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Showing: 1 - 14 of 14 results
  1. Cloning

    ...enzyme sites. You can easily move (subclone) any piece of DNA that already has restriction sites on is that like restriction enzyme sites, type IIS sites can be found throughout DNA sequences. Thus...double stranded DNA (dsDNA) at specific sequence sites in the DNA. In restriction cloning, scientists utilize...either side of it into any plasmid that has the same sites in the same orientation within its multiple cloning...short length, it is also easy to add restriction sites to any piece of DNA during PCR amplification, allowing...important to note that restriction enzyme target sites can be repeated throughout a specific DNA sequence...already be surrounded by specific recombination sites (in this regard, not so dissimilar from restriction...
  2. Molecular Biology Reference

    ...of DNA, or templates, are spatially separated from each other. These attached DNA templates are then amplified...Alternative start codons include CUG in eukaryotes and GUG in prokaryotes. Common Epitope Tags Tag Amino Acid...DNA. Although they can be found in archaea and eukaryotes, they play the most significant biological role...fragment with a plasmid or vector DNA backbone generates a recombinant DNA molecule, which can be used ...of DNA which contains several restriction enzyme sites, enabling easy insertion of DNA by restriction enzymes...the promoter. As a general rule, the restriction sites in the MCS are unique and not located elsewhere ...relatively quickly, and exhibit exponential growth rates, plasmids can be replicated easily and efficiently...
  3. Lentiviral Guide

    ... transcriptional units and facilitates integration. LEDGF/p75 binding sites are enriched in gene bodies...shuffling restriction sites between vectors until the gene of interest is flanked by sites compatible with ... that contain the restriction sites needed. Functional restriction sites must be a certain number of bases... always SIN: Uses 4 plasmids instead of 3 and eliminates the requirement for Tat. LTR Viral Promoter Wild...cells are usually used to produce lentivirus. What dictates lentiviral host cell range (tropism)? species. Although chromatin availability facilitates integration, it does not explain the lentiviral... subcloning or appending compatible restriction sites onto the insert of interest using PCR. The process...
  4. CRISPR Guide

    ...D'Ippolito AM, Vockley CM, Thakore PI, Crawford GE, Reddy TE, Gersbach CA. Nat Biotechnol . 33(5):510-7. PMID:...have additional sites throughout the genome where partial homology exists. These sites are called off-...partial homology to additional sites throughout the genome. These sites are called off-targets and should...efficient mRNA delivery into the mouse zygotes and facilitates CRISPR/Cas9-based genome editing. 2015....modifications to Cas9. As discussed previously, Cas9 generates double-strand breaks (DSBs) through the combined...mutant of SpCas9, retains one nuclease domain and generates a DNA nick rather than a DSB. Thus, two nickases...preventing strand separation and cutting at off-target sites. Similarly, SpCas9-HF1 lowers off-target editing...
  5. Antibody Guide

    ...response has developed, the antibodies are collected, tested against the antigen, packaged, and sold. This is...immortalized B cells). The genetic reorganization that creates variety in the antibody allowing for their extreme...class therefore has a valency, or number of binding sites available per antibody unit, which is typically ...multiplied by two, as each antibody has two binding sites. Isotype Description Configuration and Valency Subclasses...Monomer with a valency of 2 IgE Protects against parasites and is responsible for driving allergic the lab. Check for and record any expiration dates. Buffers Buffers are a concern for conjugating and...reaction in the presence of several different substrates. The luminescence produced by the reaction can...
  6. Promoters

    ...the other hand, the process in eukaryotes is much more complex. Eukaryotes require a minimum of seven transcription...actually begins. Only eukaryotes and archaea, however, contain this TATA box. Most prokaryotes contain a sequence...are common in prokayotes, specifically bacteria, but have also been discovered in eukaryotes. Operons consist...binding is very different in bacteria compared to eukaryotes. In bacteria, the core RNA polymerase requires...Transcription is tightly controlled in both bacteria and eukaryotes. Promoters are controlled by various DNA regulatory...promoter also contains transcription factor binding sites, but mostly contains regulatory elements. Eukaryotic...Specific Drosophila promoter containing Gal4 binding sites Bacterial Promoters Promoters in bacteria contain...
  7. Adeno-associated virus (AAV) Guide

    ...Rep and Cap shown in the figure on the right facilitates the viral pseudotyping discussed below. Overview...As part of its lysogenic cycle, wild-type AAV integrates into the host genome at a specific site, AAVS1...than wild-type AAV to integrate at non-homologous sites in the genome, and do so at about a 0.1% frequency...serotypes are denoted using a slash, so that AAV2/5 indicates a virus containing the genome of serotype 2 packaged...spontaneously annealing, upon infection, which eliminates the requirement for host cell DNA synthesis. ...
  8. Retrovirus Guide

    ... packaging cell line. This system provides the greatest flexibility to pseudotype γ-retrovirus using different...because once in the host cell cytoplasm, the viral componentes are small enough to enter the nucleus‐transcriptional regulatory element; sequence that stimulates the expression of transgenes via increased nuclear...U5 and the rest of the provirus. 3' LTR in cis Terminates transcription started by 5' LTR by the addition...
  9. Chemogenetics Guide

    ...that bind a specific ligand. Ligand binding then activates G-proteins to modulate downstream signalling. ...back-metabolized to clozapine and other clozapine metabolites and these can have off-target effects. More recent... allows for influx of Na+ and/or K+ ions, and activates neuronal activity. Figure 2. PSAM4-based LGICs... RHJ, DiBerto JF, et al (2015). A New DREADD Facilitates the Multiplexed Chemogenetic Interrogation of...
  10. Optogenetics Guide

    ...References Introduction The field of optogenetics integrates optics and genetic engineering to measure and...photocurrent compared to CrChR2 450 ChETA E123T mutation; creates faster kinetics but reduces photocurrent amplitude...msec (hChR2) to “long lasting,” e.g. seconds to minutes with stable step-function opsins (SSFOs). Opsin...flavin mononucleotide as its chromophore, and phosphorylates the transcriptional activator FixJ in the absence...
  11. Adenovirus Guide

    ...with adenovirus, or to verify that the infection rates are equivalent across multiple viruses. The adenoviral... early genes found in the packaging cell lines creates a wildtype adenovirus. The probability of a crossover...
  12. Science Guides

    ...experiment. Read More Optogenetics Optogenetics integrates optics and genetic engineering to measure and...
  13. Guide to Using Pooled Libraries

    ...maxiprep). If delivering as virus, make virus; this creates a pooled lentiviral CRISPR library. Apply pooled...
  14. Sequencing Primers

    ...primer pAd-CMV GCTAGAGATCTGGTACCGTC For cloning sites after SalI in pAd-CMV vector pBABE 3' ACCCTAACTGACACACATTCC...
Showing: 1 - 14 of 14 results