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Showing: 81 - 100 of 525 results
  1. Educational Planarian Tools for Teaching Developmental Biology Techniques

    Blog Post
    ...are 11 different genes cloned into plasmids to investigate for each of these planarian species. These plasmids...time or after genetic manipulation. The technique involves using synthetically made RNA (riboprobes) with... the riboprobes are created, the WISH protocol involves preparation of the tissue sample, several washes...complex are added to the tissue. The last step involves a chemical reaction to stain the cells that contain...wildtype locomotion.   Create your own plasmids to investigate other genes in planarians! For those who are ... performing their own molecular cloning and investigating genes not in this collection, they may and if you make new plasmids for investigating different planarian genes, we encourage you ...
  2. Plasmids 101: CcdB - The Toxic Key to Efficient Cloning

    Blog Post
    ...available to counteract the toxin. If, however, an investigator were to successfully clone an insert into the...the insert. Gateway® technology (developed by InvitrogenTM) is essentially a more modern version of this...insertion will completely replace ccdB with the investigator’s insert of interest. Hence correct clones are... behind the “swapping out” of ccdB with the investigator’s gene of interest.   CcdB resistant E. ...CcdB-resistant strain is ccdB Survival™ from InvitrogenTM. Using either DB3.1 or ccdB SurvivalTM, one ...a variety of useful resources and protocols! We invite feedback from all members of the research community...M. “Cell killing by the F plasmid CcdB protein involves poisoning of DNA-topoisomerase II complexes.” ...
  3. Plasmids 101: FLEx Vectors

    Blog Post
    ...flanking loxP sites directs the Cre recombinase to invert, translocate, or excise a DNA fragment. The availability...sites (floxed) in opposing orientations, a SSR will invert the DNA sequence between the sites. If a DNA sequence.... Regardless, the first recombination step will invert the intervening DNA fragment using either loxP ...the additional loxP and lox511 sites after the inverted GeneR sequence in the opposing orientation, you...presence of Cre. In this example, Cre would first invert the reporter and GeneR fragment. Then the second...Sometimes also referred to as DiO (Double-floxed inverse Orientation), FLEx systems are generally considered...meaning that your gene of interest starts in the inverse/antisense "off" position and is flipped to the ...
  4. Top Requested Lentivirus and AAV of 2016

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    ...few inventory items offered domestically, but by the end of 2016, we expanded our viral inventory to 25... lentiCas9-Blast Most of Addgene’s lentiviral inventory is based on CRISPR tools, though we do provide...pAAV-hSyn-DIO-hM4D(Gi)-mCherry Our current AAV inventory consists almost entirely of viruses expressing... Carolina, Chapel Hill. These can be used to investigate the effects of activating particular signaling...neurons drives feeding behavior in mice. J Clin Invest. 2011 Apr;121(4):1424-8. PubMed PMID: 21364278....
  5. Custom CRISPR Screens & the Green Listed Software

    Blog Post
    ...targeting each of the 1000 genes you’d like to investigate in your next CRISPR screen. Luckily, the Green... unbiased discovery. With these screens, the investigator generates a cell population where all genes ...consequence, which genes are good candidates for being involved in the studied phenotype. For robustness of a ... generated knockout mice for (all of the genes involved as I recall). The lab then used these knockout...sequenced to identify which signaling molecules were involved in the phenotype. Surface proteins  My group works... These types of interactions to a large extent involve receptors expressed on the cell surface. Thus, ...proteins to determine which contact points are involved in a studied cellular behavior. This approach ...
  6. Interview: Hodaka Fujii on enChIP, New CRISPR Tools, and More

    Blog Post
    ...Additionally, you are involved in multiple professional scientific societies. Why is being involved in the scientific...biology and hope to develop more in the future. Involvement in the Scientific Community Addgene: In 2012 ...ourselves without Addgene. So, when I received an invitation to join the Advisory Board of Addgene, I accepted...also beneficial to my research. I believe that involvement in the scientific community is a kind of duty...example. However, at the same time, it's fun to be involved in these professional activities because I can...
  7. How to Negotiate a Successful Lab Start Up Budget

    Blog Post
    ...symptoms of a negotiation, especially when money is involved. However, it doesn’t have to be this way, if values. All too often, we see early investigators making unnecessary short term sacrifices that...their goals, rather than focusing on long term investments. For example, purchasing “used” equipment can...a win-win decision An institute/department is investing in you, and is counting on your research to reach your goals. For example, a junior investigator turned down a faculty position because none ...opinions on creating and negotiating budgets and invite you to leave a comment below Happy Sciencing, ...
  8. Chemogenetics vs. Optogenetics: Which Method Should I Choose?

