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Showing: 1 - 20 of 601 results
  1. CRISPR Plasmids - C. elegans

    ... CRISPR C. elegans CRISPR Plasmids: C. elegans Browse CRISPR Plasmids ... designed for use in C. elegans. CRISPR...Species Mammalian Bacteria Drosophila Plant C. elegans Yeast Zebrafish Xenopus CRISPR Resources CRISPR...CRISPR plasmids have been designed for use in C. elegans. Cut Fully functional CRISPR/Cas enzymes will introduce...L4440_BioBrick-sgRNA T7 BbsI, BsaI Ingestion by C. elegans none, need Cas9 plasmid Ristow Do you have suggestions...
  2. Even more elegant: Single injection CRISPR/Cas9 in C. elegans

    Blog Post methods for C. elegans were released, signaling a new era in C. elegans research. Homology directed... CRISPR/Cas9 editing in C. elegans: Engineering the Caenorhabditis elegans genome using Cas9-triggered...custom genomic modifications, is very robust in C. elegans, and the methods for HDR-mediated modification ...University of North Carolina has made CRISPR in C. elegans even easier - now, one can generate a fluorescent... gene tagging approach Multiple features of C. elegans have made CRISPR/Cas9 so successful in this species...used a transgene selection strategy for their C. elegans/CRISPR experiments, but this strategy required possible fluorescently label proteins in C. elegans, they inserted the SEC into a synthetic intron ...
  3. Five Popular Model Organisms

    Blog Post
    ...Lukas Morgan Model organisms are vital tools used by researchers around the globe. These organisms share...Caenorhabditis elegans) The worm, Caenorhabditis elegans, has been used extensively as a model organism since ...forefront by Thomas Hunt Morgan, who is known as the “father” of Drosophila research. Morgan discovered that of the simplest eukaryotic organism, is a commonly used model organism in scientific research. Yes, ... generations. Similarly to other model organisms, the C.elegans genome is also completely sequenced and...ortholog in C. elegans making it ideal to study basic molecular biology processes. C. elegans are also quite...Looking for more model organisms? Check out Part two in the popular model organisms series, and read about...
  4. Five Popular Model Organisms, Part 2

    Blog Post
    ...covered five model organisms in a previous blog post, but here are five more model organisms that have left...emerging model organisms!) Escherichia coli One of the most recognizable and utilized model organisms is a model organism for over 60 years with a status as the most studied prokaryotic organism. With its ...Undervalued Model Organism to Study and Model Human Genetic Disease. Cells Tissues Organs, 205(5–6), 303–...E-coli-as-a-Model-Organism.aspx. Additional resources on the Addgene blog: Read more about model organisms in the...and molecular tools. One such tool is the model organism, an essential aspect of biological research that... biological processes and developments. Model organisms often feature genetic, physiological, or developmental...
  5. Open Resources and Plasmid Tools For Studying C. elegans

    Blog Post
    ...International C. elegans meeting, I was again reminded of the extent that C. elegans researchers embrace...toolkits available at Addgene.  C. elegans open resources The C. elegans Neuronal Gene Expression Map & Network...specifically for C. elegans. This database provides detailed information about C. elegans 3’UTRs structures...layer by layer, the NeuroML C. elegans connectome, a model of the C.elegans neural network, and Sibernetic...The C. elegans community has always emphasized the need for open science and collaboration. The field... comprehensive gene expression atlas of every C.elegans  neuron. Scientists are currently doing this using...important for post-transcriptional regulation in C. elegans. To study the role of 3’UTRs, the Arizona State...
  6. Gaining Leadership Skills Volunteering at a Professional Organization

    Blog Post
    ...professional organization or a scientific society in your field. My leadership training began with the NPA...responsibilities Being a leader in an organization, you need to make sure the organization speaks in “one voice” whilst...great organization to develop these leadership skills in particular because every year it organized a “Committee...improving my skills. My involvement with the NPA began gradually. I didn’t become Chair of a Committee ... in the long run was most beneficial for the organization as a whole. I came to understand that not only...only was I growing as a leader but the organization was growing too and with that would come necessary... had to be professional as I represented the organization, not just myself as a scientist. I learnt to...
  7. Fluorescent Proteins 101: Visualizing Subcellular Structures & Organelles

    Blog Post
    ...body is made up of organs, cells comprise compartments and structures, called organelles. Take a sneak peak...fluorescent microscopy - even in living cells and whole organisms. You can take advantage of the many Fluorescent... proteins” which are known to be a part of an organelle or involved in intracellular transport pathways...pathways, it is possible to map the internal organization of a cell. This mapping can be done by using antibodies...for commonly used markers for major mammalian organelles and transport pathways. It is best, though not...that traffics the fluorescent protein to your organelle of interest. Click on the gene names in the figure...
  8. An “elegans” Approach to Better CRISPR/Cas9 Editing Efficiency

