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Showing: 261 - 280 of 836 results
  1. Science communication: 9 Strategies to Get Your Foot in the Door

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    ...Co-Ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE) provides on-site courses in public engagement for on using social media as a scientist here. 2) Public engagement - Participate in science festivals and... and outreach If you are comfortable talking in public, volunteer at science festivals. Or engage with...performance. When your institute opens its doors to the public, for example at an anniversary or for Girls’ Day...for 10 busy weeks at media outlets like National Public Radio, WIRED, Scientific American or National Geographic...projects Lastly, if you'd like to directly involve the public in your research projects, you can set up a citizen...
  2. Corralling and Cornering the Goldilocks Antibody

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    ...the best, or even which one will work for your application? Like many scientists, I have spent hours sifting...produced from a new set of animals), and wrong application (different experiments/conditions can change ...differently over time), compatible with the desired applications (such as immunohistochemistry (IHC) or western... members (like me!) are dedicated to creating a public and accessible database for low-cost, high-quality...positive, it will be released through the website for public reference. The Gift of Giving As an open-source...for goldilocks antibodies and, alongside that, a publicly available 2D/3D mouse atlas from antibodies that...resolving the antibody crisis. The mAb3D Atlas is a public service to the science community, and I am excited...
  3. Hot Plasmids February 2024

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    ..., its dimeric nature can interfere with some applications. Several labs have been working to produce monomeric...Image reused from Ando et al. 2023, under CC-BY license.   The Miyawaki lab generated a series of ... for molecular fusion and membrane-targeting applications. Nature Methods, 1–9., Flytzanis, Goeden, et al. 2023, under CC-BY license.   Find the AAV.CAP-Mac plasmid here!   Chuapoco...rats. Figure from Chen et al (2023) under CC-BY license.   Find AAV1-X1 plasmid here! Chen, X., et ...proven itself a good option for essentially all applications. Addgene’s plasmid collection includes over ...clone (M2) has been widely used in a variety of applications. Find anti-DYKDDDDK recombinant antibodies here...
  4. Genome-wide Screening Using CRISPR

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    ...Fig. 2). Individual gRNAs are designed in silico using publicly available gRNA design software and synthesized...highlight some of the reagents that have been made publicly available through Addgene.  What makes CRISPR...over previous genome editing techniques is its simplicity and versatility. CRISPR/Cas9 consists of two ...derivatives of Cas9. Several CRISPR libraries are publicly available through Addgene, with more being added...experiment, the use of appropriate controls, multiple replicates and several cell types can strengthen your results...information on CRISPR screens check out Addgene’s 2016 publication “Practical Considerations for Using Pooled Lentiviral...
  5. CRISPR 101: Ribonucleoprotein (RNP) Delivery

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    ...valuable to scientists, there are some potential complications that must be considered when using this method...alternative approach, which avoids many of these complications, is to directly deliver a ribonucleoprotein ...used for most of the current genome engineering applications of CRISPR including: generating single or multi-gene...pathways. This makes Cas9 RNPs useful for CRISPR applications where limited expression of Cas9 is required...protocols outlining these steps have been made publicly available by both the Jacob Corn and Alex Schier... of eventually using this method for in vivo applications. This technique utilizes Cas9 proteins harboring...CRISPR experiments can reduce many potential complications, there are additional factors to take into account...
  6. Negative Can Be Positive: Open AAV Data with Addgene

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    ... right AAV for your system or to successfully replicate published works. Of particular importance to these... focus on getting this information out into the public where it can be utilized by others. Addgene’s AAV...citable DOIs through DataCite before being made publicly available through the Data Hub. These minimum ...performance. Yet, most of the technical data needed to replicate and build on others’ results is available not ...information provided in openly accessible forms like publications. Why not get this data out there?  The Addgene...your data - negative AND positive - out into the public eye where it can benefit the community. We are ...Freedom: The Expansion of Data Sharing in Research Publications...
  7. Bacterial Toxin-antitoxin Systems as Molecular Biology Tools

