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Showing: 1 - 20 of 293 results
  1. Chemogenetics Plasmids

    ...pAAV-hSyn-DIO-HA-hM3D(Gq)-IRES-mCitrine hM3D (Gq) Syn IRES-mCitrine Yes Roth 50455 pAAV-hSyn-DIO-HA-hM4D(Gi)-IRES-mCitrine...Gi) Syn IRES-mCitrine Yes Roth 50456 pAAV-hSyn-DIO-HA-rM3D(Gs)-IRES-mCitrine rM3D (Gs) Syn IRES-mCitrine...-hM3D(Gq)-IRES-mCitrine hM3D (Gq) Syn IRES-mCitrine No Roth 50464 pAAV-hSyn-HA-hM4D(Gi)-IRES-mCitrine ...) Syn IRES-mCitrine No Roth 50466 pAAV-CaMKIIa-HA-hM3D(Gq)-IRES-mCitrine hM3D (Gq) CaMKIIa IRES-mCitrine...pAAV-CaMKIIa-HA-hM4D(Gi)-IRES-mCitrine hM4D (Gi) CaMKIIa IRES-mCitrine No Roth 50468 pAAV-CaMKIIa-HA-rM3D(Gs)-IRES-mCitrine... CaMKIIa IRES-mCitrine No Roth 50470 pAAV-GFAP-HA-hM3D(Gq)-IRES-mCitrine hM3D (Gq) GFAP IRES-mCitrine ...pAAV-GFAP-HA-hM4D(Gi)-IRES-mCitrine hM4D (Gi) GFAP IRES-mCitrine No Roth 50472 pAAV-GFAP-HA-rM3D(Gs)-IRES-mCitrine ...
  2. Chemogenetics AAV Preps

    ...GlyR IRES EGFP PSAM4 GlyR - Inhibition IRES EGFP none 5 Sternson 119744 AAV CAMKII PSAM4 GlyR IRES EGFP...pAAV-hSyn-dF-HA-KORD-IRES-mCitrine kappa-opioid receptor (KOR) - Inhibition IRES mCitrine Cre-dependent...pAAV-hSyn-DIO-HA-hM3D(Gq)-IRES-mCitrine hM3D(Gq) - Activation HA fusion and IRES mCitrine Cre-dependent ...pAAV-hSyn-DIO-HA-hM4D(Gi)-IRES-mCitrine hM4D(Gi) - Inhibition HA fusion and IRES mCitrine Cre-dependent ... 119741 AAV SYN flex PSAM4 GlyR IRES EGFP PSAM4 GlyR - Inhibition IRES EGFP Cre-dependent 5, 9 Sternson...pAAV-CaMKIIa-HA-hM4D(Gi)-IRES-mCitrine hM4D(Gi) - Inhibition HA fusion and IRES mCitrine none 2, 8 Roth...50472 pAAV-GFAP-HA-rM3D(Gs)-IRES-mCitrine rM3D(Gs) - Activation HA fusion and IRES mCitrine none 5 Roth 50478...
  3. Retrovirus Plasmids

    ...20672 MSCV-IRES-GFP MSCV For transgene expression and GFP marker Reya 21654 pMSCV PIG (Puro IRES GFP empty...miRNA expression Chen 52114 pMSCV-IRES-mCherry FP MSCV A bicistronic IRES-mCherry containing retroviral plasmid...gene fused to eGFP expression Clevers 18760 MSCV IRES Luciferase MSCV Plasmid for transgene expression...
  4. Lentiviral Prep Service

    ...protein Pao 154985 pWPI-IRES-Puro-Ak-ACE2 Expression of human ACE2 Best 154982 pWPI-IRES-Bla-Ak-TMPRSS2 Expression...Description PI 141391 pLVX-EF1alpha-SARS-CoV-2-N-2xStrep-IRES-Puro Expression of SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid (N) protein...Krogan 141386 pLVX-EF1alpha-SARS-CoV-2-M-2xStrep-IRES-Puro Expression of SARS-CoV-2 membrane (M) protein...Krogan 141385 pLVX-EF1alpha-SARS-CoV-2-E-2xStrep-IRES-Puro Expression of SARS-CoV-2 envelope (E) protein...Krogan 141383 pLVX-EF1alpha-SARS-CoV-2-orf3a-2xStrep-IRES-Puro Expression of SARS-CoV-2 orf3a protein Krogan...
  5. Luciferase Plasmids

