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Showing: 441 - 460 of 934 results
  1. The Materials Science of Optogenetics Experiments

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    ... helps to maintain a consistent stream of light. Test your implant by connecting it to a patch cable connected...stimulation only under certain contexts/locations in the test apparatus and thus individual laser stimulation, Channelrhodopsin 2 (ChR2), exists in several states: closed/light receptive, open, closed/light insensitive...length for your specific behavioral apparatus or test but not so excessively long that it becomes tangled...
  2. Hot Plasmids - October 2020

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    ...requires the much less efficient double stranded templates, rather than the more efficient single-stranded... development, regeneration, and certain disease states. However, it’s difficult to observe the cell cycle... from Eastman et al., 2020. The researchers tested several scenarios from embryo development to myeloid...paralogs. The exon-deletion hybrid gRNA library deletes human alternative cassette exons and disrupts genes...
  3. Popular Retroviral Vectors and Their Uses in Scientific Research

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    ... Viruses are intracellular parasites and natural vehicles for genetic information. Therefore they make...Addgene: Follow our viral vector blog posts for updates on the most recent deposits, protocols, and tips...selection. One of the scientists who created pBabe writes how its name came about here. Cloning and expressing...MuLE (Multiple Lentiviral Expression) system facilitates the simultaneous introduction of multiple genetic...
  4. No Llamas Required - Synthetic Nanobodies Against Membrane Proteins

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    ...through 3 major steps to select for optimal sybody candidates. Figure 2: Outline of the process for selection...display mRNA from the enriched pool of sybody candidates are then reverse transcribed into cDNA fragments...cloning technique which uses Type IIS restriction sites (Geertsma, 2013). Once the phagemids are constructed... narrowed-down pool (usually 10-30) of sybody candidates are sequenced for identification. All unique ...
  5. Chromoproteins: Colorful Proteins For Molecular Biology Experiments

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    ...reach zooxanthellae, the coral’s symbiotic dinoflagellates that are photosynthetic (Salih et al., 2000...substrate, chromoproteins don’t require other substrates for screening. Thus chromoproteins can be used...common chromoproteins used in the lab come from eukaryotes, they can be difficult to directly use in bacteria...plasmid carrying the desired genetic modification integrates into the genome (Figure 3). Here, the chromoprotein...
  6. Polymerase Chain Reaction Overview and Applications

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    ...addition of a probe based fluorescent dye that intercalates with any dsDNA and the use of a fluorometer ...concentration, unlike qPCR where results can vary across replicates. ddPCR can be used to quantify DNA sequences ...primer sets.  Multiple template PCR - multiple templates with different primer pairs that align to the ...quantify the concentrations of multiple starting DNA templates in one sample. It is important to note however...
  7. Tips for a 1st time AAV user (by a Rookie AAV user)

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    ...digest (the ITRs contain SmaI and XmaI restriction sites). Another way is to transform AAV transfer plasmids...release the virus particles from the cells. Cell lysates are then treated with benzonase immediately before... bit of flexibility since I can store the cell lysates at -80 °C for up to 6 months before purifying the...the physical titer generated by qPCR is useful, I test a few different concentrations of virus, or multiplicity...
  8. PRIDICT: Predicting Efficiencies of Prime Editing Guide RNAs

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    ...becomes impossible (or at least unreasonable) to test them all. This is where PRIDICT comes in! Evaluate...editing efficiencies in high-throughput libraries My labmates and I wanted to find a way to predict the some of the best designs (e.g., top 5) and test them in their labs. Figure 2: Guidelines...most promising pegRNA designs and especially facilitates the use of prime editing in pooled settings with...
  9. 3D Printing Meets CRISPR Cas9

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    ... structure of a protein, based on its atomic coordinates. These wire models were useful in that they a pdb file of the structure’s atomic coordinates, and “open” these structures with molecular viewing...then activate two different endonuclease active sites. Fortunately, there is never just one model of a...gymnastics that this protein must undergo as it interrogates your genome. If you are interested in experiencing...
  10. PCR Applications for Copy Number Variation Assays

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    ...fluorescent signaling in the presence of dsDNA. Image courtesy of: Ygonaar    Taqman is more sensitive than...of the Taqman reaction can be seen to the left, courtesy of UPODMG 1516 irivbrro ddPCR  Droplet digital...see image, left, of droplet immersion technique, courtesy of CAR15.) Each droplet contains a primer and ... of reactions, it does not need to be run in triplicates. ddPCR is an extremely accurate application, ...
  11. The Importance of a Fun Workplace: Company Culture at Addgene