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    ...activity of CcdB. Applications of ccdB in plasmid cloning Perhaps the most widely used application of CcdB is...used as biological tools for a wide range of applications in molecular biology or in vivo studies. Let...types of plasmid addiction systems and their applications. The discovery of toxin-antitoxin systems Toxin-antitoxin...CcdA (antitoxin) where CcdB inferes with DNA replication by binding the GyrA subunit of DNA gyrase and...construct. Other toxin-antitoxin systems and their applications MazE/MazF Aside from CcdB/CcdA, there are many...Kulakauskas, Saulius, Arvydas Lubys, and S. Dusko Ehrlich. "DNA restriction-modification systems mediate ...
  8. The PAM Requirement and Expanding CRISPR Beyond SpCas9

    Blog Post dramatically increase the number of CRISPR applications. The first non-Cas9 CRISPR protein adapted Find plasmids from this publication at Addgene. Kim E, Koo T, Park SW, Kim D, Kim...10.1038/ncomms14500 Find plasmids from this publication at Addgene. Kleinstiver BP, Prew MS, Tsai SQ...10.1038/nature14592 Find plasmids from this publication at Addgene. Kleinstiver BP, Tsai SQ, Prew Find plasmids from this publication at Addgene. Hu JH, Miller SM, Geurts MH, Tang...10.1038/nature14299 Find plasmids from this publication at Addgene. Walton RT, Christie KA, Whittaker.../j.cell.2015.09.038 Find plasmids from this publication at Addgene. Additional Resources on the Addgene...
  9. Make a Splash: Notions of Scientific Impact Are Evolving

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    ... citations for recent articles. Of course, a publication in Science or Nature is always nice, but in the... lesser-known journal as it is in a top-tier publication. Accessibility is surely also behind the increase...increase in citations for older publications. (As an interesting aside, Nature recently reported that a solution.) But are citations and journal publications really the best way to measure impact? As that...and what it’s made of. Increasingly, journal publications alone aren’t enough. Scientists are sharing ...consider and quantify the impact of scientific publications. Ventures like Impact Story seek to find ways...
  10. CRISPR 101: Engineering the Plant Genome Using CRISPR/Cas9

    Blog Post
    ...current CRISPR research focuses on its potential applications for human medicine (Waltz, 2016), the potential...selected the correct CRISPR components for your application, it is time to deliver these components to your...detergent, Polyethylene Glycol (PEG), although the application of this approach is limited to protoplast cells...find many plasmids for a wide variety of CRISPR applications in plants available through Addgene. In addition..., we highly recommend reading the associated publications or protocols to get the most out of the plasmid...N (2016) The CRISPR/Cas Genome-Editing Tool: Application in Improvement of Crops. Front Plant Sci 7: ....10.1073/pnas.1818290116 Zhu H, Li C, Gao C (2020) Applications of CRISPR–Cas in agriculture and plant biotechnology...
  11. Top 10 Open Science Developments of 2013

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    ... February, the Office of Science and Technology Policy issued a memorandum calling on Federal annual R&D expenditures to support increased public access to the results of federally-funded organization called Free the Data launched a public database to gather the results of Myriad's for open access to peer-reviewed journal publications, although many don’t necessarily publish in ...gave preference to journal access granted via a public repository or authors’ own web sites. 9) share science. Image credit: Judy Breck, via flickr  ...
  12. ReFigure: Save Scientific Figures into Dashboards and Share Your Insights

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    ... ReFigure. Reading and exploration including replications and experiments resulting in “negative data”...small selection of data found in full-length publications. As early career researchers, we wondered how...performance as in this antibody ReFigure Analyzing replications as in this ReFigure about whether Natronobacterium...reagent performs well, or you might publish a replication experiment that you conducted as part of setting...papers as they are not included in traditional publications. By submitting your data to a repository (Figshare...-registration, preprints, data, software, micropublications) in grant proposals. ReFigures are one such...
  13. Is this the right place for me? 8 tactics for choosing a lab

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    ...Prepare by going sleuthing on the lab website, publication records, LinkedIn, ResearchGate or Twitter. Be...the management style? How does the PI deal with conflicts in the lab? Do they motivate with the appropriate...the appropriate first authorship position on a publication of her project and made another lab member first...professional status – including belittling opinions, public professional humiliation, accusations regarding... Is the work (topic and/or technical aspects) applicable to industry if this path interests you  (e.g....connections such as serving on Boards? Does the publication record show evidence of industry collaboration...out PI intervenes if there are interpersonal conflicts PI has no idea who is dating whom Expanding...
  14. Plasmids 101: Repressible Promoters

