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Showing: 301 - 320 of 791 results
  1. Molecular Biology Reference

    ...Expression Plasmids Gene Knock-down Plasmids Genome Engineering Plasmids Reporter Plasmids Viral Plasmids E. ...and other genetic elements using specifically engineered plasmids, commonly referred to as vectors, which...promoter (e.g., a liver-specific promoter). The strength of the promoter is also important for controlling...that can drive expression of short RNAs. Genome Engineering Plasmids - Used to target and edit genomes. Genome...Strain Vendor(s) Genotype BL21 Invitrogen; New England BioLabs E. coli B F dcm ompT hsdS(rB mB) gal ccdB...traDelta36 proAB lacIqZDeltaM15] NEB Stable New England Biolabs F' proA+B+ lacIq ∆(lacZ)M15 zzf::Tn10 ( of newly synthesized DNA strands of varying lengths whose last nucleotide is labeled. Once all the ...
  2. Stem Cell Models for Disease & Open Science: Interview with Darrell Kotton

    Blog Post, stem cells, gene therapy, and tissue engineering. How the multidisciplinary nature of the Center... Chapter 6: Near-term possibilities for using engineered cells in therapy. The lungs are difficult, but...Boston Medical Center. Special thanks to our sound engineer/producer, Eddy Page! Edward B. Page is a Digital...Production Specialist at Addgene. He is the audio engineer and producer for the Addgene Podcast.     Additional...
  3. Antibody Guide

    ...emit a specific wavelength of light after excitation by light of a specific wavelength. While more expensive...monovalent nature. Darpins - Darpins are genetically engineered small proteins derived from ankyrin repeat proteins... constant region. Minibodies - Minibodies are engineered antibody fragments consisting of two scFvs bound... in a range of colors activated by different wavelengths, allowing for easy differentiation between multiple...recognizes and binds to the protein of interest. Signal strength is determined by how many antibodies bind the ... break DNA up into fragments of 300-1000 bps in length. Note: This sonication process may need to be optimized...
  4. Networking and Inspiring Young Scientists at Freshers Fairs

    Blog Post the past year. Cambridge Biological Society, England Since 1996, Cambridge Biosoc’s goal has been to... up to professors. Oxford Biological Society, England The Biological Society based at the University ...networking events. Imperial Synthetic Biology Society, England The Synthetic Biology Society is a new society ...incredibly glad to see these biological societies engaging with young scholars. We believe it’s very important...
  5. Chemogenetics vs. Optogenetics: Which Method Should I Choose?

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    ...simply with the presence or absence of the correct wavelength of light. This response is immediate, on the ...activation to behaviors. Scientists continue to engineer opsins to operate at increasingly faster kinetics...Optogenetics also requires that light of the correct wavelength reach receptors in the brain. One way to address...can be simply introduced by injection. The main challenge in using ligands is ensuring the agonist is able...
  6. Tips for Improving Your Next Manuscript

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    ...should possibly take a composition class in the English Department. He suggested that I sign up for the...the SWPI online course because a course in the English department wouldn’t have trained me in the scientific...not prose; it is to be straight to the point. 3. Engage the reader Scientists forget that the reader is...has to introduce the reader to the manuscript and engage them in the material. So the manuscript should ...
  7. Three Tips for Preventing Viral Plasmid Recombination in Your Samples

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    ...the full length plasmid. If you find that your bacterial cultures contain a mix of full length plasmid ...will also outgrow bacteria that contain the full length plasmid.   Figure 1: The full DH5-alpha are recA-, some strains have been engineered to further reduce recombination. Recombinase-...
  8. Comparing Cas9 to NgAgo: Can the Argonautes Best CRISPR?

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    ...First Impressions Here References 1. Gao, Feng, Xiao Z. Shen, Feng Jiang, Yongqiang Wu & Chunyu Han. “DNA-guided...efficiency. Smaller size At only 887 amino acids in length, NgAgo is shorter than SpCas9 (1368 aa), SaCas9... High Fidelty Cas9 Mutants Browse All Genome Engineering Posts Additional Resources on Check...
  9. Antibody Validation for Flow Cytometry

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    ...antibody selectivity. Additionally, it can be a real challenge to troubleshoot RNAi failures. Potential explanations...cell survival or proliferation, an additional challenge is that only partial or ephemeral knockdown will...confirmation of antibody selectivity even more challenging. Correlation with RNA or Proteomic data from ...supportive of their specificity for the protein. A challenge to this approach is that the identity of the epitope...the specific sample and protocol. This can be a challenge to confirm. As such, the approach used may need...
  10. Advice on Career Paths and the Green Card Process for International Researchers and Entrepreneurs