    Blog Post
    ...expressing receptors Invasiveness Mice require permanent intracranial implant Noninvasive Controlling Stimulation...Targeted manipulation Controlling stimulation Invasiveness  Choosing the best set of tools therefore depends...precise and the offset of stimulation is gradual. Invasiveness Both optogenetic and chemogenetic tools need...Chemogenetics poses the advantage of being less invasive and more flexible as it relies on designer ligands...
  9. Fostering communication in remote collaborations

    Blog Post
    ...also present hurdles for the team of researchers involved. Communication is a major challenge when researchers...Set and manage expectations When the researchers involved in a project are scattered across the globe, it...labs. This is an opportunity for the researchers involved to learn techniques from each other, access specialized microscopes and allowed me to investigate my protein of interest in a French clinical cohort...immediately discuss the feedback with everyone involved can speed up the future directions of the project...
  10. Trimmer Lab NeuroMab Collection

    ...separate elements of the R-mAb expression plasmid involved in coexpression of light (green) and heavy (blue...
  11. Seven Tips for Using LinkedIn as a Scientist

    Blog Post
    ... ability to send invitations. Finally, if you don’t know clearly why you are inviting someone to connect... box, it will send an unpersonalized, generic invitation. Don’t try to connect from the LinkedIn phone... app either as this also results in a generic invitation. 3) Connect with people you have really talked... with this and as long as you personalize the invitation with your intention for connecting, this is probably...
  12. CRISPR in the Clinic

    Blog Post
    ...strategies for CRISPR therapies. Systemic therapies involve CRISPR-Cas delivery directly to the patient. Patient-derived...returned to the patient. Finally, allogenic therapies involve editing healthy donor-derived cells and delivering... treatment strategies for these disorders have involved turning on fetal hemoglobin to compensate for ...returning them to the patient. The first human trial involving CRISPR Cas9 for these diseases was sponsored by...evolving, and many of the challenges with therapies involve patient safety, effectiveness, and delivery. Patient...
  13. Transgenic Organisms, Cas9 Gene Drives, and Appropriate Safeguards

    Blog Post
    ...damage public trust in scientists, experiments involving potential gene drives should be conducted with...strategies are available? Molecular confinement involves building gene drives that can spread through populations... been tested in yeast5. Ecological confinement involves performing experiments in a geographic area where...relevant mosquito species. Reproductive confinement involves working with laboratory organisms that can't reproduce...publications. Thank you to our guest blogger! An inventor of technologies that harness evolution, Kevin ...
  14. Advancing Biology with Zebrafish: Genetic Tools for Developmental Studies and More

    Blog Post a range of biological studies, including investigations into environmental pollutants and health, embryo...developmental biology that arose from zebrafish-based investigations. Genetic resources for zebrafish A common ...about the genome are powerful resources for investigating any biological process. High quality genome ...are particularly well-suited for neuroscience investigations. For example, neuronal activity can be tracked... and labor-intensive maintenance compared to invertebrate model systems, and their resistance (so far)...
  15. Sonic Hedgehog? Sleeping Beauty? Learn About the Genes Behind Addgene’s Conference Room Names

    Blog Post
    ...factors to repress the expression of genes primarily involved in development. These genes are known to play ... a comic book his daughter was reading. SHH is involved in the hedgehog signalling pathway, which is a...resemble spaghetti. We have two plasmids in our inventory from the lab of Eric Wieschaus that express sqh...Azplazu and Frasch, 1993). Tinman is specifically involved in the formation of the heart amongst other things...Transcriptional activation in Drosophila spermatogenesis involves the mutually dependent function of aly and a novel...
  16. 27 Hot Plasmids from 2016

    Blog Post
    ...library and used this library to screen for genes involved in West Nile Virus (WNV) induced cell death. The...for their gene of interest. Although the parts involved in altering gene expression are relatively well...can be quite arduous. The cloning process alone involves much literature searching, DNA synthesis, and ... Collection 2.0 Ras proteins are small GTPases involved in cell signaling pathways that control many cellular...AID technologies provides a clever means of investigating hard-to-study genes in hard-to-study cell types...screening is an efficient approach to identify genes involved in drug-resistance. Remarkably, this method also... gondii fitness. Sixteen of these genes were investigated for functions during infection of human cells...
  17. Synthetic Biology, Artificial Chromosomes, iGEM & More - Interview with Tom Ellis

    Blog Post also investigates bacteria and extremophiles for biotechnology and has been directly involved in supervising... through Open Access. Chapter 7/Outro: Tom’s Involvement with iGEM and Addgene  Many thanks to our guest... He returned to academic research in 2005 to investigate synthetic biology at Boston University, working...
  18. Developing Transferable Skills During Science Training

    Blog Post
    ... website, write a blog Pursue speaking invitations by inviting others (be on a speaker committee) Follow...undergrads or less experienced grads Manage a project involving multiple scientists, create and stick to careers is that a team is almost always involved. Demonstrating your ability to work well with ...
  19. CRISPR Protocol for Genomic Deletions in Mammalian Cell Lines [Video]

    Blog Post
    ...efficiency of the method. One observation was an inverse relationship between deletion size and frequency...outcome to deletions following paired DSBs is inversions [3]. These rearranged segments may also be informative...nondeleted allele is likely to bear an indel or inversion mutation [3]. In the CRISPR era, the genomic landscape...Bauer is a pediatric hematologist and principal investigator at Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical...
  20. 2023 and 2024: Reflections and Looking Ahead

    Blog Post
    ...scientists around the world to conduct robust investigations into the human transcriptome. The MORF library...s mission and work. Part of our strategic work involved reflections on diversity, inclusion, equity, and...feels both welcomed and resourced for success. I invite you to join me here, and on my LinkedIn page, as...perspective on Addgene through her LinkedIn page. She invites you to connect with her there. More on the Addgene...
Showing: 81 - 100 of 525 results