    ... the 3' UTR David Bartel 101139 pCMV-IRES-Renilla Luciferase-IRES-Gateway-Firefly Luciferase (pIRIGF) ...gene of interest Bryan Welm 18760 MSCV IRES Luciferase Firefly (IRES) Retroviral expression of firefly luciferase...mammalian cells Peter Cockerill 64784 pGL3-Basic-IRES Firefly Insertion of 5' promoter/enhancer regions...William Kaelin 21375 pHIV-Luciferase Firefly EF1α/IRES Lentiviral expression of firefly luciferase and ...lysate Marcel Bruchez 108542 pLenti-EF1a-Luciferase-IRES-Blast-WPRE Firefly EF1α Lentiviral expression of...firefly luciferase Nicole Paulk 98294 pF CAG luc IRES neo Firefly CAG Lentiviral expression of firefly...firefly luciferase Christopher Vakoc 33307 Ubc.Luc.IRES.Puro Firefly Ubc Lentiviral expression of firefly...
  6. Recombinases AAV Preps

    ... Syn none rg* Wickersham 55634 pAAV-EF1a-mCherry-IRES-Flpo EF1a mCherry (not a fusion tag) 1, rg* Deisseroth...eGFP 1, 2, 5, 8, 9 Wilson 55632 pAAV-Ef1a-mCherry-IRES-Cre EF1a mCherry (not a fusion tag) 8, rg* Deisseroth...
  7. AAV for Neuronal Tracing

    ...Rabies and Neuronal Tracing References Wickersham IR, Finke S, Conzelmann KK, Callaway EM. 2007a. Retrograde...Nat Methods. 4(1):47-9. PMID: 17179932 Wickersham IR, Lyon DC, Barnard RJ, Mori T, Finke S, Conzelmann...
  8. Deisseroth INTRSECT Collection

    ...pAAV-Ef1a-mCherry-IRES-Cre None 55637 pAAV-EF1a-Flpo None 55634 pAAV-EF1a-mCherry-IRES-Flpo None 55638 ...double transgenic animal strategy (PV-2a-Cre; SOM-IRES-Flp). Image from Fenno et al., 2014. INTRSECT INTRSECT...55635 pAAV-EF1a-sCre None 55633 pAAV-EF1a-mCherry-IRES-Dre None 183535 pAAV-CaMKIIa-Flpo None Single recombinase-dependent...
  9. Tetracycline Inducible Expression

    ...a miR-shRNA; selection cassette in format: rtTA3+IRES+Neo; see article for additional selection options...copy E. coli origin None Either Ralser 64238 pTet-IRES-EGFP Lentiviral plasmid for inducible expression...25434 pMA2640 Retroviral; CMV-driven; linked via IRES to EGFP-Blasticidin fusion; pMA2641 has rtTA driven...
  10. Cre-lox system

    ...Mammalian Mombaerts 15509 pBS-M71-IRES-CreFNF M71 targeting vector with IRES CreFNF (neo-selectable marker...mCherry coexpression CMV Lentiviral Sadelain 30205 Cre-IRES-PuroR Cre and PuroR coexpression EF-1 alpha Lentiviral...Cre) Cre eft-3 C. elegans Goldstein 48201 CAG-GFP-IRES-CRE Cre and GFP coexpression CAG Retroviral Gage...paavCAG-iCre iCre CAG AAV Kim 55632 pAAV-Ef1a-mCherry-IRES-Cre Cre and mCherry coexpression EF-1 alpha AAV ...-WPRE Cre hSyn Lentiviral Wang 86794 pCL20c-MSCV-IRES-CRE Cre MSCV Mammalian Roussel 86805 pLV-EGFP-Cre... mCherry ProC3 AAV Roska 126700 pHAGE2-EF1aL-Cre-IRES-NeoR-W Cre EF-1 alpha Lentiviral Kotton 128166 pCAGGS-mTagBFP2...making transgenic mice. Plasmid 15037 also contains IRES-EGFP Mammalian Costantini 32702 pMSCV-loxp-dsRed-loxp-eGFP-Puro-WPRE...
  11. Plasmids 101: Multicistronic Vectors

    Blog Post
    ...MSCV-IRES-EGFP IRES Retroviral pMSCV-pBabeMCS-IRES-RFP IRES Retroviral pMSCV-IRES-YFP II IRES Retroviral...pCMMP-MCS-IRES-Puro IRES Retroviral pEF1a-IRES-Neo IRES Mammalian MSCV-IRES-Luciferase IRES Retroviral...plasmids for research purposes are described below. IRES Elements Translation in eukaryotes usually begins... element called an Internal Ribosome Entry Site (IRES) to allow for initiation of translation from an ...mRNA. In the figure above, you can see that the IRES element acts as another ribosome recruitment of two proteins from a single mRNA. IRES was originally discovered in poliovirus RNA, eukaryotic cells.1,2 Since then, a variety of IRES sequences have been discovered - many from viruses...
  12. Brain Initiative Collection

