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Showing: 1 - 12 of 12 results
  1. Lentiviral Guide

    ...Lentiviral Components To increase the safety of lentivirus, the components necessary for virus production are...restriction sites but compatible with the Gateway® cloning system? Gateway® compatible vectors use recombination...Guide to lentiviral components, generations, and safe use in the lab Guides...Lentiviral Guide Components 2nd Generation 3rd Generation Viral Production FAQ References Glossary Lentiviral...2nd-generation systems, 4 for 3rd-generation systems). The components of both systems are as follows: Lentiviral transfer...reasons, transfer plasmids are all replication incompetent and may contain an additional deletion in the... When planning your experiment, the important component to consider and optimize is the transfer plasmid...
  2. Antibody Guide

    ...capture protein:DNA complexes. After capture, the DNA is released from the complex and can be licensed to multiple companies for sale. Before purchasing, directly compare the product information... size comparison of peptides. Independent antibody validation This method validates by comparing your ...configuration of a protein or a protein:protein complex. Due to their increased manufacturing requirements...from antibody fragments (shown in Figure 2) to completely unrelated molecules. Examples include: scFv -...nanostructures. Figure 2: An antibody (IgG, far left) compared to alternative affinity reagents (left to right...conjugating and signaling molecules, as some buffer components can interfere with the conjugate or conjugation...
  3. CRISPR Guide

    ...detecting multiple genomic loci, and compatible with live cell imaging. Compared to techniques like fluorescence...nuclease pair for every genomic target. Due to its comparative simplicity and adaptability, CRISPR has rapidly...approach. Engineered CRISPR systems contain two components: a guide RNA (gRNA or sgRNA) and a CRISPR-associated...Cas protein). The gRNA is a short synthetic RNA composed of a scaffold sequence necessary for meets two conditions: The sequence is unique compared to the rest of the genome. The target is present... protein and the gRNA form a ribonucleoprotein complex through interactions between the gRNA scaffold ...homology with the target DNA. Once the Cas9-gRNA complex binds a putative DNA target, the seed sequence ...
  4. Cloning

    ...overhang (blunt ends). Two pieces of DNA that have complementary overhangs, or which are both blunt-ended, can...which can make it difficult at times to identify compatible restriction enzymes, that cut your insert or ... in the DNA sequence and can be time consuming compared to other cloning methods. You can find a protocol...cloned into a gateway donor plasmid which contains compatible attP sites via a proprietary BP clonase (creating... plasmid, it can be rapidly shuttled into any compatible Gateway® Destination vector, which contain attR...restriction cloning, once your project has been completed via gateway cloning. Back to Top TOPO® Cloning...method that relies on the hybridization of the complementary base pairs adenine (A) and thymine (T). TOPO...
  5. Retrovirus Guide

    ..., the viral componentes are small enough to enter the nucleus through nuclear pore complex. This feature...gamma-retroviruses) in cancer and stem cell research has prompted the development of multiple virus packaging methods...methods. Across these methods, the followimg components are needed: γ-Retroviral transfer plasmid encoding...similar to lentiviral packaging methods. The three components described above (envelope, packaging, and transfer...slightly different isoforms of these packaging components. Therefore, lentiviruses may not be efficiently...lentivirus guide. Are γ-retroviruses replication incompetent? Yes, as with lentiviruses, the genes required...plasmid backbone is meant to be descriptive of the components found within the backbone. For example: pLXSN...
  6. Molecular Biology Reference

    ...editing is most commonly accomplished using CRISPR technology. CRISPR is composed of a DNA endonuclease ... proteins and reside on chromosomes, which are composed of DNA. These findings culminated in the central...from RNA, which is transcribed from DNA. DNA is comprised of 4 nucleotides or bases, adenine, thymine, cytosine...enable isolation and purification of cellular components, such as DNA, but practically this isolation ...expression of an endogenous gene. This is frequently accomplished through expression of an shRNA targeting the... Invitrogen; New England BioLabs E. coli B F dcm ompT hsdS(rB mB) gal ccdB Survival Invitrogen F- mcrA... pairs with a particular base on the other, complementary, strand. Specifically, A pairs with T and C ...
  7. Adenovirus Guide