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    ...culture here at Addgene has remained paramount. Candidates who interview at Addgene frequently ask the question... at Executive Director Joanne Kamen’s home- a testament to the familial aspect of Addgene. As our size...time for fun, everyone is confident that their teammates and project collaborators have completed their...these examples we’ve done annually - they are fan favorites! 6. Keep it simple This may be an obvious one,...
  12. A Career in Grants: How To Become a Grant Professional

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    ... Miller, founder and principal of J. Miller & Associates, Inc., a national grant consulting firm, and ...Professional Certification Institute (GPCI). GPCI evaluates a candidate's expertise (a minimum of 3 years ...CSMS is the founder and principal of J. Miller & Associates, Inc., a national grant consulting firm, and ...and evaluation. She and her team at J. Miller & Associates have secured more than $70 million dollars in...
  13. Isolating Genomic Regions of Interest with the CRISPR System

    Blog Post
    ...CRISPR-mediated purification of a specific genomic region alleviates these issues as a region of interest can be targeted... relax imprinting (Zhang et al., 2017). This upregulates expression of IGF2, a characteristic of many ...analysis of bacterial genome functions." BMC research notes 11.1 (2018): 387. PubMed PMID: 29898790. PubMed ...modular RNA-guided regulation of transcription in eukaryotes." Cell 154.2 (2013): 442-451. PubMed PMID: 23849981...
  14. INTEGRATE: Bacterial Genome Engineering Using CRISPR-Transposons

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    ...insert either randomly, or at fixed genomic target sites.  This obstacle was recently surpassed with the ... bound by QCascade (Fig. 1B). The process also creates a 5-bp target-site duplication (TSD), a hallmark...insertions and intermediate structures known as cointegrates (Vo et al., 2020; Strecker et al., 2020). multi-copy genomic integration of metabolic cassettes (Zhang et al. 2020); however, the technology potential...
  15. Tips for arabidopsis transformation

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    ...tumeficans - a plant pathogenic species that stably integrates transfer DNA (tDNA) into the genomes of the plants...of great options, but here are a couple of my favorites. Plasmids from the Tsuyoshi Nakagawa lab are binary...difficult. Don’t leave your plants on selective plates for too long: even resistant plants will be affected... the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. National Academy of Sciences, 112(18...
  16. Simplify Cloning with in vivo Assembly

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    ...recombination reported in all laboratory E. coli strains tested so far. The use of this pathway as a cloning tool...for example for subcloning genes from different templates. All PCRs are run as an 18 cycle, 25 μl single-tube...We use XL-10 Gold E. coli, but have successfully tested DH5a, TOP10, and Mach1. No common lab cloning strain... the whole vector sequence between modification sites (see Figure 3), producing multiple fragments with...
  17. CRISPR 101: Ribonucleoprotein (RNP) Delivery

    Blog Post
    ...of mouse zygotes, through a process known as CRISPR-EZ (CRISPR RNP Electroporation of Zygotes) (Chen et...electroporation (A in the figure above), which generates pores in the cell membrane, allowing for CRISPR ribonucleoprotein electroporation of zygotes." Journal of Biological Chemistry (2016): jbc-M116...
  18. AAVs CREATed for Gene Delivery to the CNS and PNS

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    ... gene. In this special CREATE cap plasmid, loxP sites flank the downstream polyA sequence. When viruses... in the Cre-expressing tissues. This inversion creates a template that’s suitable for PCR amplification...which, in the case of Chan et al, was neurons and astrocytes. Why screen for IV deliverable AAVs? Typically...tracing, aka determining where a neuron’s axons and dendrites extend to. The keys to this method are 1) high...
  19. Negative Can Be Positive: Open AAV Data with Addgene

    Blog Post
    ...time and effort to test and optimize our vector - overall, I spent two years testing and reformulating ...H134R) in A2 norepinephrine expressing neurons. We tested four serotypes containing an expression cassette... of that data was published.    Fig. 1: Testing of three different AAV serotypes (AAV1, 8, 9) injected...
  20. Don’t FRET: Bimolecular Fluorescence Complementation Makes Visualizing Protein-Protein Interactions Easy

    Blog Post
    ...such experiments, small-molecule inhibitors are tested in parallel for their ability to prevent BiFC resulting...preferably, some information about the structures of the tested PIPs. Many split FPs have been validated for BiFC...- and C-terminal end of each PIP and empirically test which combination provides the best fluorescent ...appropriate controls may requires that you empirically test a number of mutants to identify those that inhibit...
Showing: 441 - 460 of 934 results