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  1. CRISPR Guide

    ...classes of base editors-- cytosine base editors (CBEs) and adenine base editors (ABEs) . Cytosine base editors...cytosine base editors, the evolved TadA domain is fused to a Cas9 protein to create the adenine base editor...Term Definition Base editor Fusion of a Cas protein to a deaminase that enables direct base conversion in.... Rees HA, Liu DR. Nat Rev Genet. . Dec;19(12):770-788. PMID: 30323312 CRISPR base editors: genome editing...have been engineered using cell-based selection approaches. Yeast-based screening systems resulted in evolved...(dCas9) to a cytidine deaminase like APOBEC. Base editors are targeted to a specific locus by a gRNA, ...on the opposite strand.) Likewise, adenosine base editors have been engineered to convert adenosine to...
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