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Showing: 121 - 140 of 395 results
  1. Delivery Methods for Generating iPSCs

    Blog Post
    ...expresses multiple reprogramming factors driven by one promoter. While lentivirus has similar rates of reprogramming...control. Additionally, Sendai virus doesn’t rely on promoters for transcriptional regulation, so it requires... mini-plasmids. They contain only a eukaryotic promoter and the cDNA(s) to be expressed and they don’t...phosphatase, expression of embryonic proteins, and promoter demethylation and expression of endogenous pluripotency...
  2. 22 Hot Plasmid Technologies from 2014

    Blog Post
    ...either the Thy1 or CAG promoter, while Brainbow AAV is under control of the EF1a promoter. Livet et al., ...known as SpyLigase and is a protein domain that promotes the formation of an isopeptide bond between 2 ...insert fragments of DNA containing basic parts (promoters, UTRs, coding sequences, terminators, etc) into... creating a single transcriptional unit (Ex: a promoter, 5’UTR, coding region, and terminator). Next, ...individual types of pre-cloned insert modules (plant promoter, N-terminal tag, coding sequence of the gene of...
  3. Mouse Modeling, Part 2: Breeding and Crossing Mice

    Blog Post
    ... Prior to engineering a transgenic strain, the promoter being used should be tested in cell lines to determine...with expression controlled by a tissue-specific promoter). And, Cre may also be either constitutively expressed...
  4. Mouse Modeling, Part 1: Genetically Engineered Mice

    Blog Post
    ...vector containing homologous ends to the breakpoint promotes homologous recombination of the targeting vector... process. The addition of small molecules that promote homologous recombination or the use of long single-stranded...
  5. Viral Vectors 101: Calcium Sensors

    Blog Post
    ...neuron-specific expression (hSyn promoter) and pan-mammalian cell expression (CAG promoter). An improved version ...
  6. The Twelve Days of CRISPR

    Blog Post
    ...CRISPR, Addgene gave to me: a method to capture promoter-enhancer 3D chromatin structures using CRISPR....
  7. Making CRISPR Plasmids Using Fragmid

    Blog Post
    ...components, such as your CRISPR enzyme or Pol 2 promoter. The options available in each class, or module...out reporters, Cas proteins, guide cassettes, promoters, N’ and/or C’ terminus, and selection markers....
  8. Plasmids 101: Knockout/Knock-In Plasmids

    Blog Post
    ...recombinase. If GFP is under control of an endogenous promoter, you can use expression GFP to track cells participating... physiopathological events to which the chosen promoter responds. You can also use this method to tag ...
  9. Hot Plasmids and Viral Preps - May 2021

    Blog Post measure time. These plasmids with different promoters driving expression of Cas9 were used in this study...ready-to-use AAV vectors expressing GCaMP6f with this promoter. Image calcium transients in PV interneurons with...
  10. Mobile-CRISPRi: Bringing CRISPRi to Diverse Bacteria

    Blog Post
    ...allows for customization with strain-specific promoters, antibiotic resistance selection markers, gRNAs...nature allows for the customization of guides, promoters, selection markers, and different versions of ...
  11. PITChing MMEJ as an Alternative Route for Gene Editing

    Blog Post
    ...Addgene are perfect for expressing GFP from a given promoter, and the technique can be adapted to other transgenes...observed will be dependent on both the endogenous promoter and the 3’ UTR of the locus of interest, since...
Showing: 121 - 140 of 395 results