    ...Prep Description PI 65417-AAV8 pAAV-hSyn-dF-HA-KORD-IRES-mCitrine AAV packaging vector for hSyn driven KOR...Hillel Adesnik 109048-AAV9 pAAV-CAG-DIO-NLS-mRuby3-IRES-eGtACR1-ST Anion channelrhodopsin GtACR1 fused to...Viviana Gradinaru 119741-AAV5 AAV SYN flex PSAM4 GlyR IRES EGFP Chemogenetics Cre-dependent expression plasmid...Scott Sternson 119741-AAV9 AAV SYN flex PSAM4 GlyR IRES EGFP Chemogenetics Cre-dependent expression plasmid...plasmid Scott Sternson 119742-AAV5 AAV SYN PSAM4 GlyR IRES EGFP Chemogenetics expression plasmid Scott Sternson...Sternson 119744-AAV5 AAV CAMKII PSAM4 GlyR IRES EGFP Chemogenetics expression plasmid Scott Sternson 123308...
  13. Viral Production

    ...cells were transduced with either pAAV-Ef1a-mCherry-IRES-Cre (55634-AAVrg) alone at 1.7E6 viral genomes (...expression alone was detected. pAAV-Ef1a-mCherry-IRES-Cre was a gift from Karl Deisseroth (Addgene viral...
  14. Control AAV Preps

    ...-CBh-mKate2-IRES-MCS (WT-WT) CBh mKate2 Constitutive 2 Patrick 105922 pAAV-CBh-mKate2-IRES-MCS (C-gap-...
  15. Neurodegeneration Plasmid Collection

    ...61727 mCherry-Parkin-IRES-zeo PRKN mCherry Parkinson's Stephen Tait 61728 YFP-Parkin-IRES-zeo PRKN YFP Parkinson's... pAAV-AICD-NLS-IRES-hrGFP APP CMV Alzheimer's Hélène Marie 107544 pAAV-AICD-NES-IRES-hrGFP APP V5 CMV...pLV-EF1a-KIF5A-HA-IRES-Puro KIF5A HA eF1a ALS Rosalind Segal 166953 pLV-EF1a-KIF5AR280H-HA-IRES-Puro KIF5A HA...171786 MSCV-Fbxo7-IRES-GFP FBXO7 GFP Parkinson's Heike Laman 171787 MSCV-Fbxo7(ΔF-box)-IRES-GFP FBXO7 GFP... pAAV-hSyn-GFP-IRES-mSNCA SNCA GFP hSyn Parkinson's Jun Ding 185715 pAAV-hSyn-GFP-IRES-hSNCA SNCA GFP ...pAAV-hSyn-GFP-IRES-mSNCA(1-95) SNCA GFP hSyn Parkinson's Jun Ding 185717 pAAV-hSyn-GFP-IRES-hSNCA (A11P/...pAAV-hSyn-GFP-IRES-hSNCA (S129A) SNCA GFP hSyn Parkinson's Jun Ding 185719 pAAV-hSyn-GFP-IRES-hSNCA (S129D...
  16. New and Upcoming Viral Vectors - May 2020

    Blog Post
    ...2xStrep-IRES-Puro: Expression of the SARS-CoV-2 N protein  pLVX-EF1alpha-SARS-CoV-2-M-2xStrep-IRES-Puro:...pLVX-EF1alpha-SARS-CoV-2-E-2xStrep-IRES-Puro) and NSP2 (pLVX-EF1alpha-SARS-CoV-2-nsp2-2xStrep-IRES-Puro) are also in the...M protein pLVX-EF1alpha-SARS-CoV-2-orf3a-2xStrep-IRES-Puro: Expression of the SARS-CoV-2 ORF3a Lentiviral...
  17. SARS-CoV-2 Pseudotyped Virus

    ...vector expressing firefly luciferase. pHAGE-CMV-Luc2-IRES-ZsGreen-W - Lentiviral dual reporter vector expressing... a Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3) agent, SARS-CoV-2 requires specialized facilities for the study of the live...
  18. New and Upcoming Viral Vectors - June 2019

    Blog Post
    ...)-mCherry 50467  AAV2 pAAV-CaMKIIa-HA-hM4D(Gi)-IRES-mCitrine 121538  AAV5 pOTTC1484 - pAAV SYN1 HA-hM4D...Serotype Name 119741  AAV5  AAV SYN flex PSAM4 GlyR IRES EGFP Recombinase AAV Finally, we are excited ...Plasmid Serotype Name 55634  AAV1  pAAV-EF1a-mCherry-IRES-Flpo 55637  AAV1  pAAV-EF1a-Flpo Chemogenetics... Serotype Name 119472  AAV5  AV SYN PSAM4 GlyR IRES EGFP   Biosensors Plasmid Serotype Name ...
  19. Retrograde AAV viral preps

    ...expression Recombinases Aebischer 55632 pAAV-Ef1a-mCherry-IRES-Cre EF1a Cre and physically-separate mCherry expression...expression Recombinases Wilson 55634 pAAV-EF1a-mCherry-IRES-Flpo EF1a Flpo and physically-separate mCherry expression...
Showing: 1 - 20 of 293 results