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Showing: 1 - 20 of 292 results
  1. Arf GTPase Family

    ...1192 Bacterial (pET) GAP Agap3 116988 911 Bacterial (pET) GAP Adap1 11033 374 Bacterial (pET) GAP Adap2 55803...375 181 Bacterial (pET), Mammalian (pcDNA3), Gateway GTPase Arf3 377 181 Bacterial (pET), Mammalian (pcDNA3...378 180 Bacterial (pET), Mammalian (pcDNA3), Gateway GTPase Arf5 381 180 Bacterial (pET), Mammalian (pcDNA3...382 175 Bacterial (pET), Mammalian (pcDNA3), Gateway GTPase Arl1 400 181 Bacterial (pET), Gateway GTPase...402 184 Bacterial (pET), Mammalian (pcDNA3), Gateway GTPase Arl3 403 182 Bacterial (pET), Mammalian (pcDNA3...Arl5a 26225 179 Bacterial (pET), Gateway GTPase Arl5b 221079 179 Bacterial (pET), Gateway GTPase Arl5c 390790...Arl6 84100 186 Bacterial (pET), Gateway GTPase Arl8a 127829 186 Bacterial (pET), Gateway GTPase Arl8b 55207...
  2. Empty Backbones - Choosing Your Perfect Plasmid Backbone

    ...expression vectors pET His6 TEV - N-terminal His6-TEV tag for bacterial expression pET His6 - C-... TEV-His6-Flag for bacterial expression pET Flag TEV - N-terminal Flag-TEV for...N-terminal GST for mammalian expression pET His6 GST TEV - N-terminal His6-GST-TEV...N-terminal GFP for yeast expression pET GFP - C-terminal GFP for bacterial...
  3. Bacterial Expression Systems

    ...efficient enough that selection is not required. pET-HIS-Sangamo 40786 TALEN Gang Bao Gateway cloning .... coli codon optimized FokI endonuclease domain. pET-Sangamo-His 40787 TALEN Gang Bao Gateway cloning ...terminal, TEV cleavable 6x-His tag Ophear Gileadi pET-28-a based expression vector containing N-terminal...various epitope tags useful for protein purification. pET LIC Series Various Plasmids T7-lacO (lactose/IPTG...variant (CyPet) optimized for FRET measurements with a yellow fluorescent protein variant (YPet) found ...found in pYPet-His . pYPet-His 14031 FRET Patrick Daugherty FRET: Vector for arabinose inducible expression...variant (YPet) optimized for FRET measurements with a cyan fluorescent protein variant (CyPet) found in...
  4. Participate in the Pets of Addgene Scavenger Hunt

    Blog Post of Addgene pets with Addgene-branded clothing on the blog. Below each photo, the pet gives you a clue...some of us, that means spending more time with our pets. These new “co-workers” have made their way onto...the last year. Now, we’ve collected photos of our pets with Addgene gear, and have unleashed them all over...
  5. Save Time and Money by Making Your Own Competent Cells

    Blog Post
    ...lab. How to make your own competent cells It’s easy to make your own competent cells. If you need a high...from purchasing competent cells. However, for most everyday cloning, homemade competent cells will work...OpenWetWare Preparing chemically competent cells (protocol)  Preparing electrocompetent cells (protocol)  Untergasser...Preparation of chemically competent cells (protocol) Preparation of electrocompetent cells (protocol) At...produces 20mL of competent cells, enough for 800 transformations when using 25uL competent cells per reaction...Transformation of chemically competent cells (protocol)  Transformation of electrocompetent cells (protocol)  ... time efficient. We do this by making our own competent cells and using a little-known reagent for streamlining...
  6. Fluorescent Protein Guide: Empty Backbones

    ...8NmCitrine - Zebrafish/Xenopus/C.elegans/Sea urchin pET mCitrine LIC cloning vector (u-mCitrine) - Bacterial...Expression mOrange 548 562 49 6.5 2.5 hr Monomer pET mOrange LIC cloning vector (u-mOrange) - Bacterial...8NmCherry - Zebrafish/Xenopus/C.elegans/Sea urchin pET mCherry LIC cloning vector (u-mCherry) - Bacterial...Includes tagging with mCherry, mOrange, mCerulean pET GFP - C-terminal GFP for bacterial expression Davidson...Mammalian Expression CyPet 435 477 18 5 Monomer pCEP4CyPet-MAMM - Mammalian Expression pCyPet-C1 - Mammalian...Mammalian Expression pCyPet-His - Bacterial Expression CYPet-N1 - Mammalian Expression CYPet-C1 - Mammalian Expression...Expression YPet 517 530 80 5.6 Prone to dimerization pCEP4YPet-MAMM - Mammalian Expression pYPet-His - Bacterial...
  7. Cre-lox system