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    ...Introduction and expression of genes for metabolic engineering applications in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.” FEMS...tet-systems-legacy-products/tet-on-and-tet-off-2nd-generation Mullick, A., Xu, Y., Warren, R. et al. The cumate gene-... PMCID: PMC2942869. Find plasmids from this publication at Addgene. del Valle Rodriguez, Alberto, Dominic... PMCID: PMC2883883. Find plasmids from this publication at Addgene. Wei, Xing, Christopher J. Potter... PMCID: PMC3846601. Find plasmids from this publication at Addgene. Riabinina, et al. “Improved and ... PMCID: PMC4344399. Find plasmids from this publication at Addgene. Riabinina O, Potter CJ. The Q-System...
  15. Summer SciComm Series: Master of SciComm

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    ...athletes, as well as the ethical and health policy implications arising from sport-related concussion.   ...are sincerely interested in connecting with the public in a meaningful way, and not solely to ensure a...doing so—can prove invaluable in the pursuit of public engagement. Studying science communication is ... research topic on concussion in sport and the public’s perception of head injury risk. In completing ...of unsettled science. Understanding just how the public utilizes insights gleaned from scientific research...
  16. Intro to Our Summer SciComm Series!

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    ...interested public.” Subscribers to Scientific America would be considered the interested public and it would...Image courtesy of Ron Mader, via Flickr, under the Creative Commons license     ...podcasts A series of Tweets breaking down a new publication that could advance treatments for a rare disease...emails, most science communication work does not explicitly exclude people outside of the original recipients...
  17. Antibodies 101: Epitope Tags

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    ...experienced. Finding an antibody that works for your application, specifically detects your protein, is species...and have been widely used across species and applications. In this blog, we will review the most common...not exist, or they don’t exist for a specific application, or they exist but are unreliable for a variety...almost certainly already been optimized for your application. Depending on the tag, directly imaging or tracking...our affinity purification tag blog!).   Applications of epitope tags   The tags A number of...with moderate to high success rates across all applications. You can find FLAG antibodies on Addgene’s catalog...
  18. Comparing Cas9 to NgAgo: Can the Argonautes Best CRISPR?

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    ...orthologs similar to TtAgo and PfAgo, another thermophilic Argonaute. They identified NgAgo and showed ...template is supplied. Find Plasmids from the NgAgo Publication at Addgene Cas9 and NgAgo head to head NgAgo ...differences in cleavage efficiency. If this finding is replicated in larger studies, it will represent a key specified by the gDNA. Depending on your application, this could be favorable or unfavorable. In a...PubMed PMID: 27136078. Find plasmids from this publication at Addgene. 2. Swarts, Daan C., et al.  “DNA-... PMCID: PMC4697943. Find plasmids from this publication at Addgene. 3. Swarts, Daan C., et al. “Argonaute...
  19. 9 tips for a successful postdoctoral experience

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    ...need? Multiple first or corresponding author publications (published, not in preparation) A history of...The other items will follow. If you get more publications, you will be more competitive for fellowships... project. Furthermore, Group Leader position applications require 3 letters of reference- the graduate...spurious yet intriguing findings that fail to replicate. Plan experiments logically and strategically ...and exploration Researchers face a fundamental conflict. Science is about exploration, discovering new...informal recommendations, more positive grant application and manuscript reviews, etc. You'll also meet...teach classes. Therefore, seek out management and conflict resolution workshops. Get teaching experience ...
  20. When Fidelity Matters: A frank discussion about ligase fidelity

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    ...or DNA base pair mismatches (8-11). For some applications, there cannot be any end-joining activity, and...regions. Why use a high fidelity ligase? Numerous applications have been developed to take advantage of the...Taq and other thermostable DNA ligases. These applications detect specific nucleotide sequences with high...Ligase are not replacements for T4 DNA Ligase in applications such as routine cloning or DNA library "Ligase chain reaction (LCR)-overview and applications." PCR Methods Appl 3.4 (1994): S51-64. PubMed... detection system for direct identification of allelic composition of mutated DNA in a mixed accelerate characterization of nucleic acid metabolic enzymes." Nucleic acids research 44.2 (2015): ...
Showing: 261 - 280 of 836 results