commun. 2016...and c-Myc from polycistronic cassettes KLF4 N-terminal variance modulates induced reprogramming to pluripotency...30. Zhou Astrocytes Dopaminergic Neurons Lentiviral Human Efficient conversion of astrocytes to functional...Fibroblasts Astrocytes Lentiviral Mouse Direct conversion of fibroblasts into functional astrocytes by defined...Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and c-Myc from polycistronic cassettes. piggyBac transposition reprograms fibroblasts...To Delivery Method Species Article PI iPSCs Cardiomyocytes Lentiviral Human Robust cardiomyocyte differentiation...Sci U S A. 2012 May 29. Palecek Fibroblasts Cardiomyocytes Lentiviral Mouse Optimization of direct fibroblast...
  18. Bacterial Expression Systems

    ...MS2 binding sites within this plasmid. pZE31-DsRed-ms2x2 26248 MS2 coat protein binding sites Philippe Cluzel...strain USO hisB- pyrF- rpoZ- , this promotes growth on plates lacking His and containing 3-AT. FLIParaF....microscopy. pZE31ms2 25860 MS2 coat protein binding sites Philippe Cluzel RNA localization: Contains a 2x ...appropriate cDNA has been fused to the MS2 binding sites within this plasmid. Return to Top Protein Purification...N-terminal GST tag and TEV cleavage site. Includes sites for LIC cloning, and a "stuffer" fragment that includes...mOCR, MBP, with and without SUMO or TEV cleavage sites to remove tags Scott Gradia Arabinose inducible ...MBP, GFP, with and without SUMO or TEV cleavage sites to remove tags. Scott Gradia Lactose/IPTG inducible...
Showing: 1 - 20 of 934 results