    Blog Post to biotechnology, chemistry, architecture, engineering, mathematics, physical sciences, social sciences...your company employs at least 3 full-time people engaged in researcher activities. The EB-1B requires that...algorithms to program self-driving cars, tissue engineering for organ replacement).  In addition to presenting... and translations of documents that are not in English. Create a Google Scholar account Sanitize your ...meets the requirements set forth by USCIS before engaging with clients. To learn more, visit
  11. R Bodies: Membrane-Rupturing Microscopic Tools

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    ... we understand such a structure well enough to engineer it to suit our purposes? In search of simple ... we understand such a structure well enough to engineer it to suit our purposes? These questions can be...2012). This made them an appealing target for bioengineering, but it wasn’t clear whether they could 1) ...bodies We have shown that all three of these engineering objectives are possible in our recent paper (...
  12. Virtual Science Conference Coming Up? Three Addgenies Share Their Experience

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    ...presenter, it can be difficult to keep the audience engaged through a computer screen. For the Reproducibility...organizers found several avenues to keep the audience engaged. They first sent a pre-workshop questionnaire to...are still other ways to make your session more engaging, for example, by using short animations and visuals...poster,” he says.Viewing a poster on a screen is challenging, requiring you to zoom in to different parts ...
  13. Early Career Researcher Toolbox: Social Media for Scientists

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    ...professional development, and while it’s not challenging to use, it’s hard to know where to begin. To ...helped her connect to other black scientists and engineers on Twitter, but also led to interviews on Al Jazeera... statistics on what percent of scientists and engineers regularly use the platform, why scientists, but how you use social media to consistently engage with others about your topic(s) of interest. Hopefully...
  14. Communicating Your Science With Help From ComSciCon

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    ... from audiences as they do science outreach and engage with the public, and learn from the process of ...of science, communication isn't easy.  But the challenge is worthwhile and rewarding. A truly passionate...organizations. At ComSciCon, our primary mission is to strengthen and support the network of graduate students ...Learn about careers in science communication The strength of story telling Science communication: 9 strategies...
  15. Addgene’s Viral Service - Why Virus? Why Now?

    Blog Post
    ...supported this project with funding. Alnylam and New England Biolabs sponsored the capital construction of our... solicited seed money for the new project. New England Biolabs and Alnylam see the value to the scientific...research and discovery, while also pushing us to challenge assumptions, holding us to nonprofit best practices...reach scientists around the world. Our Software Engineering Team (and, added in 2018, our Product Team) continues...
  16. AAV Q&A with Tim Miles

    Blog Post
    ...below 4.4kB (with the ITRs bringing total genome length to ~4.7kB.  If your insert alone is 4.2 kB and ...serotypes such as AAV9 or AAV8. Very recently an engineered AAV5 capsid was reported for specific and potent...prohibitive problem? A: Re-administration is a challenge for AAV due to the development of neutralizing...neutralizing antibodies in animal models. All of our engineered AAV are presently built on an AAV9 backbone and ...
  17. Antibodies 101: ChIP

    Blog Post
    ... Schematic overview of ChIP. Image courtesy of Shengliu via Wikicommons.   Okay, let’s do a quick ...such as sequencing or qPCR. Yay!  Where’s the challenge in that?  So while this method is certainly long...cell type, amount of protein, and desired fragment length for your output assay. A longer sonication time...the sample type and size.) It can be quite the challenge, and take a few rounds of adjustments, to get ...
  18. Enhancing CRISPR Targeting Specificity with eSpCas9, SpCas9-HF1, & HypaCas9

    Blog Post
    ...improvements in genome engineering! References 1. Slaymaker, Ian M., et al. "Rationally engineered Cas9 nucleases...-target specificity of the Cas9 nuclease with engineered variants: eSpCas9, SpCas9-HF1, & HypaCas9. ...Plasmids Browse our CRISPR Guide Pages Find Genome Engineering Resources ...
  19. Plasmid Tools for Microbiome Studies

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    ...scientists can also study the microbiome by using engineered genetic tools and reporter microbes. Let’s take...take a look at a few of these methods below. Engineering gut microbes in situ While the ability to monitor...References Leonard, Sean P., et al. "Genetic engineering of bee gut microbiome bacteria with a toolkit...PMC4674677. Ronda, Carlotta, et al. "Metagenomic engineering of the mammalian gut microbiome in situ." Nature...
Showing: 301 - 320 of 791 results