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Showing: 641 - 660 of 791 results
  1. Build Your CRISPR Vocabulary

    Blog Post
    ... other Cas proteins as well, both natural and engineered. What these proteins all have in common is the...
  2. SunTag and Fluorescent Imaging

    Blog Post
    ...very effectively - they even managed to track run lengths of the motor protein kinesin across microtubules...
  3. 10 Ways to Share Your Science!

    Blog Post
    ...   Consider participating in a future SciFund Challenge. While the goal is ostensibly to get some funding...
  4. Plasmid Cloning by PCR

    Blog Post
    ...temperatures, but you may need to increase your primer length and increase the Tm if you are trying to clone ...
Showing: 641 - 660 of 791 results