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Showing: 41 - 60 of 544 results
  1. Transferable Skills Guide: Time Management

    Blog Post
    ...energize you. For example, let's say you’re doing a multi-day experiment in the lab. You have two ways to ...recently started using Trello to manage larger, multi-person projects. Day-to-day, flexible to-do lists...
  2. Fluorescent Proteins 101: Fluorescent Biosensors

    Blog Post
    ... to select a fluorescent protein for single and multi-color imaging experiments. Finally, what kind of...process you would like to monitor, there may be multiple steps you could examine, i.e. for an enzymatic...
  3. Tag Your Favorite Yeast Genes with Ease

    Blog Post
    ... fluorophore tagging vectors for your single or multi-color imaging experiments. Interested in epitope... studies where tagging of multiple protein products is desired, as multiple selection markers can ensure... Dr. Formosa has deposited six plasmids with a multiple cloning site in place of the epitope tag for creation... S. cerevisiae, with the additional benefit of multiple selection markers for combining modifications ...
  4. Fluorescent Protein Guide: Empty Backbones

    ...Which FP Should I Use? Blog: How to Choose a FP For Multi-Color Imaging Blog: Avoiding the Dark Side of Fluorescent...proteins Insect Sutherland Lab Plasmids - For multicistronic expression of GFP and/or mCherry, with neomycin...
  5. Single-cell tracking of lineage and identity with CellTag

    Blog Post
    ...act like a timestamp and help demultiplex the scRNA-seq data and build multi-generational cell lineage trees... be tagged with different CellTag libraries at multiple timepoints during reprogramming. These library-specific...CellTag Indexing: genetic barcode-based sample multiplexing for single-cell genomics." bioRxiv (2019): 335547...
  6. Live and Let Dye: Self-Labeling Protein Tags

    Blog Post
    ...labeled through click chemistry. Although these multi-component systems can be complicated to implement... fluorescent protein) enables applications like multi-color imaging (Figure 2). If you’re working with...proteins in vitro, you can even use the same tag for multiple proteins but label each separately before reconstituting...Johnsson, K. (2008). An Engineered Protein Tag for Multiprotein Labeling in Living Cells. Chemistry & Biology...Ulrichs, H., Gaska, I., & Shekhar, S. (2023). Multicomponent regulation of actin barbed end assembly by ...
  7. Which Fluorescence Microscopy Techniques is Best for Me?

    Blog Post
    ...phototoxicity. Lightsheet designs that allow for multi-view imaging can image thick scattering samples ...Microscopy Choosing Your Fluorescent Proteins for Multi-Color Imaging Choose the Brightest Fluorescent background. In addition to this, the use of multiple fluorophores can add a second layer of contrast... ultra-thin sheets of excitation light through multiple focal planes of a sample may also be useful for...which can lead to photobleaching when acquiring multiple images over a large axial range. 2-photon to light-sheet fluorescence microscopy for multiscale imaging. Nature methods 14, 360-373 (2017). PubMed...
  8. The Power Behind NGS Plasmid Validation: seqWell

    Blog Post
    ...reactions are completely unnecessary for sequencing multi-kb DNA inserts and larger targets. The NGS readout... fundamental and often understated problem in multiplex NGS library preparation. The challenge here is...the case that individual libraries prepared from multiple samples will then also need to be quantified be combined with other samples in a single multiplexed pool. The cost of these normalization steps, ...
  9. 28 Hot Plasmid Technologies from 2015

    Blog Post
    ...approach as a tool for monitoring multi-gene expression and adapt it for multi-color calcium sensing (plasmids...Cell. 2014 Oct 8. pii: S0092-8674(14)01227-6. Multi-bit genetic memory One of the goals of synthetic... bits in order to achieve accurate and reliable multi-bit memory. To this end, Chris Voigt and colleagues...distinct emission spectra suitable for single cell, multi-color imaging. The Nano-lanterns rely on the principle...toolkit based on the Multisite Gateway® technology from Life Technologies. The MultiSite Gateway Kit is ...recently developed a CRISPR-based multicolor tool enabling the imaging of multiple endogenous genomic loci simultaneously... innovative ways. The principle of protein multimerization is seen in many important biological contexts...
  10. Pushing the Limits of DNA Assembly

    Blog Post
    ...Generating constructs with multiple point mutations NEBuilder HiFi can simplify multi-position site-directed...expediently join multiple synthetic fragments, create multiple mutations in one or multiple fragments, and...joining multiple fragments of DNA to create a synthetically designed DNA sequence. There are multiple methods...Assembly Mix include:  Generation of constructs with multiple point mutations Cloning sgRNAs Production of mutagenesis by assembling multiple fragments containing the desired mutations. This same process can...with linearized vector for seamless joining of multiple mutations spread over thousands of base pairs....CRISPR experiments can be laborious, requiring multiple cloning steps. You can simplify this process by...
  11. Genome-wide Screening Using CRISPR

    Blog Post
    ...forward genetic screen using CRISPR libraries is a multi-step process (see Fig. 2). In most cases, CRISPR...any experiment, the use of appropriate controls, multiple replicates and several cell types can strengthen...strengthen your results. Enrichment or depletion of multiple gRNAs targeting the same gene can be strong evidence...
  12. Plasmids 101: Protein Expression

    Blog Post
    ...that bacteria usually cannot produce functional multi-domain mammalian proteins as bacterial cells are... expression of mammalian proteins that require multiple post-translation modifications for proper protein...
Showing: 41 - 60 of 544 results