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Showing: 21 - 40 of 45 results
  1. Lentivirus Production

    ...week: Monday: Plate 1×10 6 cells in a T75 flask in 15 mL DMEM Complete. Wednesday: Plate 1×10 6 cells ...cells at 3.8×10 6 cells per plate in DMEM Complete in 10 cm tissue culture plates. Incubate the cells at 37...previously seeded 10 cm plate. Slowly pipette the transfection mix onto the 10 cm plate, being careful not ...controller Hazardous waste container pH meter Stir plate Magnetic Stir Bar Reagents DMEM high glucose, Corning... in a T75 flask in 15 mL DMEM Complete. Friday: Plate 8×10 5 cells in a T75 flask in 15 mL DMEM Complete...
  2. General Transfection

    ...week: Monday: Plate 1x10 6 cells in a 75 cm 2 flask in a volume of 15 mL. Wednesday: Plate 1x10 6 cells...cells at 3.8x10 6 cells per plate in DMEM complete in 10 cm tissue culture plates. Incubate the cells at 37... 10 cm plate). 56.7 µL of 1 mg/mL PEI, MW 25,000 Da in 443.3 µL of OptiPro SFM per 10 cm plate Pro-Tip...cells in a T75 flask in a volume of 15 mL. Friday: Plate 8x10 5 cells in a T75 flask in a volume of 15 mL...
  3. Protocol - How to Design Primers

    ...correspond to sequences on the template molecule (must be complementary to template strand). However, design primers that are complementary to the template region of DNA. They are synthesized chemically...primers do not need to correspond to the template strand completely; it is essential, however, that the 3’...end of the primer corresponds completely to the template DNA strand so elongation can proceed. Usually size. The structure of the primer should be relatively simple and contain no internal secondary structure...
  4. Protocol - How to Purify DNA from an Agarose Gel

    ...buffer to add during the DNA isolation step. Finally, you will want to isolate the DNA from the gel. This...Background Information Gel purification allows you to isolate and purify DNA fragments based on size. The procedure..., it is a good idea to place the gel on a glass plate if available. Unlike the plastic tray, this will...determine the concentration of the DNA that you isolated before proceeding to your next intended step with...
  5. Fluorescence Titering Assay

    ... of PBS. Calculate the fraction of fluorescent-positive cells in each well. When calculating titer, only...compliance with your institution’s biosafety regulations. Workflow Timeline Day 0: Seed 293T cells Day...remaining well, a cell count is required for calculating the titer. Incubate for 48–72 h. Gently aspirate...leading to underestimation of the true titer. Calculate the transduction units per mL (TU/mL) using either...
  6. Transfection for Recombinant Antibodies

    ...with shaking platform set to 120 rpm 37 °C bead bath Vortex Stir bar Magnetic stir plate pH meter Reagents...compliance with your institution’s biosafety regulations. Last Update: February 18, 2022 Workflow Timeline...water in a 1 L bottle and stir on a magnetic stir plate. Stir until all particles have dissolved. Note: ...flask.Incubate in a 37 °C, 5% CO 2 incubator on a shaking platform set to 120 rpm. Pro-Tip Do not use cells that ...
  7. AAV Purification by Iodixanol Gradient Ultracentrifugation

    ...gradient medium suitable for virus purification and isolation of cells, organelles, lipoproteins, and macromolecules....001% Pluronic-F68 in PBS + 200 mM NaCl (C) (formulation buffer) Add 5 mL of Buffer B and 2 mL of 5 M ...supernatant on top of the gradient. Use 1X PBS (or formulation buffer) to top off the tube. Seal the QuickSeal...not easily removed. After each spin, add more formulation buffer and sample and make sure to pipet less than 500 µL, bring up the volume with formulation buffer. Use a P1000 to the bottom of the filter...
  8. Plasmid Modification by Annealed Oligo Cloning (with Protocols)

    ... Let's assume that your favorite vector has a relatively limited MCS (BamHI - EcoRI - SalI) and you want...treat your cut vector it is necessary to use 5'-phosphorylated oligos. This is an option that can be added...ordering them or can be performed enzymatically later. Experimental Procedure Digest and purify vector...2-3μL into your favorite competent bacteria and plate. Be sure to pick multiple colonies for mini-prepping...
  9. Colony Formation Titering Assay

    ...(μL) Volume of Virus Added to Plate (μL) Volume of Cells Added to Plate (μL) Final Viral Dilution 1:10...solution and, therefore, the cells cannot be used for later experiments. Workflow Timeline Day 0: Seed and transduce...integration events decreases as the dilution increases. Calculate the transduction units per mL (TU/mL) as follows...
  10. Handling Plasmids from Addgene - Purifying Plasmid DNA

    ... Gel DNA Purification Streaking and Isolating Bacteria Inoculating a Liquid Bacterial Culture Introduction...bacterial culture. For details on how to streak a plate to get individual colonies and to generate liquid... opens in a new window) Promega sell kits for isolating plasmid DNA in quantities as low as a few micrograms...
  11. Kit Free RNA Extraction

    ... Work in a well-ventilated space and under a fume hood when working with the volatile reagents in the ...nucleoprotein complexes. The effectiveness of your RNA isolation will depend on how effective your cell lysis protocol...
  12. AAV Production in HEK293 Cells

    ...controller Hazardous waste container pH meter Stir plate Magnetic stir bar Sonicator Ear protection Vortex...reach 100% confluence (80–90% is ideal). Pass and plate the cells the day before the transfection. Thaw ...incubator for 24 h–36 h. Proceed with transfection: Calculate the amount of each plasmid needed to have a 1:... Therefore, for each plasmid we need: Sample Calculations RepCap: 0.08 μg/bp × 7,265 bp = 582.1 μg Volume...
  13. Protocol - How to Create a Bacterial Glycerol Stock

    ...competent cells and retransform. Bacteria on an LB agar plate can be stored at 4°C for a few weeks. However, if...glycerol stocks. Procedure Follow the steps for Inoculating an Overnight Liquid Culture . After you have ...stock unthaw! Streak the bacteria onto an LB agar plate . Grow your bacteria overnight at the appropriate...
  14. Centrifugation

    ... the two, use a conversion calculator or chart like the G Force calculator (Link opens in a new window...protocol. Pro-Tip Spin speed is often given as Relative Centrifugal Force (RCF) or Revolutions Per Minute...
  15. Molecular Biology Protocol - Restriction Digest of Plasmid DNA

    ...reaction in 1 hour. Using this ratio, you can calculate the minimal amount of enzyme for your reaction...did not cut, check to make sure that it isn't methylation sensitive . Plasmids grown in Dam... (Link opens in a new window) NEB's table of methylation sensitive restriction sites . Sometimes enzymes...
  16. DNA Quantification

    ...Calculate your DNA sample concentration and purity using Addgene’s DNA Quantification Protocol....Quantification DNA Quantification You may also like... Inoculating a Liquid Bacterial Culture Recovering Plasmid...
  17. Water Bath Protocol

    ... water, not tap water, to prevent salts from accumulating on the surfaces of the water bath as the water... your experiment. Water baths tend to heat up relatively slowly. Place the water bath cover on the top...
  18. Protocol - How to Ligate Plasmid DNA

    .... Use a (Link opens in a new window) ligation calculator to easily quantify how much vector and insert...vector end. (Link opens in a new window) Ligation calculators are easily found on the web. Just enter the concentration...
  19. Pipetting Protocol

    Protocol in the liquid. Pro-Tip If pipetting from a relatively large container holding a small volume of liquid...liquid into different tubes or into wells of a microplate, you may consider using a multichannel pipette...
Showing: 21 - 40 of 45 results