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A Milieu Molecule for TGF-beta Required for Microglia Function in the Nervous System.

Qin Y, Garrison BS, Ma W, Wang R, Jiang A, Li J, Mistry M, Bronson RT, Santoro D, Franco C, Robinton DA, Stevens B, Rossi DJ, Lu C, Springer TA
Cell. 2018 Jun 28;174(1):156-171.e16. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2018.05.027. Epub 2018 Jun 14. (Link opens in a new window) PubMed (Link opens in a new window) Article

Plasmids from Article

ID Plasmid Purpose
111600plexm-human LRRC33Express human LRRC33 in 393T cells
111601plexm-mouse LRRC33Express mouse LRRC33 in 293T cells
111602pcDNA3.1(+)-human LRRC33Express human LRRC33 in 293T cells
111603ET1-human LRRC33Express human LRRC33 in 293T cells
11160433-G-X1-pEF1-puroExpress human 33-G-X1 in 293T cells
11160533-G-X5-pEF1/V5-HisExpress human 33-G-X5 in 293T cells

Antibodies from Article