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Showing: 341 - 360 of 544 results
  1. Microbes: Look, Listen, and Tell

    Blog Post
    ...benefits of this technique. It is even possible to multiplex ultrasound dyes because these dyes “collapse” ...
  2. Editor's Choice, September 2016

    Blog Post
    ...Symposium Tips for Writing a Good Cover Letter Multiple Plasmids at a Low Price: Kits from Addgene Savvy...
  3. Build Your CRISPR Vocabulary

    Blog Post
    ...repeat:antirepeat duplex. tracrRNAs also contain multiple stem loops that are recognized by the Cas9 protein...
  4. SunTag and Fluorescent Imaging

    Blog Post
    ...promoter lead to higher transcriptional activation. Multiple nuclear localization signals (NLS) increase protein...
Showing: 341 - 360 of 544 results