Multicolor Animals: Using Fluorescent Proteins to Understand Single Cell Behavior
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...default RFP and CFP, while Brainbow 2.1 switches from the default GFP (green) to RFP, CFP, or YFP fluorescence...expressing YFP, CFP, and RFP are not present at the same frequencies. The small population size of CFP++ cells...fluorophores RFP (red), YFP (yellow), and membrane-tethered CFP (cyan). Brainbow 1.1 adds OFP (orange) (Livet et localize to a different area of the cell than CFP and YFP.
The most recent derivation of Brainbow,...construct called Zebrabow-GateDest containing an RFP, CFP, and YFP downstream of a ubiquitous promoter. Zebrabow...that randomly express either nuclear GFP, membrane CFP, cytoplasmic YFP, or cytoplasmic RFP in a specific...construct, a variant of Brainbow 1.0 that contains RFP, CFP, and YFP. After crossing onto a tamoxifen-inducible...