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Showing: 661 - 680 of 791 results
  1. Antibodies 101: Epitope Tags

    Blog Post
    ...doesn’t come with a high background can be a huge challenge. Epitope tags eliminate the need for target-specific...
  2. What the HEK?

    Blog Post
    ...Produce Recombinant Proteins and Viral Vectors. Front Bioeng Biotechnol. (2021) (9):796991. DOI: 10.3389/fbioe...
  3. Plasmid Cloning by PCR

    Blog Post
    ...temperatures, but you may need to increase your primer length and increase the Tm if you are trying to clone ...
  4. The MTA at Addgene

    Blog Post
    ...materials, and the process was time-consuming and lengthy. So the NIH called a meeting in 1990 to discuss...
Showing: 661 - 680 of 791 results