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Showing: 1 - 15 of 15 results
  1. CRISPR Guide

    ...efficiency of Cas9 cleavage is relatively high and the efficiency of HDR is relatively low, a large portion of...modifying the methylation state of cytosines in a gene’s promoter or by inducing histone acetylation or demethylation... Select Your Desired Genetic Manipulation Different genetic manipulations require different CRISPR components...Select gene and genetic element to be manipulated In order to manipulate a given gene using CRISPR, you will...Plan Your Experiment Overview Select Genetic Manipulation Select Expression System Design gRNA Know your...has important practical implications, because a population of cells expressing Cas9 and a gRNA will result... to utilize HDR for gene editing, a DNA repair template containing the desired sequence must be delivered...
  2. Molecular Biology Reference

    ...enable isolation and purification of cellular components, such as DNA, but practically this isolation is only feasible for relatively short DNA molecules. In order to isolate a particular gene from human chromosomal... and manipulating genes. For instance, most plasmids are replicated in E. coli and are relatively small...20,000 basepairs) for physical isolation (purification) and manipulation. With current cloning technology...most commonly used is the Illumina NGS platform. This is the platform used by Addgene’s sequencing partner...of DNA, or templates, are spatially separated from each other. These attached DNA templates are then amplified... again producing ~1,000 copies of each template. Each template is then replicated using the modified bases...
  3. Antibody Guide

    ...produces a colored product that accumulates over time which is relative to the amount of enzyme present...quantify relative amounts of protein. Includes: Western blot ELISA Capture - used to isolate specific ... one type of antibody. Monocultures of B cells isolated from animals immunized as described above are ... regions of the antibody to be independently manipulated. Antibodies produced this way are called recombinant... used while suspended in the original media or isolated and placed in a buffer. Antibody Structure Figure...antibody fragments (shown in Figure 2) to completely unrelated molecules. Examples include: scFv - Single-chain...instead of modified antibodies and are not closely related to antibodies. Monobodies - Monobodies are synthetic...
  4. Promoters

    Guide various DNA regulatory sequences including enhancers, boundary elements, insulators, and silencers....RNA responsible for providing a stable template for the translation of a protein. RNA polymerase III transcribes...polymerase transcribes DNA to mRNA which is ultimately translated into a functional protein. Thus the promoter ...produced. The antisense strand is referred to as the template strand or non-coding strand as this is the strand...proteins which recruit RNA polymerase and control and regulate the transcription of DNA into mRNA. Promoter binding...promoter region stably and transcription of the template strand can initiate. The TATA box is a DNA sequence...proximal promoter which contains many primary regulatory elements. The proximal promoter is found approximately...
  5. Chemogenetics Guide

    ...previously used in human populations in Japan, making it an attractive option for translational studies, however... cellular pathways targeted to specific cell populations (most often neurons) that can be turned on or...therefore allowing precise control over the cell population they are targeted to. Early Chemogenetic Receptors...ligand. Ligand binding then activates G-proteins to modulate downstream signalling. GPCRs have been shown to...G-protein and activate neuronal firing through stimulating phospholipase C, which releases intracellular...and inhibit neuronal signalling by inhibiting adenylate cyclase and downstream cAMP production. There ...hM4Di, and is especially attractive for use in translational studies because it is FDA and EMA approved. ...
  6. Optogenetics Guide

    ...silence the same neuronal population, or activate different neural populations at distinct times. Temporal... Two factors determine which neuronal population is manipulated in a given experiment: the expression ...optics and genetic engineering to measure and manipulate cells (frequently neurons) and their governing...neurons upon exposure to light through direct stimulation of ion channels. Naturally occurring channelrhodopsins... nonspecific cation influx into the cell when stimulated. Channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2), the first widely ...Halorhodopsins are light-gated inward chloride pumps isolated from halobacteria. Wild-type halorhodopsin, known...High-efficiency blue-shifted channelrhodopsin from Platymonas subcordiformis 445 CoChR Channelrhodopsin from...
  7. Lentiviral Guide

    ...hepatitis virus post‐transcriptional regulatory element; sequence that stimulates the expression of transgenes... transfer plasmids include: Tet- or Cre-based regulation and fluorescent fusions or reporters. Browse ...researcher can use FACS to sort cells expressing GFP and later expand these cells into a cell line. Where does ...second vector in such as way that the insert may later be digested from this new vector and cloned into...Woodchuck Hepatitis Virus Posttranscriptional Regulatory Element Enhances Expression of Transgenes Delivered... to Top Glossary Plasmid Type Element Delivery relative to transgene Purpose Envelope VSVG in trans Vesicular...
  8. Guide to Using Pooled Libraries

    Guide, pooled libraries are supplied as a mixed population of plasmids in a single tube. Pooled libraries...may lead to false positives or false negatives in later experiments, and can also negatively affect data...every plasmid is adequately represented in the population, you’ll need to infect many more cells than the...the cells die, removing their plasmids from the population, and only a small fraction survive. After the... serves as a non-selected control. These two populations are then sequenced using NGS to determine which...
  9. Adenovirus Guide

    ... (ITRs). Genes are divided into early (E1-4) and late (L1-5) transcripts. There are 57 accepted human ...construct, and virus can be harvested about 7-10 days later. Vogelstein designed multiple shuttle vectors for...non-enveloped double-stranded DNA viruses. They are not related; however, AAV requires the presence of adenoviral...
  10. Retrovirus Guide

    ...hepatitis virus post‐transcriptional regulatory element; sequence that stimulates the expression of transgenes...-retroviral plasmids have similar names? The nomenclature of the plasmid backbone is meant to be descriptive...
  11. Cloning

    ... molecular cloning scientists can amplify and manipulate genes of interest and then insert them into plasmids...hundreds of available enzymes, many of which are relatively cheap. They also cut specific target sequences...and choice of restriction site. Because of the relatively long stretches of base pairing in the annealed...
  12. Educational Resources

    ...any of our eBooks to learn about popular topics related to our collections. Titles include: Plasmids 101...Read about plasmids in Addgene’s repository , and related molecular biology techniques. Topics include: Genome...
  13. Science Guides

    ...start learning about various scientific concepts related to our plasmid collection. Find links to the guides...optics and genetic engineering to measure and manipulate cells (frequently neurons) and their governing...
  14. Addgene's eBook Collection

    Guide need to know about plasmids, from parts, nomenclature, and uses to common promoters and cloning techniques...
Showing: 1 - 15 of 15 results