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  1. CRISPR Guide

    ...classes of base editors were cytosine base editors (purine-to-purine) and adenine base editors (pyrimidine-to-pyrimidine...Overview of base editing More recently, researchers have developed base editors that can catalyze base transversions...transversions. These editors are based on cytosine base editors and similarly work by first converting cytidine... other base. In principle, the ability to induce base transversions means that any base-to-base conversion...handful of bases, or even a single base. These small precision edits can be done via HDR, base editing, ...Tagging CRISPR Base Editing To overcome low HDR efficiency, researchers have developed base editors to specifically...main types of base edits: Base transitions - edit to same classification of nucleotide base (purine-to-purine...
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