    ...CMV Mammalian Sato 123128 pET-His-Cre 6xHis-Cre T7 Bacterial Liu 123131 pET-His-VCre 6xHis-VCre T7 Bacterial...Targeting vector Mouse Nxph4 Mammalian Zeng 62372 pET-(-30)GFP-9xGGS-Cre-6xHis Cre fused to supernegatively...62730 CRE recombinase Cre T7 Bacterial Geijsen 62938 pET-(pos36)GFP-9xGGS-Cre-6xHis Cre fused to highly cationic...cationic GFP variant T7 Bacterial Liu 62939 pET-Cre-6xHis Cre-6xHis T7 Bacterial Liu 63704 pRetroX GFP...
  8. Antibody Plasmid Collection

    ...Res Commun. 2015 Jan 2;456(1):527-33. Gavin Wright pET-30-based vector dedicated to efficient scFv expression...
  9. 25 Work From Home Tips for Scientists

    Blog Post
    ... a virtual soup lunch, and sharing photos of our pets. #SocialDistancing may send a wrong message for...or ordering take-out) or volunteering to foster a pet, for example. If you are looking for some resources...
  10. Open Enzyme Collection

    ...bacteria for expression and purification ( pET28a-LIC or other pET vectors are recommended). Open Enzymes ...
  11. Addgene's 20th Anniversary Party

    Blog Post
    ...captured over the years, including an album of Addgenie pet photos. The famous Addgene jacket, home to a questionable...
  12. Plasmids 101: Protein Expression

    Blog Post
    ...large amounts of protein in bacterial cells: the pET, pRSET, Gateway pDEST, and pBAD vectors for example...protein is toxic to E. coli. Of all the vectors, pET, under the control of the T7 lac promoter and induced...
  13. Congratulations, Deck The Lab winners!

    Blog Post
    ...DeckTheLab themed nativity scene, courtesy of our house pets.. 😁 — Matthijs Dorst.... Nonetheless, Addgene’s annual Deck the Lab competition drew upon the creativity of the community, entry doubled as their lab’s decoration competition, and each lab member used an impressive variety... started last year: The Christmas Decoration Competition! #ScienceFun #ZoomParty @Addgene pic.twitter....edition, the MicrobiGals created glow in the dark petri dish ornaments and microbe cookies! 🤗 🤗 🤗 We...
  14. Neurodegeneration Plasmid Collection

    ...Gideon Dreyfuss 71875 pET-Sac-Abeta(M1-42) APP T7 Alzheimer's Dominic Walsh 71876 pET-Sac-Abeta(M1-40) APP...Bruce Beutler 127151 pET-Sac-Abeta(MC1-42) APP T7 Alzheimer's James Nowick 127152 pET-Sac-Abeta(MC1-40) ... 190191 pET-Duet1-His-TEV-mCherry-OPTN WT OPTN His, TEV, mCherry ALS Sascha Martens 190192 pET-Duet1-6xHis-TEV-OPTN...GFP CMV Spinal muscular atrophy Greg Matera 38005 pET-21a(+)/MBP-His-PINK1 PINK1 His, MBP T7 Parkinson'...IDR-mCherry-Cry2-NLS TBP Parkinson's Denes Hnisz 145283 pET-45b-TBP(38Q)-IDR-mCherry TBP Parkinson's Denes Hnisz...CMV Ataxia telangiectasia Charles Swanton 173759 pET-Sac-Abeta(M1-42/C18C33) APP T7 Alzheimer's James ...halo-mTBP TBP Halo EF1a Parkinson's James Zhe Liu 197975 pET-20b_HtrA2(delta(133))_S306A_6His HTRA2 His T7 Parkinson's...
  15. Plasmids 101: Origin of Replication

    Blog Post
    ...derivative) A Relaxed pBR322 ~15-20 pMB1 A Relaxed pET ~15-20 pBR322 A Relaxed pGEX ~15-20 pBR322 A Relaxed...the same ori are incompatible because they will compete for the same machinery, creating an unstable and...
Showing: 1 - 20 of 292 results