    Blog Post
    ... a wide range of organisms and cell lines. In C. elegans, one of the model organisms which I use to study...use in C. elegans. In 2017, the Korswagen lab developed Cas12a (Cpf1) for editing in C. elegans (Ebbing ...from more sites of the C. elegans genome. Toolkits for editing in C. elegans The development of toolkits... kit for C. elegans genome engineering have also facilitated CRISPR editing in C. elegans. These modular... To see more CRISPR tools for C. elegans, visit Addgene’s C. elegans CRISPR plasmids page. Future perspectives...their seminal work on micro RNAs in C. elegans. The C. elegans work on small RNAs informed and drove work...of experiments imaginable in C. elegans. Equally, some of the “elegans” methods outlined in this post ...
  9. Illuminating Choices: A Guide to Selecting Fluorescent Dyes and Ligands

    Blog Post
    ...activity of the ligands. For instance, studies have shown that different fluorescent ligands can elicit using fluorescently tagged ligands or intermolecular FRET for ligand-receptor interactions, require...HaloTag Ligands expand the self-labeling capabilities of this platform. The Janelia Fluor ligands provide...fluorescent dyes have enabled the visualization of both organic tissues and cell cultures, opening biological interiors...overwhelming to select the optimal dye or fluorescent ligand when designing an experiment. You may find yourself...characteristics to consider when selecting a dye or ligand to make your selection easier, as well as highlight...field. Fundamental principles of fluorescent dyes/ligands Figure 1: Example structures of fluorophores...
  10. Transgenic Organisms, Cas9 Gene Drives, and Appropriate Safeguards

    Blog Post
    ...populations of transgenic laboratory organisms but not wild organisms. For example, an sgRNA-only drive ...confinement seeks to keep the organisms in the laboratory. It varies by organism, but your local biosafety... Medical School. Scientists making transgenic organisms with Cas9 should be aware of the potential hazards... can spread even when costly. If even a single organism carrying a synthetic gene drive were to escape... extreme caution. Why does making transgenic organisms with Cas9 risk creating a gene drive? The simplest...idea or wanted to build a gene drive in a model organism would find our work and consequently use these...experiments in a geographic area where escaped organisms won't be able to find mates2. For example, ongoing...
  11. Writing Scientific Manuscripts: Literature Searching, Reading, & Organizing

    Blog Post
    ...send you daily updates with relevant literature. Organizing the literature As a scientist, you will begin...will ever read. So, you need to come up with an organization system that works for you. I have a folder where...’m still in the dark ages with respect to my organization strategy. There are a number of software options...another option that may help solve your literature organization issues – F1000 just announced the launch of ....  Give your favorite searching, reading and organization tips in the comments below. Additionally, read...
  12. Three Tips to Organize Your Lab Notebooks in the New Year

    Blog Post R01 is due. But what about organizing yourself and your lab? Organizing your lab notebooks, think! Here are three tips to help you get organized and boost your productivity in 2014. Tip 1: Use...and no closer to starting your experiments. Get organized now! Start by gathering that pile of lab notebooks...your tasks on the go Never miss a deadline again. Organize you experiments, keep track of upcoming grant ... clippings, photographs, and file attachments. Organize your notes into notebooks, create checklists that...spreadsheets with lab members Now that you’ve organized your protocols, wouldn’t it be great if you could...reagent storage locations, such as the list used to organize your cryo freezer. No more issues deciphering ...
  13. What's Your Organism? Expanding Genomic Tools via the NSF EDGE Program

    Blog Post
    ... model organism blog posts: Five Popular Model Organisms, Part 1 Five Popular Model Organisms, Part 2...diverse organisms. Methods for genetic manipulation still need to be developed for each organism, but researchers...and share all of these new organisms continues to be challenging. Organism specific viral vector systems...programs via Addgene. New organisms for genotype to phenotype studies New organismal systems described at ...and shared for many different organisms. Do you have a favorite organism you study in the lab? Let us ... work but never get to actually manipulate the organism they study (unless if you count normal human interaction...spiny purple sea urchin. It’s not a standard model organism, but it was easy to harvest eggs and sperm, mix...
  14. Hot Plasmids December 2018 - C. elegans RNAi, TurboID, Detecting Viral Outbreaks, and Protein Binding Specificity Tools

    Blog Post
    ...for C. elegans gene knockdown Article contributed by Alyssa Cecchetelli  Listen to the C. elegans RNAi ... model organisms in which it was previously not an option, including Drosophila and C. elegans.   Find... interference (RNAi) is extensively used in C. elegans research to study gene function. RNAi is commonly...achieved by feeding E. coli expressing dsRNA to C. elegans. These dsRNAs target specific mRNA transcripts ...A fundamental approach to studying membranes, organelles, and other subcellular compartments is via proteomics...  SH3 domain collection reveals novel peptide ligand motifs Article contributed by Michael Lemieux  ...
  15. AAV Purification by Iodixanol Gradient Ultracentrifugation

    ...for virus purification and isolation of cells, organelles, lipoproteins, and macromolecules. Importantly...adapted from Strobel Benjamin, Miller Felix D., Rist Wolfgang, and Lamla Thorsten. Human Gene Therapy Methods...
  16. Kit Free RNA Extraction

    ...RNAse-free tube. The mixture separates into a bottom organic layer, an interphase layer, and a top, aqueous ...
  17. Protocol - How to Streak a Plate

    ...within a laboratory setting is important for organization, and it is recommended that you keep a standard...
  18. Pouring LB Agar Plates

    ... you are working with any weird and wonderful organisms. While your samples are sterilizing in the autoclave...
Showing: 1 - 20 of 601 results