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Showing: 841 - 860 of 934 results
  1. Antibodies 101: Epitope Tags

    Blog Post
    ...tag has been used with moderate to high success rates across all applications. You can find FLAG antibodies...
  2. What the HEK?

    Blog Post
    ... skew research results (gene expression, growth rates, etc.). Thus, it’s important to maintain short culture...
  3. RUBY-Red Siliques

    Blog Post
    ... produces 3 enzymes from a single mRNA using 2a sites. These convert the amino acid tyrosine to betanin...
  4. The Strength of Story Telling

    Blog Post
    ...around the self, too — when talking to friends or dates or colleagues we tell tales about parts of our lives...
  5. Targeted Mutagenesis with EvolvR

    Blog Post of interest, which nCas9 nicks and then dissociates from. PolI3M then binds the nicked DNA, and extends...
Showing: 841 - 860 of 934 results