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  1. Fluorescent Protein Guide: Subcellular Localization

    ...Gadella 137803 EMTB-mTurquoise2 Microtubules EMTB mTurquoise2 Dorus Gadella 137807 mTurquoise2-MapTau Microtubules...mNeonGreen Dorus Gadella 98817 3xnls-mTurquoise2 Nucleus 3xNLS mTurquoise2 Dorus Gadella 98816 3xnls-mScarlet-I...mNeonGreen Dorus Gadella 98819 4xmt-mTurquoise2 Mitochondria 4xmts mTurquoise2 Dorus Gadella 98818 4xmts-mScarlet-I...mScarlet-I Dorus Gadella 98830 mTurquoise2-LaminB Nuclear Envelope LaminB mTurquoise2 Dorus Gadella 55069 mCherry-LaminB1...Davidson 98822 Lck-mTurquoise2 Plasma Membrane Lck N-terminal lipidation signal mTurquoise2 Dorus Gadella ... 36209 pPalmitoyl-mTurquoise2 Membrane Palmitoylation sequence from p63 mTurquoise2 Dorus Gadella 73206... Merrifield 36201 pLifeAct-mTurquoise2 Actin Filaments LifeAct mTurquoise2 Dorus Gadella 36202 pmTurquoise2...
  2. Fluorescent Protein Guide: FRET

    ...of monomeric Cerulean mTurquoise2 Cyan Mammalian Constructs to target mTurquoise2 to various subcellular...pmVenus(L68V)-mTurquoise2 Brightness standard used as positive control to characterize mTurquoise2 pmTurquoise2...negative control (no FRET) with pmVenus(L68V)-mTurquoise2 Back to Top Do you have suggestions for other...
Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 results