    ...adenoviral components and vector construction... Science Guides Adenoviral Guide Adenoviral Guide Components Vector...Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Glossary Adenoviral Components The adenovirus genome is a linear, 36-Kb double-stranded...the viral vector renders the virus replication incompetent. E3 is involved in evading host immunity and ...essential for virus production. Deletion of these two components results in a transgene packaging capacity of ...either 293 or 911). To avoid creating replication competent virus, you should not serially propagate your ... of recombination events creating replication-competent virus increases with each round of amplification...
  8. Promoters

    ...promoters, transcription and the transcription complex....of a gene is initiated. Promoters are a vital component of expression vectors because they control the...Promoter binding is very different in bacteria compared to eukaryotes. In bacteria, the core RNA polymerase...other hand, the process in eukaryotes is much more complex. Eukaryotes require a minimum of seven transcription...Transcription Eukaryotic promoters are much more complex and diverse than prokaryotic promoters. Eukaryotic...away from the TSS. Eukaryotic promoters are so complex in structure that the DNA tends to fold back on...binding of the RNA polymerase. A transcription complex is constructed from the RNA polymerase and several...
  9. Adeno-associated virus (AAV) Guide

    ... Addgene’s AAV Guide will teach you about AAV components, serotypes, pseudotyping, and more.... AAV Guide Adeno-associated Virus (AAV) Guide Components Common Uses Viral Integration Serotypes Pseudotyping...Pseudotyping AAV Variants References AAV Components The small (4.8 kb) ssDNA AAV genome consists of two open...ITRs base pair to allow for synthesis of the complementary DNA strand. Rep and Cap are translated to produce... at a much lower frequency. As a replication-incompetent virus, AAV cannot enter the lytic cycle Other system variants include: Self-complementary AAV (scAAV): One downside of AAV is its single-stranded...DNA replication machinery to synthesize the complementary strand, transgene expression may be delayed....
  10. Chemogenetics Guide

    ...DREADDs. Compound 21 has similar potency as CNO, while DCZ is more potent than either CNO or Compound 21. ...demonstrating the need for alternative DREADD ligands. Compound 21, Deschloroclozapine (DCZ), Perlapine, and Olanzapine.... Both Compound 21 and DCZ seem to have minimal off-target activity, and do not seem to have the same .... Sci. USA 95:352–57. PMID: 9419379 Davies MA, Compton-Toth BA, Hufeisen SJ, Meltzer HY, Roth BL (2004...LA, Ellis RJ, Richie CT, Harvey BK, Dannals RF, Pomper MG, Bonci A, Michaelides M (2017). Chemogenetics...adrenergic receptor to engineer a receptor-effector complex for gene therapy. J Biol Chem. 276:1596-6. PMID...
  11. Guide to Using Pooled Libraries

    ...recommended to verify that the library is complete - an incomplete library may lead to false positives or... services. For an NGS company near you, please consult these links: NGS Company Resources Science Exchange...only way to accurately evaluate which library components are influenced by selection, so it’s essential...will survive Perform NGS on the surviving cells Compare NGS results between experimental and control cells...
  12. Optogenetics Guide

    ...H134 Widely used variant with larger photocurrent compared to CrChR2 450 ChETA E123T mutation; creates faster...expression. These plasmids rely on the engineered two-component regulatory system YF1/FixJ. YF1 is a synthetic... 17035522 Dugué GP, Akemann W, Knöpfel T. A comprehensive concept of optogenetics. 2012 Prog Brain Res...Ramakrishnan C, Mattis J, Prakash R, Diester I, Goshen I, Thompson KR, Deisseroth K. 2010 Molecular and cellular ...applying optogenetic tools derived from direct comparative analysis of microbial opsins. Nat Methods. 9(...K. 2011. Microbial opsins: a family of single-component tools for optical control of neural activity. ...
Showing: 1 - 12 of 12 results