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Showing: 1 - 5 of 5 results
  1. Lentiviral Guide

    ...produce lentivirus. What dictates lentiviral host cell range (tropism)? Lentiviral tropism is determined...particle production because it confers broad tropism over a range of species and cell types. For more infected host cells. When these antibiotics are added to the growth medium of the host cells, they ...integration of the transfer plasmid sequences into the host genome. Typically it is the sequences between and...and including the LTRs that is integrated into the host genome upon viral transduction. Many lentiviral ...envelope protein to interact with receptors at the host cell surface. The VSV-G envelope protein is commonly...contains the sequences that will incorporate into the host cell genome, but cannot produce functional viral...
  2. Retrovirus Guide

    ...integration of the transfer plasmid sequences into the host genome. Typically it is the sequences between and...and including the LTRs that is integrated into the host genome upon viral transduction. Most transfer plasmids...the VSV-G envelope provides the widest tropism or range of cells a virus can infect. Overview of Retroviral...dividing and non-dividing cells because once in the host cell cytoplasm, the viral componentes are small ...trans Vesicular somatitis virus G glycoprotein; Broad tropism envelope protein; Pseudotyped to alter infectivity...
  3. Adeno-associated virus (AAV) Guide

    ..., it displays very high infectivity across a broad range of cell types. The mutant AAV-DJ8 displays the...lysogenic cycle, wild-type AAV integrates into the host genome at a specific site, AAVS1 on human chromosome...cells for a period of years without damaging the host cell. In contrast, viral particles produced during... infection, which eliminates the requirement for host cell DNA synthesis. Unfortunately, this technique...
  4. Molecular Biology Reference

    ...conjugation), usually providing a benefit to the host, such as antibiotic resistance. This benefit can...plasmid exists in a symbiotic relationship with the host cell. Like the bacterial chromosomal DNA, plasmid... providing a survival advantage to the bacterial host. Each bacterium can contain multiple copies of an... our popular Plasmids 101 series covers topics ranging from the newest breakthroughs in plasmid scientists today come in many sizes and vary broadly in their functionality. In their simplest form,...
  5. CRISPR Guide

    ...(HDR) can generate specific nucleotide changes ranging from a single nucleotide change to large insertions...Another Cas9 alternative is xCas9 , which targets a broad set of PAM sequences, such as NG, GAA, and GAT, ...orthologs described above, Cas12a also expands the range of sites that can be targeted by CRISPR to AT-rich...1262. PMID: 30166441 Evolved Cas9 variants with broad PAM compatibility and high DNA specificity.. 2018...screens in E. coli identify essential genes and phage host factors. 2018. Rousset F, Cui L, Siouve E, Becavin...Commun . Jun 27;9(1):2489. PMID: 29950558 2017 A Broad-Spectrum Inhibitor of CRISPR-Cas9. 2017. Harrington...Alkhnbashi OS, Costa F, Shah SA, Saunders SJ, Barrangou R, Brouns SJ, Charpentier E, Haft DH, Horvath ...
Showing: 1 - 5 of 5 results