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Showing: 141 - 160 of 322 results
  1. Brzezinski Lab CRISPR Collection

    ...Additional Cloning Information Cloning Protocols Single guide cloning: Zhang Lab General Cloning Protocol...provided as empty backbones that utilize Golden Gate cloning to insert the desired guide RNA sequence by digestion...Protocol 237.2 KB Dual guide cloning: Brzezinski Lab Dual Guide Protocol 967.2 KB Plasmid and Sequence Derivative...
  2. Luciferase Plasmids

    ... of interest are cloned into a Firefly luciferase reporter vector via Gateway cloning to test for the ...Renilla and Firefly luciferase. Plasmids are Gateway cloning compatible. Learn more about DULIP in our 27 Hot...collection of empty backbone plasmids into which you can clone your regulatory element or gene of interest into... of 5' promoter/enhancer regions using Gateway cloning. Lentiviral. Jorge Ferrer 87067 pcDNA3.1-ccdB-Nanoluc...Creation of N-terminal Nanoluc fusions using Gateway cloning Mikko Taipale 87075 pLenti6.2-ccdB-Nanoluc NanoLuc...Creation of C-terminal Nanoluc fusions using Gateway cloning. Lentival. Mikko Taipale 87078 pLenti6.2-Nanoluc-ccdB...Creation of N-terminal Nanoluc fusions using Gateway cloning. Lentiviral. Mikko Taipale 12563 PCD FL0X Firefly...
  3. Plant Plasmids and Resources

    ...Scott Lenaghan. Joint Modular Cloning (JMC) Toolkit includes a modular cloning chassis and set of the promoter or cloning method of choice. ID Plasmid Description Promoter Cloning Method PI Return to...Protein Guide Addgene Blog: Plant Biology CRISPR Cloning Transcription Factors RNAi Empty Backbones Fluorescent...Vladimir Nekrasov. The MoClo-compatible zCas9i Cloning Kit includes a high efficiency intron-optimized...plants (including rice and wheat) - Caixia Gao. Cloning The following collections are designed for creating... rescue in plants - Martin Parniske. GreenGate Cloning System to create plant expression vectors containing...constructs - Johannes Stuttmann. MoChlo: Modular Cloning Chloroplast Toolbox for design of synthetic operons...
  4. CRISPR-mediated Plant Base Editors

    Blog Post
    ... al., 2017). Our vectors have two Bsa1 sites to clone the single guide RNA (protospacer+scaffold) in a...single polycistronic tRNA-gRNA (PTG) gene system to clone multiple protospacers which enables us to target...
  5. Plasmids 101: E. coli Strains for Protein Expression

    Blog Post
    ...of E. coli for DNA propagation. While great for cloning purposes, these E. coli strains are not usually... (DE3)** Rifampicin RecA-deficient; allows for cloning and expression in same strain F- recA1 hsdR(rK12...
  6. Zhang Lab CRISPR Page

    ...Protocols 2013). For cloning information, please view: Zhang Lab General Cloning Protocol 237.2 KB SpCas9...60231 : sgRNA cloning backbone with Cre recombinase-2A-EGFP-KASH Detailed backbone cloning information:...annealed oligos (design is indicated below) can be cloned scarlessly into the vector before the sgRNA scaffold...annealed oligos (design is indicated below) can be cloned into the CRISPR array. The oligos are designed ...activator helper complex with 2A GFP 61424 : sgRNA cloning backbone with MS2 loops at tetraloop and stemloop...Hygro resistance marker 61427 : lentiviral sgRNA cloning backbone with MS2 loops at tetraloop and stemloop...for insertion of guide sequences Zhang Lab SAM Cloning Protocol 321.5 KB Return to top AAV - In vivo Genome...
  7. Malate Dehydrogenase CUREs Community Collection

    ... mutant clones from watermelon have been codon-optimized for expression in bacteria and cloned into an...region of MDH. For detailed clone information, please see the MDH Protein Clone Information Sheet, available...malate dehydrogenase genes and watermelon mutant clones for your course-based undergraduate research experience...IPTG-inducible His-tag expression vector. All His-tags are cloned at the C-terminus of MDH and, if indicated on the...
  8. Microbiology Resources

    ...- Barbier Lab Cloning and Expression Bacteria and yeast expression vectors : FX cloning System - Geertsma...Parts Kit : Molecular cloning for E. coli - Densmore Lab EcoFlex MoClo : Modular cloning for applications ... and Dutzler Labs EasyClone 2.0 Yeast Toolkit - Borodina Lab Golden GATEway cloning system - Wittbrodt...Microbiology : Sets of plasmids for fluorescence, cloning and expression, and synthetic biology. CRISPR Resources...sets of plasmids intended for use together (e.g. cloning and expression systems) and therefore supplied ...
  9. Antibody Plasmid Collection

    ...well as by our trusted partner labs. Learn More Cloning and Expressing Antibodies Antibody Plasmids Antibodies...synthetically produced recombinant antibodies, created by cloning antibody components into plasmids and expressing...Monoclonal antibodies are derived from an individual clone targeting a single antigen. An example of R-mAbs...and their applications in our Antibody Guide ! Cloning and Expressing Antibodies The following table highlights...mammalian expression vector A tool kit for rapid cloning and expression of recombinant antibodies. Sci Rep... Rep. 2014 Jul 30;4:5885. Andrew Beavil Cloning and mammalian expression of mouse and human IgG monoclonals...
  10. CRISPR 101: Epigenetics and Editing the Epigenome

    Blog Post
    ...two vectors are part of the larger pMVP/pMAGIC cloning system, which contains Cas9 fusions for several...Arlotto ME, et al (2018) Creation of versatile cloning platforms for transgene expression and dCas9-based...
  11. CRISPR 101: Engineering the Plant Genome Using CRISPR/Cas9

    Blog Post
    ...researchers to insert targeting oligos with minimal cloning required. As with other model systems, multiple...containing vectors ready for Golden Gate mediated cloning of your gRNA of interest. In recent years, deaminase-mediated...
  12. Antibodies 101: Single Chain Fragment Variables (scFvs)

    Blog Post
    ...developed for another decade when in 1988 they were cloned by two separate labs (Bird et al., 1988; scFv?  scFv sequences have traditionally been cloned by amplifying the VLand VH antibody sequences of...
  13. Five Popular Model Organisms, Part 2

    Blog Post
    ...around 20 minutes, they are perfect for molecular cloning and metabolic engineering.  The E. coli genome ...out the GreenGate Toolkit which allows for easy cloning of constructs specifically designed for use in ...
Showing: 141 - 160 of 322 results