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Showing: 541 - 560 of 934 results
  1. Viral Vectors 101: Viral Applications

    Blog Post used to express proteins. Viral expression cassettes typically contain a promoter (inducible or constitutive...lineage, and so much more! Libraries allow you to test thousands of elements simultaneously in your system...dose. Vaccine development strategies. Image courtesy of Gorry et. al, 2007.   Clinical applications...
  2. Screening for Successful Genome Editing with Digital PCR

    Blog Post
    ...calculated (details in [2]) and can be used to quantify rates of mutation in a bulk or single cell-derived genomic...instructions on how to design such assays, in addition to testing their performance (2). Remember that although digital...transfection of a novel TAL effector nuclease (TALEN) facilitates efficient knockout of HIV co-receptor CCR5. Nucleic...
  3. How to Keep a Lab Notebook for Bioinformatic Analyses

    Blog Post
    ...together. I also prefer the number system to using dates as labels, since I often work on multiple projects...sure that the original code remains in tact! Take notes Comment in your scripts: Comments on what a given...who are still learning the basics. However, these notes take up a lot of space and don’t tell you why you...
  4. Seven Tips for Using LinkedIn as a Scientist

    Blog Post
    ...keep track of how you met the connection, as these notes are saved in the messaging stream. Unfortunately...LinkedIn is not the platform for politics, family updates, or click bait of any kind. For more on inappropriate...However, do comment on other people’s news and updates. Share your own good ideas, events and favorite...
  5. Troubleshooting Your Plasmid Cloning Experiment

    Blog Post
    ...antibiotic in your plate might not work. Check the plates! Streak on them an E. coli  strain known to be ...growing fine, it is probably time to prepare new plates with a fresh stock of antibiotic. Many small colonies... different temperature (30°C) for the growth on plates and in liquid culture. If you don’t get any positive...
  6. What's New in CRISPR - November 2021

    Blog Post
    ...with the desired resolution of prime editing intermediates. Building upon the PE2 and PE3 systems of their...introduce epitope tags and RNA transcription start sites. The lab further demonstrated that PRIME-del can...RT), which induces two double-strand breaks and deletes the intervening sequence. As with other prime editing...
  7. Summer SciComm: Preprints

    Blog Post
    ...accelerating science! Photo courtesy of under a CC license. Many scientists and advocates have argued that while...manuscript is drafted. Preprints were one of the key routes for researchers to share information about the ...
  8. Antibodies 101: Affinity Reagents

    Blog Post
    ...large number of targets, and can require specific conjugates. And, of course, once you have them, you’ll need... along with a higher likelihood of aggregation (Bates, 2019). They are small enough to be produced in systems. Elsevier Science & Technology Books. Bates A, Power CA. David vs. Goliath: The Structure, Function...
  9. Antibodies 101: Selecting the Right Antibody

    Blog Post
    ...options. With limited time and budget you cannot test them all, so how do you know which ones to try?  ...immune complexes are smaller than a primary:secondaries:conjugates complex. If you are trying to visualize....  The 5 pillars include genetic strategies that test expression in knock-out or knock-down down tissues...
  10. Working with Nuclear Receptors

    Blog Post
    ...and disease states, their circadian regulation, as well as in important physiological states such as adipogenesis...therapeutic indices, including hypertension, cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cholesterol gallstone...
  11. The Breast Cancer Microenvironment: A Tumor’s Backstage Team

    Blog Post
    ...caveolin 1, also known as CAV 1. Usually, caveolin 1 promotes the cell life cycle progression and enhances tumor... TAK 1, an enzyme that controls apoptosis and regulates transcription. Without TKA1, cells proliferate... 2004). In fact, Sanford H. Barsky and his team tested the influence myoepithelial cells had on the conversion...
  12. Choosing the B(right)est Fluorescent Protein: Photostability

    Blog Post
    ... oxygen concentration may affect photobleaching rates (Shaner et al, 2008). This brings us to the key ...application (Goedhart et al, 2012). The third issue relates to the environment of the fluorescent protein. ...The issues with quantification of photobleaching rates can be summarized as follows: Instead of determining...
  13. CRISPRainbow and Genome Visualization

    Blog Post
    ... cross-talk with the other orthologs. Ma et al. tested their dCas9 variants using gRNAs specific for telomeric...individual colors to 6. A gRNA with all three hairpins generates white light. All 6 gRNAs can be expressed in a...separate vector. Figure 2: CRISPRainbow generates 6 unique colors and a white composite. gRNAs with...
  14. Uncertainty about Labor Law Brings More Uncertainty to Postdoc Wages

    Blog Post
    ...a new legal minimum of $47,476 per year, under updates to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). This was...22nd a preliminary injunction against the FLSA updates was granted nationwide. Again, we at Future of ...getting paid, which we will be analyzing for future updates. But suffice it to say, salaries are showing surprisingly...
  15. Early Career Researcher Toolbox: Finding Relevant Papers

    Blog Post
    ... real challenge is finding relevant papers. The latest installment of the Early Career Researcher Toolbox...around since 1996, but is getting an update! The latest version can be found here. The new PubMed will ...cite the most), and who the author influences (who cites the author the most). Best uses Finding papers frequently...
  16. A Guide to Designing a Scientific Poster: Content, Layout, and More

    Blog Post
    ...identified and interpreted in less than a couple of minutes. How does one accomplish all of that? What follows...The UCLA Library offers some Powerpoint based templates with different column numbers for a good starting...starting point. Adobe also offers free poster templates, although most are vertical.  Large central box...
  17. Plasmids 101: In-house NGS Plasmid Quality Control Now at Addgene

    Blog Post
    ... plate format yielding anywhere from two to six plates of 96 samples per week. This is where our new process... process only takes about one day, even for six plates (576 individual plasmids)! These libraries are ...takes about two days to complete. After the run completes, we begin our assembly process. Again, thanks ...
Showing: 541 - 560 of 934 results