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  1. Cloning

    ... a Molecular Cloning Technique Molecular Cloning Techniques You may also like... Cloning Resources Empty...101: Restriction cloning ) Back to Top Gateway® Recombination Cloning Gateway cloning (Image from Plasmid...Plasmid 101: Gateway Cloning ) Gateway® cloning is a recombination based cloning method. The benefit of ...via gateway cloning. Back to Top TOPO® Cloning TOPO (Image from Plasmid 101: TOPO Cloning ) Toposiomerase...Toposiomerase based cloning, often called TOPO® cloning or TA cloning, is a method that relies on the hybridization...MoClo and Golden Gate cloning kits for your next cloning project. Golden Gate Cloning (Image from Plasmid...Golden Gate Cloning ) Back to Top Ligation Independent Cloning Ligation Independent Cloning (LIC) relies...
  2. Molecular Biology Reference

    ...plasmid types: Cloning Plasmids - Used to facilitate the cloning of DNA fragments. Cloning vectors tend ...Molecular Cloning Plasmid Elements Working with Plasmids Introduction Types of Plasmids Cloning Plasmids...thus termed clones of the original cell. The plasmid DNA is similarly referred to as cloned DNA, and this... is known as DNA or molecular cloning . The process of molecular cloning enabled scientists to break chromosomes...about different types of cloning methods check out our guide on molecular cloning techniques . Plasmid Elements...optimized to help in the initial cloning of a DNA fragment. Commonly used cloning vectors include Gateway entry... help you choose the right cloning method Plasmids 101: Restriction Cloning Plasmids 101: Inducible Promoters...
  3. Lentiviral Guide

    ...Gateway® cloning system? Gateway® compatible vectors use recombination in order to generate clones containing...versa. Which bacterial strain should be used for cloning and producing my lentiviral plasmids? Due to the...such as CMV or RSV. What techniques can be used to clone an insert into a lentiviral plasmid containing only... single restriction site, one can use standard cloning techniques to ligate the insert into this site....If it is not immediately feasible to digest and clone the insert from a parent vector, some possible approaches... may later be digested from this new vector and cloned into the lentiviral vector. This is basically shuffling...used. Alternatively, you could ligate a multiple cloning site (MCS) from a separate vector into the single...
  4. Educational Resources

    ...plasmid cloning, and virus, including: Gel Electrophoresis Bacterial Transformation Plasmid Cloning Creating...Plasmid? Genetic Code Strain Information Molecular Cloning Techniques Protocols Find written and video protocols...
  5. CRISPR Guide

    ...using standard restriction-ligation cloning. However, the exact cloning strategy will depend on the gRNA ...targeted region from DNA, subcloning into a plasmid, and screening individual clones. PCR amplification and...gRNA Know your Cell Line Select Gene Select gRNA Clone gRNA Delivery of gRNA & Cas9 Validate Results Resources... the desired edit experimentally and to isolate clones containing the desired edit (see the target anywhere from 2 to 7 genetic loci by cloning multiple gRNAs into a single plasmid. These multiplex...silico and synthesized (see panel A below), then cloned in a pooled format into lentiviral transfer vectors...transfer, analogous to traditional restriction enzyme cloning, which may increase the efficiency of gene editing...
  6. Retrovirus Guide

    ...example: pLXSN has the wild type L TR, an MCS for cloning X gene, an S V40 promoter, and N eomycin selection...either side of a retroviral provirus (see below). Cloning capacity between the LTRs is ∼8.5kb, but inserts...
  7. Antibody Guide

    ...of one clone that are specific to a certain epitope, or polyclonal, meaning there are many clones that ...antibodies. Recombinant antibodies are created by cloning antibody genes from specific hybridoma cells into... bind to any given antigen. A mature B cell can clone itself to enable higher production of a single antibody...where each culture should produce the same antibody clone, or from plasmid-based expression. Monoclonal antibodies...
  8. Addgene's eBook Collection

    ...nomenclature, and uses to common promoters and cloning techniques! Close About Overlay Select CRISPR 101...
  9. Adenovirus Guide

    ...adenovirus plasmid page. The transgene of interest is cloned into the shuttle vector, verified, and linearized...
  10. Sequencing Primers

    ...forward primer pAd-CMV GCTAGAGATCTGGTACCGTC For cloning sites after SalI in pAd-CMV vector pBABE 3' ACCCTAACTGACACACATTCC...
  11. Optogenetics Guide

    ...light-inducible dimerization tags (TULIPs), plasmids allow cloning of protein coding sequences with GFP-LOVpep, cpPDZ...
Showing: 1 - 11 of 11 results